Can Energy Healing Help You Solve HUMAN Problems?
What You Don’t Know Could Limit You
However much you know about already about energy healing, bet you don’t know what’s in this post!
First of All, Health Problems Are Not HUMAN Problems
That matters because, when most of us first encountered any energy healing practices, guess what? Aside from the big promises for improving everything, that healing was really about:
- Energy. Like, “Energy healing” would mean something to human beings.
- Such as moving out the bad energy, then moving in the good energy
- Supposedly, clearing out the old, bad energy would fix everything. Even “Heal Your Life.”
- Alternatively, through church, you’d receive laying on of hands. Of course, results for that would depend on your faith.
- Basically, though faith-based healing was really energy healing. Where God was considered to be the source of that energy.
Sad but UNtrue. Sorry, but those sweet practices for energy healing don’t keep their promises. And why not?
If you learned these skills, or your healer learned them, before 12/21/12? They’re Age of Faith. Not Age of Awakening. And thus, outdated. (Toward the end of this article, I’ll explain.)
Because We Do Better than Age of Faith Healing
Primarily the above-mentioned five points are about fixing your energy.
Secondarily they help with physical healing. And that’s great, if that really happens.
Regardless, though, does physical healing count as HUMAN healing?
Arguably not. Healing our physical bodies counts as ANIMAL healing, imo. Since we live in human-type animal bodies.
Whereas human problems, everyday problems, terrible problems — none of these happen to elephants, horses, or turtles.
HUMAN problems at Earth School — that’s what you’ve got to deal with every day of your life. Let’s admit that,
If we really seek improvement from energy healing, hello! Time to stop confusing ourselves with those outdated wishey-hopey notions.
In reality, solving HUMAN problems demands more from energy healing. For instance, all the problems in our Tardis Quiz are about HUMAN, not about energy, right? So let’s be clear:
Solving HUMAN Problems Starts by Debunking Well-Meant False Promises
Namely, the allure of mind-body-spirit: During the New Age Years, millions of folks discovered that they were energy sensitive. Once the Age of Awakening clicked in, anybody with normal mental functioning could feel energies… if they wanted to.
No wonder, enthusiasm over energy healing rose to fever pitch. In particular, energy healers who were active then… and since then… what I call “New Age Energy Healers”…
Idealistic as well as enthusiastic, these healers believed that mind-body-spirit were all connected. So techniques like Reiki, Pranic Healing, and Crystal Healing weren’t just mainly ways to bring energy healing to the body. Supposedly, folks became instant experts at “healing” people: physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Maybe you’ve seen the series of blog posts I published, debunking that pretty-seeming promise. Actually, hey! I’ll provide links to these articles in COMMENTS below.
Meanwhile, we’ve got an eloquent summary from THEODORE that helps us to clarify…
Why Sweet-and-Simplified Energy Healing Practices Don’t Help Much NOW
“NOW” Meaning During this Age of Awakening
Blog-Buddy THEODORE SCOTT contributed these comments at the “Energy Healing Complexity” post. Totally helpful at this blog post as well.
Reality is complex. Any object you can see right now has fractal complexity to it — its molecular structure, its geometry, its history etc — even if the object appears simple on the surface.
Human anatomy and physiology is deeply complex on a physical level. Consequently, beneficial medical interventions for our physical forms routinely require commensurate complexity.
Take the development of mRNA vaccines, for instance.
If we believe that the human form also has energetic anatomy & physiology (such as meridians, chakras, nadis and others), why on earth would we assume that these components are simple, in contrast to the physical components?
Wouldn’t it be far more sensible to assume commensurate complexity in the human energy field?
Consequently, effective methods for energy healing require a certain degree of complexity. This is not to be fancy or elitist, but simply because complex systems demand complex understanding.
That said (eloquently — thanks again, THEODORE), let’s consider three pretty shortcomings to New Age Energy Healing methods. Especially since they purport to help clients emotionally and spiritually.
Enter Energy Spirituality
During the New Age Years I studied many energy healing systems. How I loved my sweet-and-positive teachers!
Nevertheless, this is important to understand. Now that we’re in the Age of Awakening, what kind of energy healing solves problems that aren’t about health?
It won’t be Healing Touch, Eden Energy Medicine, Quantum Healing, or other well-meaning mind-body-spirit modalities.
