Could Your Personal Growth Be Stuck? Yet You Have No Clue???
What You Learn Here Can Bring Clarity
Avoid 7 Common Growth Stiflers. Imagine if you could read a simple blog post that helps you to set new personal standards! Imagine progressing more effortlessly toward your personal goals for growing! Well, you’re here.
All you need do to benefit from this learning opportunity is to read. And maybe think a bit. And maybe even comment at the version of this article at my personal blog.
Yes, this article is set up for Q&A. So COMMENT away and ask about any questions that occur to you. Any But-But-But’s. Personal stories — both good and bad — are also most welcome.
Where I’m Coming From
For 55 years I’ve worked as a teacher of personal development. In person, I’ve taught workshops in New York, Los Angeles, Boston, Cincinnati, Seattle, Miami, and the metro D. C. area. Sometimes I’ve taught Energy Spirituality workshops in England and Ireland. In Japan I became the most sought-after energy healer in the 28-year history of VOICE seminars.
Bringing a different kind of perspective, how about what I’ve learned by facilitating personal sessions of Energy Spirituality®? By the start of this year I had already facilitated 38,500 personal sessions over Skype etc. Helping clients worldwide. (I’ll count up the new number at the start of 2025.)
Today I’m writing in response to something troubling that I’ve seen happening around me. Happening far too often.
Many people have good experiences when they seek personal growth, spiritual awakening, and other perfectly reasonable aspirations. Sometimes, though, folks settle for way less growth than they could receive. Preventing that kind of frustration is the purpose of today’s article.
What Can Help You to Grow Faster NOW?
That’s the point. I’m sharing my perspective as someone with a track record for helping people who might be a lot like you. To help you with either personal growth or spiritual awakening. (Learn more about my background near the end of this post.)
What’s new about the Energy Spirituality® approach? It’s spiritual help with Divine energy built into the healing techniques. These cocreated skills are designed work now, in the Age of Awakening. Skills you may not even have known about before reading this article. Many of these skills . . . you can learn to do for yourself. To receive the benefit of other skills, book a session with an Energy Spirituality practitioner.
Those of us who lived through the New Age Years (from 1980 until the Shift on Dec. 21, 2012) would never have dreamed such a thing. But it’s true. The Shift ushered in a second consciousness era on Earth. Many skills, and so many beliefs, that seemed enduring back in the day? Overnight they became obsolete.
In general, it’s helpful for all self-actualizing people to learn some basics about how to live well in this Age of Awakening. Thereby innoculating ourselves against myths that cause confusion — as summarized in the link just provided. Developing new understandings that can serve us better.
Whether or not you’re interested in ever having a personal session of Energy Spirituality, guess what? Right now, you can gain clarity about how to progress faster along your chosen path. Together let’s take a look at seven common mistakes, and how you can graduate from them.
Avoid 7 Common Mistakes for Personal Growth #1
Since I Feel Okay . . .
The following idea is all too common:
Since I feel like I’m doing okay, why book a session for energy healing? My chakra databanks must be doing fine.
Not necessarily, folks. Kind of like how, wisely, you might get your teeth cleaned twice a year. Or you might get other kinds of routine checkups. Even if right now, sure, you’re feeling no pain.
But Aren’t You Already the World’s Expert on Yourself?
Yes and no. Agreed, you’re an expert on yourself in countless human ways. However, you’re not necessarily an expert on STUFF that you might have in your aura, limiting you subconsciously and energetically.
- STUFF that detracts from your quality of life.
- STUFF that could be expertly removed.
- And then you wind up with permanent improvement.
Avoid 7 Common Mistakes for Personal Growth #2
Causing Unnecessary Drama
You know this saying, don’t you, Readers?
1 Ounce of Prevention = 1 Ton of Cure
Differently put, why catch problems while they’re still small? Thqat sure beats getting help for big drama later.
As for the virtue in living with limitations that seem inevitable? You might be surprised how some limitations that you’ve been blaming on life . . . can vanish.
But How Can You Catch Underlying Problems Early?
All you need is good skills for reading your aura.
Hey, is it good enough to notice problems like a Red Aura? Or to take action only after somebody says you have developed a Black Aura?
Not if you’re a self-actualizing person. In the Age of Awakening it’s no longer optional, whether or not to get good skills for energetic literacy. Even if you’ve never considered this idea before, these skills could make such a difference for you. Stay with me here while I explain why.
First, If You’re Energy Sensitive, Is that Plenty?
Guess what? Out of all aura readers, the very proudest tend to have developed the fewest skills. That’s ironic. Inadvertently they may be ignoring problems for themselves. Problems that remain unsolved. Problems that worsen
Did you know? Wonderful though it is, there’s a technical name for your brilliant energy sensitivity. That name is Stage 1 Energetic Literacy. Enjoyable though it is to “get a sense of your energy,” etc., hold on. How precise is that?
Not at all. You’ll miss aura-level problems until they create stuckness. Even major drama.
Second, Did You Ever Receive a Chakra Reading?
