Considering Your Personal ENERGY…

How Can that Shape Your Sense of Self?

Rose Rosetree
7 min readJul 8, 2021
You’re not the only one who sometimes wonders, “Who am I?”

Energetic Sense of Self — Maybe that has been important to you lately. For example:

  • Do empaths need to take special care of ourselves: Like, monitoring ourselves constantly?
  • Also, can’t non-empaths also benefit from a stronger sense of self? Or is energetic sense of self guaranteed to be excellent, so long as you’re not an empath?

Empaths and non-empaths alike, what you read below just might help you.

Especially if you’re wondering about your ENERGETIC sense of self.

What IS Your Energetic Sense of Self?

Simply put, that energetic sense of self is just one version of who you are. Considering how very many important versions you’ve got:

  • Such as sense of self sexually
  • Or sense of self based on social status.
  • Or sense of self regarding how pretty or handsome you consider yourself.

You get the idea. Being human is complicated. Ever notice?

At least your energetic sense of self doesn’t have to be complicated. Just as you have your physical body, you’ve got a lot of energy bodies surrounding it. Altogether, these energy bodies make up your aura. And your energetic sense of self depends on how well your aura is doing.

That said, what can you learn about your sense of self ENERGETICALLY?

If you’re energy sensitive… Bet you are! Then you can easily get a general sense of that. Just casually ask yourself, “How am I doing, energetically?”

Whereas professional expertise at assessing energetic sense of self? That can bring clarity, leading to improvement in your life. Being the founder of Energy Spirituality, I have developed the standing to assess this sort of thing, if I’m in session with you. That matters because the rest of your session might involve some professional-level problem solving.

And which kinds of problem can be solved by strengthening your energetic sense of self?

  • Maybe a stuck relationship, where you’re not getting enough respect.
  • Or worrying whether you’re going to get fired from your job.
  • Wishing that you were married. Just as bad — possibly wishing that you were not!

In short, sense of self problems aren’t usually labeled as such. Rather, they’ve got plenty of other names. (Which could be annoyingly familiar to you.)

Energetic Sense of Self for You, Whether You’re an Empath or NOT

Of course, bringing clarity is the purpose of today’s post. Just to make sure we’re talking on the same screen. Or the same page, if you’ve printed out this article ;-)

Let’s go for some useful definitions. (As always, coming from our distinctive Energy Spirituality point of view.)

What is an empath?

Empaths come into this world with at least ONE lifelong gift for directly experiencing what it is like to be another person.

Look, I’ve got so much more to tell you about this. Unless you already know a lot about Empath Empowerment® ? Please click on this latest link. Because this knowledge can help you so much.

Meanwhile, continuing here…

What is a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)?

An HSP is highly sensitive but not quite an empath. Clarifying, I refer to empaths as Highly-Highly Sensitive Persons.

According to Elaine Aron, Ph.D., who coined this term: HSPs are an estimated 1 in 5 people.

By contrast, empaths are an estimated 1 in 20 people.

What are you if neither an empath nor an HSP?

Does that make you a nothing, sensitivity-wise? Hardly. Check out this article, introducing the Energy Spirituality Sensitivity Scale.

Statistically, non-empaths and non-HSPs are the majority! Please know that I definitely am writing this article for you.

Finally, Here’s Your ANSWER to this Very Important Question about Your Energetic Sense of Self.

Regarding my own personal energies, do I lack a strong sense of self?

Incidentally: this strength — or the lack of it — would show up clearly if you could read your own aura. Or had somebody with good energetic literacy skills research your aura. Researching one chakra databank at a time!

Besides that, you might have a feeling about yourself. Concerning whether you do or don’t have a strong sense of self. The problem happens when your answer is no. Or when that sense of self feels icky.

Energetic Sense of Self for Empaths

Many of you who responded to the Tardis Quiz believed that only empaths have this problem. Not so.

