Empath Empowerment Pretenders. Gain Clarity!

Rose Rosetree
6 min readDec 26, 2020
What is an empath? What’s the real Empath Empowerment® system?

Empath Empowerment Pretenders don’t have to fool you. For sure, they won’t… Not after you’ve read today’s blog post.

Originally this Post Aimed to Describe

Rose Rosetree’s Standing to Teach Empaths

Because, as you may know, lately I’ve been publishing weekly articles. Finally summarizing my qualifications to teach Energy Spirituality.

  1. First, you can read about my credentials to teach Aura READING.
  2. By now that includes all these distinctive Energy Spirituality sessions for Energy READING.
  3. Next, you can read about my preparation to teach Aura HEALING.
  4. By now that includes all these distinctive Energy Spirituality sessions for Energy HEALING.
  5. Originally, I planned to share the story of how I became the first Empath Coach in America. (And quite possibly, anywhere.)

Only I’ll Make Quick Work of that Now, Due to a Recent Empath Shocker

Back in the 1980s I developed leading edge skills for Aura READING. Ditto for the skills at Aura HEALING. Also I’d learned skills that I’ll tell you more about in the fourth and final post of this series: Skills for cocreating with God, which led to the specialty of Enlightenment Coaching.

By the 1990s, I had one incredible summer, a summer of spiritual grace. Every day I wrote more of a book for empaths. Three months of that first-drafting led to more than three years of tough editing.

Eventually, voila! I published “Empowered by Empathy.” That became the first book published for empaths. Since replaced by more up-to-date books!

Preview them through this YouTube video for empaths. Yes, it helped having all that other background in order to start coaching empaths. Over the years I’ve developed online workshops for empaths. Plus, special ways of helping empaths during personal sessions.

Now, Regarding that Shocker….

Last week my friend Joe pointed out that Amazon now has a category within empath books. Specifically, Empath Empowerment at Amazon.com.

Sure enough, he’s right. You bet that’s shocking!!! If you click on that page, you’ll see a parade of trademark infringers.

Yes, “trademark infringement” means illegally using the name of another person’s trademarked system — like the name for my pioneering work with “Empath Empowerment®”.

So Many Empath Empowerment Pretenders

Amazon now lists 155 different books under “Empath Empowerment.” By all means, read through that list. Besides me, the originator of Empath Empowerment, who’s there?

Shameless people who are misrepresenting what they offer as if “Empath Empowerment” were some sort of generic way of helping empaths. (It isn’t.)

Every one of those authors and publishers knows they’re doing trademark infringement. Or else they should.

For one thing, my four books about Empath Empowerment® are right there on that list.

If I had the money of a Judith Orloff, I’d keep attorneys on retainer to prosecute all who do that. As you can guess, I don’t generally choose to dedicate my savings — or my time — to legally prosecuting people who infringe on my trademarks, or who have plagiarized from my (copyrighted) books. Maybe you’re curious…

Can Empath Empowerment Pretenders Get Away with This?

Yes and no. In this case, I know that long-term, folks are getting karma back for pretending to teach “Empath Empowerment®” etc.

Or copying the main title of my books on The Empowered Empath — Quick & Easy.” Also,The Empowered Empath: Owning, Embracing and Managing Your Special Gifts.”

Look, I don’t have to be there when they get what’s rightly coming to them. And let’s be clear. Far as I understand things, karma for trademark infringement, etc., is quite different from the kind of karma that’s clobbering me. I’m getting Leadership Karma.

By contrast, these infringers wouldn’t know intellectual leadership if it hit them on the side of the head, like with a 2X4 (board of wood).

What Is Leadership Karma?

Empath Empowerment Pretenders sure don’t do leadership. And it gets more pathetic, because…

Creators Have the Standing to Live as True Experts.

Pretenders Don’t.

Think about it. Who has the standing to teach something?

  • The person who created and trademarked a system, like “Empath Empowerment”?
  • Or somebody who simply copies — or steals — the name?

