Creativity Myths Can Squelch Your Talent
But This Article Can Help
Calling all Writers, Entrepreneurs,
And Folks Who Seek Better Relationships
What do all of us have in common? Problems arise. Solving them requires creativity.
But yours won’t work if — without knowing it — your creativity is blocked by these Seven Stooopid Myths about creativity.
So let’s get to smashing those creativity-smashers!
Overcome Creativity Myths.
#1. The “Creativity Department”
So many people believe that, when it comes to the Creativity Department???
Either you’re born a winner or else you’re a loser.
But from an Energy Spirituality Perspective
All of us are born with creativity. Without exception.
For example, right now, guess what? In your aura you’ve got a Belly Chakra Databank for Using Creativity.
Including a lifelong gift of your soul!
What you make of that gift is up to you, right? Energy Spirituality sessions can help you to move out STUFF in your aura that blocks your creativity.
Overcome Creativity Myths.
#2. Creative Talent = Born with Technical Knowledge
Like if you’re interested in making pottery, just do it.
If you have talent, you’ll know just what to do.
But if you don’t know what to do. Or you need more than one lesson?
Why bother? Obviously you don’t have talent. Otherwise you’d know what to do. Like Mozart playing the harpsichord at age three.
But from an Energy Spirituality Perspective
When you were born, Blog-Buddies, you didn’t even know you had toes. Maybe you don’t remember but, with your adult understanding, spend some time with a baby.
Why would creativity hinge on knowing how to do something.
Sure, Mozart’s story reminds us that there really are prodigies. A more contemporary example is Mahalia Jackson. The great singer took the initiative to start singing in public at age five. “When someone asked her how she learned to sing, she replied, ‘I sing exactly the way I feel.’ “
- Very rarely, somebody is born with that kind of life contract. Highly unusual!
- Probably that soul previously paid the price for the musical skill.
- Devoting many previous incarnations, again and again, refining that form of creativity.
Lifetimes like these are the exception that proves the rule.
In order to gain technical skill at any form of creativity, we must do some learning.
Namely, we must learn the skills required to succeed at that creative activity.
Learning that doesn’t make us untalented. It shows we’re smart. And willing to do what humans need to do in order to succeed.
Overcome Creativity Myths.
#3. Technical Skills = Creativity Skills
So many people make this assumption. According to society’s mainstream notions, if you take singing lessons or learn how to throw pottery on a wheel… Automatically you’ll find your creative spark.
Countless people believe this. They never learn how to succeed at using their own creativity.
Even worse, respected voice teachers don’t necessarily have good creativity skills. Same with pottery teachers.
Apples and kiwis, folks!
But from an Energy Spirituality Perspective
I developed an online workshop to meet that need.
Perhaps there are other workshops that successfully teach creativity skills. But where are they?
All I know is that “Creativity Secrets with Soul” exists in order to teach creativity skills.
It took me decades to develop those skills. You can learn them from this workshop.
Otherwise? Find a workshop you like better, advancing creativity skills.
One way or another, Blog-Buddies, you deserve to learn how to access your creativity.
Overcome Creativity Myths.
#4. Creative Success Means Following a $$$ Success Path
If you’re good at any creative endeavor, does that mean you must make it your life?
Such as the myth that, “If God gave you talent, you must turn pro.”
For example, suppose that you take a pottery workshop.
You get pretty good at throwing pots on a wheel. Your glazing is gorgeous. Pretty exciting success so far!
Unfortunately, if you believe this awful Creativity Myth #4, you can’t stop there. You “shouldn’t.” Instead, these are your next steps:
- Sell your pottery online.
- Develop a website.
- Get followers and fans.
- Work social media so you can earn a reputation.
- Make good money at pottery. Of course you can, if you’ve got talent.
But from an Energy Spirituality Perspective
Sadly, that misses the point. IMO as a teacher of creativity skills, all that shallow out-reach means just one thing:
Your soul is not being consulted. So far, although you’ve learned technical skills, you haven’t learned the most important creativity skills, which include expressing your soul.
The creative activity isn’t going to fulfill you. Not until you’re expressing your soul whenever you do creative projects.
Sadly, all the outreach and hits and sales in the world… Won’t satisfy that essential human need, to express your soul.
Overcome Creativity Myths.
#5. The Purpose of Your Creativity Is to Become Rich & Famous
How would that be possible?
On Twitter I explore hashtags for writers. Like #Writing Community and #amwriting. In general, I enjoy reading about people. Discovering that there are so many ways to pursue professional writing. However:
- Again and again, people tweet about how they’re “aspiring writers.” Of course, they could simply write!
- Even worse, many describe themselves as “I’m going to write a bestseller.”
- One woman wrote, to paraphrase, “When I’m a famous writer, I promise you. I’ll still go onto Twitter to inspire the rest of you.” Man oh man, did that tweet receive a lot of LIKES.
Certainly I’d recommend believing in that Creativity Myth #5 — if you’d like to head down a path of disappointment and frustration.
Witness what I noted in this article about people driven to promote themselves through fake bestsellers.
But from an Energy Spirituality Perspective
Fame is the most addictive drug on the planet.
When you learn good creativity skills, you’ll escape the trap of using creativity to seek fame. Or seeking fame, period.
(Interesting typo I just made and corrected: “Or seeking PAIN, period.)
Overcome Creativity Myths.
#6. Fame Earned through Creativity, Will Satisfy You.
So many miserable, messed-up “success stories” offer ample evidence to the contrary.
For example, I’ve published this ongoing list of celebrities whose auras I’ve read. Click on that list and read about what’s going on with the aura of that Highly Successful Creative.
It’s so rare for them to be doing well. Quite the opposite!
But from an Energy Spirituality Perspective
When you learn to express your soul through creativity, hello!
That fulfilment is golden. And I don’t mean “golden” like the famed Trump golden toilet.
Overcome Creativity Myths.
#7. Do What Everyone Else Is Doing
Supposedly, whatever the latest fad may be among other creative people, hooray! That’s gotta be “golden” for you.
For instance, on Twitter you’ll see a ton of writer-wannabes who are doing “Writing Sprints.”
Then these writers will brag about how many words they pushed out that day. As if that were helping them to become professional writers.
However, from an Energy Spirituality Perspective
What do folks get when they follow “The rules for creativity” when based in Creativity Myth #7? Or any creativity myths, actually.
What they accomplish is:
- Wasting their time
- Further messing up their auras
Probably they’re guaranteeing what else?
If creativity wannabes are seriously pouring heart-&-soul into a foolish pursuit
Forcing themselves to succeed at the latest empty creativity fad like this one?
The terrible habits they develop will cause them to cripple themselves as writers.
You’re Inspired, I Hope.
But what if instead you feel uncomfortable? Even worried?
And if reading this makes you feel sad or angry or scared, do something about it.
If it helps, you can book a personal session of Energy Spirituality. Let’s research what it really does to you, including the aforementioned Use Creativity chakra databank. (Technically, I’ll be helping you with the skill called Consciousness Positioning Consults®.)
Otherwise, don’t follow the latest fad. Instead you can make choices that honor your soul. And honor your talent.
And maybe consider
Of course, you’re invited to COMMENT at the Energy Spirituality blog. There’s your link!
This week my personal blog passed 82,000 comments. You must might meet some highly creative people there.