Drug Highs, Energy Healing, and Empath ANYTHING

Rose Rosetree
5 min readOct 29, 2020

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Warning: Drug Highs. Colorful packages are selling a slow poison

Drug Highs, Energy Healing, and Empath ANYTHING. For instance, what is an empath? Somebody stoned on drugs?

Yowza, not! Let’s clear up some confusions. Let’s gain us some clarity.

Today a student, Gladys, asked me:

“Has anyone had any experience or heard of xtacy opening up the Heart Chakra and revealing empathic gifts?”

Drug Highs. Can They Really Reveal Empath Gifts?

Gladys’s question is relevant to anyone interested in deeper perception, energy healing, and drugs. Not just those of us who are empaths.

So many beautiful spiritual seekers are getting themselves confused.

That doesn’t have to be. Let’s clear up some major confusions that can lead to far worse problems over time.

Drug Highs, Like with “Ecstasy”

What Does It Mean, Consciousness-Wise, to Get High?

Look, I’m going to get a little technical here, but do you want to understand the truth about this or not?

Good. I was hoping so. Then spend the minute:

For all humans living on earth there are three vibrational frequencies. Each one corresponds to something about one’s psychological makeup:

  • Human Vibrational Frequencies = The conscious mind
  • Astral Vibrational Frequencies = The subconscious mind
  • Divine Vibrational Frequencies = The Higher Self

Say that Joe gets high on Ecstasy (aka “Molly” and MDMA). Automatically his consciousness becomes positioned at an Astral Vibrational Frequency. That’s due to how his body chemically responds to the drug.

As the drug’s name promises, Joe might feel just great while he’s high. Instead of having consciousness positioned at human vibrational frequencies, he is floating around in the astral. Feeling so free. And as though every tiny thought or feeling or sensation is so very truly meaningful.


Drug Highs Are an Illusion

From a human perspective, this is not meaningful but sheer nonsense. Joe’s far-out subjective experiences are druggy. Will they help him to deal with human reality? Of course not.

Any “meaningful” insights are just as likely to be crazy-talk. At least to those with an un-stoned human perspective.

And, did you know? The best goodies of this world go to those who are sane and well-positioned in human reality.

Although I haven’t yet done any blog posts about people under the influence of the “Hug Drug” — and whatever else “Ecstasy” is called on the street — hello! I have done a ton of aura research on other recreational drugs. Long story short? They’re a slow poison.

Plenty of Bad Happens to Auras of Those Who Choose Drug Highs.

Specifically, what happens?

Astral-level garbage, STUFF, is deposited in the person’s aura.

True, our motto in Energy Spirituality goes like this: “STUFF can always, always, always be healed.”

Nonetheless, even with those skills, it can take many sessions to get back to normal. Why take five Energy Healing sessions — or however many — to move out the consequences of drug highs?

Illusory highs that can be so casually deposited in a person’s mind-body-spirit system.

Since my work sometimes involves helping clients to un-wreck themselves, hello! I have skin in this game.

Therefore, I have a real passion for alerting you’all to some of the crazy-talk that people say when stoned.(Crazy talk that they later report to me. As if it’s wisdom. Meanwhile their auras are screaming, “Help, something in here’s not right!”

Reading Auras and Chakras While Stoned?

Sure that happens. Why? Because most of aura reading reveals what’s happening at Astral Vibrational Frequencies. (And auras are mostly made of that.)

What else is astral, besides most aura reading? Randomly experiencing somebody’s aura can happen totally easily while high.

Remember, high on drugs = positioning of consciousness in the astral.

For Example

Joe’s awareness will be positioned in the astral whenever he’s in a drugged-out state. Of course he can notice auras… in a confused and random fashion.

Oh how seductive those experiences can be, with their great visuals and the ring of majesty! The Romance of the Astral at its most addictive and delusional while somebody is stoned. Not exactly surprising!

So what? That sure ain’t reliable, sane, skilled aura reading. Which can deliver loads of practical benefits. And which needs to be based in a the conscious waking state.

Otherwise it isn’t really aura reading but aura drifting. And it won’t be either accurate or especially helpful.

If you should have a friend like JOE who, unfortunately, is into drugs for now, don’t trust a word he says about his experiences while high.

Or maybe the rest of the time, either.

How about “Beautiful Energy Healings” While High”?

More illusions! Yowza, suffice it to say this: What does it mean when somebody refers vaguely to “energy healings” while on a drug high? You’re talking to a dabbler. Or a fool.

Spaced-out Joe, tripping around in the astral, can call his perceptions whatever he likes.

But that doesn’t mean his “healings” improve his life or anyone else’s… in reality.

Finally, Debunking the Idea of a Drug High “Activating” Empaths

Ack, such confusion! Confusion-delusion! Induced by hanging out in the astral and then drawing random connections from random perceptions!

No skills, folks. No clarity of waking state consciousness, either. Just loads of righteousness-flavored self-authority. Sigh!

What if you ask that person, “What do you think an empath is, anyway?” You are likely to hear vague clichés that are oh-so-very inaccurate.

Trust me here, since I’m America’s most experienced Empath Coach. Notably, I’m a teacher of Empath Empowerment®. (The real deal. Note the registered service mark, which imitators can’t copy.)

Empath Gifts Are Never “Activated”

Either a person has them or not. Like… for life.

By definition, an empath is somebody who has at least one significant gift for directly experiencing what it is like to be another person. That simple.

Based on my experience helping clients, it is way easy for a qualified Empath Coach to research ANYBODY’s aura for empath gifts. I’ve done that a lot. Clearly, empath gifts are for life. Different, say from “activating your ability” to ride a bicycle. (Which I’d consider a skill, not an ability. Wouldn’t you?)

For some pregnant women who were my clients, I’ve researched the presence or absence of specific empath gifts for the child in utero. While sometimes I’ve done this research for women who were carrying twins.

Every empath gift is for life. It’s that simple.

“Activation” belongs to the other illusory experience of somebody hanging out in the astral. That’s all.

Photo by Mike Von on Unsplash.



Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at rose-rosetree.com. She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.