People who appropriate the title of “Empath Empowerment” totally lack the standing to legitimately teach it.

With Clarity You Can Spot Authors like these Empath Empowerment Pretenders

As far as I’m concerned, plagiarizing the name of my trademarked system is just the start of how these imitators show their lack of standing to write about Empath Empowerment. For instance, I’ve looked at the first page of hits at Amazon under “Empath Empowerment” and hello! From the titles and blurbs given right there, it’s easy to tell… You can check off the categories for yourself.

Category 1. Psychological Work Masquerading as True Helpers for Empaths

Some of these empath teachers are hawking psychological work. Only, oops!

Psychologists have been around for a very long time, in profusion, but none of them published the first book in English for empaths. That took a certain Energy Spirituality teacher; I’m no psychologist.

Category 2. Psychics Masquerading as True Helpers for Empaths

Sad but true: Other empath teachers are hawking psychic work. Such as thinking that energy sensitivity makes them empaths. Alternatively, empath talent as though it’s related to working as an “intuitive” or psychic.

Personally, I couldn’t disagree more strongly. Check out this blog post, Empaths Are Not Psychics.” You just might wind up agreeing with me.

Category 3. Double the irrelevant approaches.

What’s with the third group of empath teachers who claim to offer “Empath Empowerment”?

They offer both: A bit of pop psychology (or the equivalent) + some feelgood energy/psychic ideas.

Anybody who thinks that really helps empaths? Guess they don’t know the stories of empaths who have received empath-specific, empowering help.

Worst of All, the Empath Empowerment Pretenders Have a Certain Advantage

You know why, Blog-Buddies? These empath teachers are repackaging familiar concepts. Now adding a slightly new twist — such as abundantly throwing in the word “empath.”

Very attractive to people who want something Oprah-ish! I’d expect empath teachers in all these three categories to have a distinct marketing advantage over me. But haha!

Discerning Empaths Can Tell the Diff

Because this system works — for instance, by preventing Imported STUFF from clogging up empaths’ auras. (None of the imitators know how to prevent this.) And this system works because it’s the only system to teach how to do Skilled Empath Merge.

Personally, a empath teacher who can’t do Skilled Empath Merge? To me, that’s like a stylist who never wears any clothing except for borrowed underwear.

No blouse. No skirt. Forget about shoes. Yet that’s still some kinda outfit. Only would that fool a discerning viewer? You might think that being able to wear a complete outfit? That might be pretty important for a fashion expert.

As for the Biggest Difference of All…

Most important, the real “Empath Empowerment® system” works by using skills that involve gentle, easy shifts to sense of self. (Also guiding empaths to make subtle shifts in consciousness, if you want to get technical about how the system works.) Psychologists and psychics don’t really deliver that way.

  • Offering behaviors to “avoid overwhelm”? Empaths are far more than that.
  • Or giving empaths busywork that involves noticing energies all day long? Hello, let’s talk empaths who are human! We don’t need to live as if we are discarnate spirits, surfing the world’s energies.

Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due

Thanks to all you empaths who have somehow — near miraculously — found authentic help with real-deal Empath Empowerment®. Maybe some of you were able to compare this with other systems. In which case, in a very personal way, you realized:

“This works. All of Rose’s books and online workshops for empaths ring true. Clearly, Rose Rosetree has the standing to teach Empath Empowerment®.”

Which is why we might want to break out a 4th Category for this real-deal teaching of Empath Empowerment®.

Meanwhile, I sure wish those other empath teachers had the simple decency… To stop pretending, whether to others or to themselves… Pretending that they’re teaching Empath Empowerment®.

BTW, What Is an Empath?

A person with uncommon sensitivity, an instinct for truth. Specifically, every empath born in this world has at least one gift for directly experiencing what it is like to be another person.

Rose Rosetree says, “Thanks for reading this article.”



Rose Rosetree
Rose Rosetree

Written by Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at rose-rosetree.com. She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.

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