However, any born empath who has not yet gained Empath Empowerment will have problems with energetic sense of self. (And some folks find their own versions that work to help them. Unfortunately, this kind of success isn’t generally the case with empath experts. Since their recommendations are usually about intuitive development or psychological healing or both. )

According to extensive research; that is, I have been working in this field since before the 2,000’s began. (Which is why many consider me to be America’s most experienced empath coach.)

  • Something happens routinely, inside the auras of unskilled empaths.
  • Leading to a unique kind of garbage that gets into the auras of empaths. “Imported STUFF,” I call it.
  • Learn about this common problem. What happens and why. Also how to effortlessly stop it. All that and more is yours in “Empath Empowerment in 30 Days.”

Might you have this problem?

Yes, if you’re a born empath. But so far, an unskilled empath.

In your opinion, is this problem about being an empath or something else or either or both?

Yes. But also something else. Plus the tricky matter of both. We’re getting to all that next. :-)

Energetic Sense of Self for Non-Empaths

Remember, your energetic sense of self is about what? Simply put, how well your aura is doing. Many problems can arise. Most commonly in 2021, I find this: If you’re feeling icky energetically, the problem could be your consciousness lifestyle.

What can you do about this?

Best option: Book a session of Energy Spirituality for personal growth. Or, if you prefer, book a session for Enlightenment Teaching.

Look, nothing beats professional expertise for cutting out guesswork. And bringing you the kind of Session Centerpiece that could help you most. Saving money by NOT booking a session could prove far more expensive, if you know what I mean.

Also a good option: Read “The New Strong.” It’s designed to help solve these problems. Among other ways it can make a big difference for you. Including strengthening your sense of self in many areas of life.

Energy Healing Skills to Help YOU with Your Energetic Sense of Self

Since you ARE energy sensitive, it’s important that you understand the fact of life today that I call “STUFF.”

Simply put, STUFF in your aura can wreak havoc with your energetic sense of self. Yet, we have this motto in Energy Spirituality:

STUFF can always, always, always be healed.

By all means, COMMENT below if you have questions about what you can do for self-healing regarding STUFF.

Or if you’ve learned any Energy Spirituality skills for doing this.

Here I’d just like to summarize a small number of ways that your aura could get out of kilter. None of which are about being an empath. And none of which will just “go away.” Either live with the problem or else get yourself effective help.

Three Kinds of STUFF in Particular

Can Mess with Your Energetic Sense of Self

Here’s a summary.

Astral Static

Quite common in this first decade of the Age of Awakening. With this kind of STUFF, you don’t feel quite like yourself. You know, energetically!

Fear not, though, because after the Astral Static Energy Healing, you do.

Astral Virus

Also quite common and not your fault, Blog-Buddies. However, if it arises it’s good to schedule a personal session asap. Because Astral Virus can really throw your energetic sense of self out of whack.

Before the end of your session, I’ll report that the “Astral Stink” is gone! Just part of the fun (and also the benefit for your sense of self).

Need for Soul Retrieval and Validation

Over the past year, this causational-level Healing Centerpiece has become surprisingly common. Please know that Energy Spirituality skills are altogether different from shamanic soul retrieval practices. Also entirely different from psychological approaches that might constitute cultural appropriation. Merry reading on Soul Retrieval awaits you here.

In Conclusion

Did this article surprise you? These days, so many voices are screaming about empath problems… When the words tell this Energy Spirituality professional something quite different. For example, at first you might be impressed by nonsense like this, about “Empath Triggers.

Likewise, quite a few unqualified “experts” are playing the part of Enlightenment teachers. Broadcasting misinformation that I tackled in this recent article about spiritual awakening.

Any of this can wreak havoc with your sense of self. So take good care of yourself! You can.

Rose Rosetree says, “Thanks for reading. The book I’m holding here might be part of how you keep your energies — and sense of self — going GREAT.”



Rose Rosetree
Rose Rosetree

Written by Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.

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