Energy Spirituality aims to supply what’s conspicuously missing:
Energy Spirituality helps people like you with emotional growth and spiritual awakening.
Using energy skills that work now, in the Age of Awakening.
Of course, this isn’t the only effective way to help folks with personal growth, etc. But the three following requirements are pretty darned necessary for anybody who hangs out a shingle NOW, aiming to help with today’s energy healing.
See if you agree with the following. (As always COMMENT at the Energy Spirituality Blog to share your reactions. Whatever they may be.)
Solving HUMAN Problems with ENERGY Healing.
Requirement #1. Full Energetic Literacy
Look, I’ve known professional teachers of energy healing who couldn’t read auras at all. Others could find quite a lot of detail, aurically, about health ailments.
However, not a single one of these teachers — including some very famous ones — had developed Stage 3 Energetic Literacy. Meaning, they couldn’t read a single chakra databank.
If you’re aiming to help folks with personal growth and spiritual awakening? That kind of literacy is required.
Of course, I don’t mean yesterday’s “See the Colours” aura reading.
Definitely not psychic readings either, delivering “chakra readings.”
With today’s essential skills for energetic literacy, you can learn about all the following. And much, much more:
See what I mean about HUMAN? Energy healing skills can help with problems in any of these three areas. But desired results don’t just happen because “God is good” or “It’s all about energy.”
Solving HUMAN Problems with ENERGY Healing.
Requirement #2. Seeking Emotional Growth
First of all, psychology and psychotherapy certainly have their place in helping folks. Mental health professionals have the right to claim they facilitate emotional healing.
I sure don’t. Nor, imo, does any other expert in any kind of energy healing. (Including Energy Psychology — aka EFT and Tapping.)
Energy Spirituality does aim for emotional growth, however. It’s important to understand this approach as totally different from psychotherapy.
All that said, emotional growth sure can accelerate as a result of energy healing skills like these.
Funnily enough, at this time, I don’t yet find other energy healing experts providing… effective alternatives to the 10 trademarked systems of Energy Spirituality.
For example, check out these blogposts and comments:
Practical takeaway, Blog-Buddies: Before you entrust your emotional life to receiving help from an energy healer, use consumer skills.
Find out how the skills are SUPPOSED to work. Does that really pass your sniff test?
Solving HUMAN Problems with ENERGY Healing
Requirement #3. How to Source the Healing
Such a holy mess! Blog-Buddies, for years I’ve helped some of my clients to clean up the mess created — unintentionally — by New Age energy healers.
If I had to identify the most important common denominator in those messes, hello! That would involve sourcing.
- Name me a single system for New Age energy healing that involves effective skills for cocreating with the Divine.
- Otherwise, the energy healer is at risk for being strongly influenced by astral spirits.
- And if you’ve been following my research into consciousness lifestyles, ouchers! You know how badly New Age energy healers are doing. (What you haven’t been following that? Maybe start today. Click on that link I’ve just given you.)
BTW, In Case You’re not Sure
What WERE “The New Age Years”?
Between 1980 and the Shift on 12/21/12 — that’s when.
Just in case this perspective is helpful, these New Age Years came at the tail end of the Age of Faith.
Afterward, humanity moved into the Age of Awakening. Something that you can’t really avoid knowing about. At least the essentials!
Don’t skip over “Age of Awakening” as though this were something weird or cultish. Doesn’t have to be.
Besides, this knowledge is vital if you’re interested in any form of energy healing.
In my opinion, anyway, it’s vital to understand what we need for the future of energy healing. And also what can bring us good results in the present.
You know, like solving HUMAN problems with energy healing.
Extra Context for this Article Could Help You… Extra
Keeping track, this article has been Part 3 of a series about healing:
- Beginning with the Tardis Quiz. Essential for empaths. But also mighty useful for non-empaths. Just like today’s article!
- Next we explored Energy Healing Complexity in the Age of Awakening.
- Today we’re putting the last pieces in place… So that Part 4 and following can delve into the surprising answers to that Tardis Quiz.
You see, Blog-Buddies, our very HUMAN Tardis Quiz can help you to gain clarity about energy healing that you might need. Also, bringing discernment about certain problems that many empaths believe they have to put up with.