Chances are, that chakra reading seemed really special. Well, it was . . . until the Shift. Before December 21, 2012, reading entire chakras was pretty darned advanced. Frankly, it was the best that energy healers and others could do before the Age of Awakening.
But since then? Now you can easily learn better skills. Technically, reading an entire chakra counts only as Stage 2 Energetic Literacy. Which is to say, this skill level won’t reveal problems that you might be having, problems that you — or a professional aura reader with more expertise — could help you to find. And then to solve.
Third, Are You Familiar with Reading Chakra Databanks?
An honest answer from many people is, “Sort of.” They’ve heard the name, and have the feeling that chakra databank means the same thing as chakra.
Well, chakra databanks are new. They weren’t discoverable until the Shift into the Age of Awakening. (Click at the link just provided to learn . . . who discovered chakra databanks?)
Sadly, the big names in energy healing today never talk about “chakra databanks.” Does that mean that chakra databanks don’t matter? Or maybe that some of those big names are over-rated.
Here’s WHY Chakra Databanks Matter
Personally, you have over 1,000 of them. Developing the skill to read them is, technically, known as Stage 3 Energetic Literacy. A skill that you can, pesonally learn.
You learned word literacy, didn’t you, back in the day? That took a little time, and practice. But once learned, this became a life skill for you.
Like that, you can definitely learn skills for energetic literacy. Once you do, what then?
So Much Useful Information
Today’s energetic literacy is not like psychic readings, which are often full of cosmic generalities. Every one of your chakra databanks contains three important kinds of info about you:
- A lifelong GIFT OF YOUR SOUL
- Last but not least, there’s the current QUALITY of that chakra databank.
Reading even one chakra databank can provide a great deal of info. For instance, recently, at this blog we’ve been exploring a Flash Contest where everyone who entered won a prize. Well, that prize consists of my reading just one chakra databank of the nominated public figure. Even that little bit of aura reading is so revealing. See for yourself by clicking onto the link just provided. Then scroll through the comments below the main post, which is where you’ll find most of the aura readings.
For self-actualizing people living now, it’s going to help you a lot when you can gain this degree of skill at reading auras. How to get started? Click on the link just provided for a sample of our state-of-the-art online workshop.
Avoid 7 Common Mistakes for Personal Growth #3
Order Your Healing, Like at a McDonald’s
“I’ll only book a session of Energy Spirituality if I can tell you which skills to use.”
This is an understandable idea, but it won’t serve you well. Why not?
Because you don’t know as much as a professional in the field. Thus, you don’t know the full range of skills in today’s Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING. Basically, you don’t have the standing to tell a practitioner which Healing Centerpiece to select.
Wise consumers avoid The Delicatessen Model for personal growth services. As Alexander Pope wisely observed, “A little learning is a dangerous thing.”
For Example, Asking Me to Cut Your Cord of Attachment to “Sam”
Hey, excellent results come from using the system of 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment®. But this is only one of dozens of skills available now to this Energy Spirituality Practitioner.
Maybe you haven’t yet heard of some of the more advanced skills available now. They include:
Trust your Energy Spirituality Practitioner to know a full range of professional skills. Then match the form of energy healing for your session . . . to what will be most helpful for you.
And yes, some of you may know that one advantage I have for energy healing is this: Skill as a consciousness engineer.
Avoid 7 Common Mistakes for Personal Growth #4
Questionable Assumptions about Your Personal Growth
Have you heard them too, Readers? I’ve sure heard plenty of questionable goals for personal development. Such as?
- “Being relaxed and chill is my ultimate. That’s why I do my Mindfulness practice many times daily.”
- “They’re my chakra databanks. I ought to know how they’re doing.”
- “I’m very spiritual.” So that’s all I need.
Take a turn, Readers. What is your reaction to any of the three preposterous ideas listed above?
COMMENT at the version of this article at my personal blog. However you like, add to this comment conversation. Whether you’re sharing a story of your personal experience, or you’re letting us know your opinion. Go for it!
Avoid 7 Common Mistakes for Personal Growth #5
I’m Working on My Issues. No Other Help Needed
Thank you, Oprah? Hey, if it hadn’t been Oprah Winfrey during the New Age Years, it would have been somebody similar. Somebody full of advice for helping people to “Be My Own Therapist.”
The appeal is obvious. Also, the price is right. Who doesn’t loooooove FREE?
Unfortunately, there’s a great deal of busywork out there in the self-help marketplace. And just plain rotten advice. Did you know? One way to evaluate different paths is to do quality aura reading of the teachers who advocate the whatevers.
In the context of awful advice, who comes to mind for you, Readers? Recently I’ve done aura research that showed some pretty surprising results about these popular teachers. By all means, check out what I’ve learned about these influencers:
- Brené Brown — Comments #312–333
- Robert Madu — Comments #476–481.
- Yogi Aaron — See Mistake 5 at “I’m Too Smart to Need a Teacher”
Avoid 7 Common Mistakes for Personal Growth #6
Knowing It All. (Though Not Really)
A natural high comes from using energy sensitivity. (Usually this amounts to using Stage 1 Energetic Literacy. As mentioned earlier in this article.)
- Energy sensitivity feels personal. As if doing this makes you special.
- Folks tend to credit their own personal amazingness for their energy sensitivity.
- Although, in truth, ever since the New Age Years, guess what? Everybody who desires to become energy sensitive . . . IS!
Look, it’s natural and appropriate for energy sensitivity to cause a person to feel special. Yet, encouraged by teachings with low truth value, guess what? A seeker of personal development can conclude, in all modesty: I know it all.
What’s an alternative reason to feel that way? Having developed the consciousness lifestyle of Spiritual Addiction. This can lead to a natural high.
Unfortunately, did you know this? Folks in the consciousness lifestyles of either Spiritual Addiction or Psychological Overwork are not growing at all. Neither growing emotionally. Nor growing spiritually. It only feels that way, like seeing a mirage.
Of course, the good news is that if you learn in a session with me that you currently have one of these consciousness lifestyles, phew! I can mentor you with precise instructions to overcome it. Doing this could be pretty easy, too.
So Tricky
Knowing it all is tricky, isn’t it? Here are a few ideas I’ve heard from some of my students. Can you find anything wrong with them?
- “I’ve done Energy Spirituality.”
- “You cut my cord of attachment to my Ex. That’s all I needed.”
- “I seek something flashy. To me, healing only counts if I FEEL something special.”
By all means, COMMENT at the version of this article at my personal blog. Add your ideas. Or ask for mine. Whether you’re sharing a story of your personal experience, or you’re letting us know about your opinion. Go for it!
Avoid 7 Common Mistakes for Personal Growth #7
I’ll Stick to My Tried-and-True
Hey, this reminds me of a popular Age of Faith Hymn: Give me that old time religion. It’s good enough for me.”
Take a listen to the link just provided. Beautiful, hearing that sung by the great Mahalia Jackson. Listening just now brought tears to my eyes.
But let’s get real. Sentimentality aside. Mood-making aside . . . .
During the Age of Faith, loyalty and trust were prime religious virtues. Nowadays? Not so much.
Now it is possible for people to experience God. Not just believe.
Not only to have faith like a mighty fortress, solid as a rock. Of course, fortresses totally lack direct experience of God. More to the point, so do most people who follow Age of Faith religious dogma now. Because that first consciousness era on Earth is OVER!
Hey, Do You Proudly Wear the Same Hairdo and Clothes from 1990?
Some kinds of loyalty can be misplaced, you know? Yet I encounter staunch loyalty from some folks who want to grow emotionally and spiritually. They keep doing the usual, such as techniques that millions of seekers learned back during the New Age Years:
“I have a great healing routine. I give myself energy clearings! I’ve done it for more than 10 years. And it always works.”
Hint: The speaker has developed only Stage 1 Energetic Literacy. And thus has no way of telling if those energy clearings work as advertised.
“Three times a day I ask Archangel Michael to cut all my cords of attachment.”
Technically speaking, this is nonsense.
Take a look, if you like, at this Discernment Jamboree about Cutting Cords of Attachment.Or else you can simply take my word for it: Archangel Michael is powerful. But nobody can help you to “cut all my cords of attachment.” This can’t work, except for mood-making or faith.
Let’s live and learn, Readers. And let’s do some of live-and-learning TOGETHER!
Where I’m Coming From, Sharing Today’s Blogpost
Are you curious about where Energy Spirituality comes from? Click on the link just provided to learn my story.
One client at a time, one student at a time, I aim to help folks to use their full potential in life. Aka, “Enlightenment.”
At this blog you can read many success stories about Enlightenment Validation. Here are three of my favorites:
- Enlightenment Validation for Aria
- Enlightenment Validation for Logan Gonzales
- And Enlightenment Validation for Leo in Norway
Today I’ve blogged based on what I’ve seen happening around me. Many people have good experiences when they seek personal growth, spiritual awakening, and other perfectly reasonable aspirations. Sometimes, though, folks settle for way less than they could achieve. Preventing that kind of frustration was the purpose of today’s article.
In Conclusion
It’s pretty easy to book an Energy Spirituality session twice a year. Preparing for these sessions can be easy. Hint: Our blogpost next Monday can help.
Now, let today’s Q&A begin. Here come some sample ideas. Answer the following questions. Or ask them.
- Ask about any form of energy healing you like. Does it work well in the Age of Awakening? Or is it mainly gliding by on its reputation?
- Have you ever heard of The Enlightenment Establishment? What are the pro’s and con’s?
- Many empaths believe they heal people. Is this true?
- Will a really good aura reading bring you healing? Many folks assume this is so. But is it?
- If you want to become a really good aura reader, does it help to be slightly tipsy on alcohol?
- How about high on weed? Will that help you to read auras well?
- Traditionally, the best aura readers were psychics. Is that true to this day? Or could the opposite be true? Might studying psychic development even be dangerous in the Age of Awakening? How about depending on any psychic or intuitive when your goal is personal growth?
Thanks for reading, everyone. Here’s to our learning together as we discover how to accelerate personal growth, now that every human alive is living in the Age of Awakening.
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