Blaming Narcissists?
Can You Tell One a Mile Away? (Maybe Not)
Today’s focus on narcissists is understandable. But you can do so much better for yourself. This article includes five practical tips. Helping you to stop the casual hating.
And Attention Empaths: Has your empath teacher told you that narcissists are a major cause of your problems. RUN! Find an empath coach who can give you a better answer to the question: What is an empath?
Hate or Fear Narcissists?
If So, You’re Joining a Huge Club. A HATE Club
Look, you would never join a hate group, right? Even though hate groups are on the rise. Like, in America, up 30% in recent years.
Clearly you’re far too sophisticated to join a group like the Ku Klux Klan. Well, guess what? Wrapping hatred in psychological savvy. Or donning the sanctimony of superior knowing? That’s a version of hating too. Not that you meant it that way.
- If you utter the word narcissist, it might feel like striking a blow for justice.
- Actually, the history of hate speech shows that haters usually feel a certain righteousness.
- Otherwise, flagging narcissists might be more like a little hobby for you. Simply fun. Like a side interest.
If that third option is true, please quit while it’s easy. Stop scratching the hate itch. Before you get to the point of delivering “righteous beatings.”
And Please Consider Sharing this Article with Others
- Friends who mean well.
- Friends who would be horrified to learn that they are part of a huge, loosely organized, hate group.
- Nonetheless they are.
Casual Hate? Don’t Give It a Pass in Others. And Please Don’t Do It Yourself
These days, hatred seems fine to many Americans. So long as they’re not hating their own kind.
Witness a shocking, guilt-free admission by a bus driver in Minnesota. I read this story today in the Washington Post.
Bus driver Don Brink greets all the blond children he’s taking to elementary school. Then his route goes into “the neighborhood he called Little Mexico, even though most of its residents were Central American.”
Instead of greeting these children, when they get on the bus, he says nothing. “Strange kids,” he calls them to the reporter. What’s he going to call these immigrant kids when they grow up? Narcissists?
Stop Blaming Narcissists — These Five Tips May Help
Yes, these five tips might help. And why bother to keep reading? Why dare to lose the “fun” hobby that makes the name-callers seem soooooo superior?
- Stop the blaming to avoid hurting others.
- Plus, every time we indulge in this form of gossip, guess what? We’re sending out pretty awful Remote Negative Thought Forms. (Learn to heal that type of STUFF in the Spiritually Sparkling Collection of Workshops.)
- Also, you’ll avoid heaping up, in return, pretty awful karma. Namely, bad karma diminishing your quality of life!
Stop Blaming Narcissists #1.
No Diagnosing Mental Illness without a License
Practicing medicine without a license is a crime. Such as self-appointed psychiatry. So, please, while you’re at it:
- Don’t just stop calling people narcissists.
- Quit telling people they’re “passive aggressive.”
- Or name calling about “He’s so OCD.” (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.)
- Or calling people “certifiably insane.” (Happened to me this morning at the blog. See Comments #45–47, here.)
If you want to earn the right to use terminology like that…
Buy yourself a copy of this famous reference book. And start hitting yourself over the head with it. JOKE!
Instead, get a professional degree as a mental health expert. (Although, oops! Mental health professionals don’t turn psychiatric diagnoses into schoolyard insults.)
Stop Blaming Narcissists #2.
Don’t Live in Vibes. Live in Reality.
Avoid becoming a victim of your own energy sensitivity. Especially since we’re living in the Age of Awakening, it’s all too easy to go on a long inner journey. Unproductively wallowing in deep fears. Such as terrifying name-calling of “all the narcissists in my life.”
Instead, do this. Ask yourself, what did that person do in objective reality? Then decide, is there anything I can do about it? And if there’s something helpful to do or say, go for it. Otherwise, move on. Please.
Teaching Tale!
Admittedly, I’m changing a few details. Protecting anonymity. Okay, here goes.
My friend Joe works at a school. Recently he met the new principal, Ms. Gladys. Telling me about it, he said, “Ms. Gladys is a narcissist.”
Then Joe explained:
“I can already tell she’s excellent at her job. But she’s snippy.
“Like, she needs to hire a new librarian for the school. I told her who would be good to hire. She didn’t follow my advice. What a narcissist!”
See How Fast Joe Zig-Zagged?
Starting with objective reality, “Ms. Gladys didn’t take my advice”
Scooting over to subjective interpretation: “She’s snippy.”
And then making a righteous dash over to mental health diagnosis: “narcissist, narcissist.”
Stop Blaming Narcissists #3.
Avoid Irresponsible “Help” for Empaths
Not all empath coaches are equally helpful. Some specialize in utter hogwash:
Supposedly… Being an empath makes you vulnerable. And all your suffering is really due to narcissists, vampires, etc.
Stop believing anything like that. These empath “teachers” don’t even know how to do Skilled Empath Merge. So how much do they really have to teach us empaths?
(Seriously, check out how many of today’s empath experts have published even one “Skilled Empath Merge.” )
Stop Blaming Narcissists #4.
Serenity Prayer Beats Analyzing Mind Games of Narcissists
Serenity prayer wisdom: It’s not just for alcoholics. Sure beats analyzing “mind games” of alleged narcissists. Or trying to win them over.
God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Also, of course, end optional relationships that annoy you. Minimize obligatory relationships that upset you.
BTW, that previous mind games link? It takes you to a Google search, turning up 1 1/4 MILLION hits related to the Quixotic quest to analyze narcissists! Sure this activity could entice highly intelligent people. So what? Don’t you have better uses for your intelligence?
Stop Blaming Narcissists #5.
Some Energy Spirituality Sessions Might Help
Consider some personal sessions of Energy Spirituality. Depending on the growth area we pursue, I’ll use skills of READING, Energy HEALING, Empath Empowerment® Coaching, or even Enlightenment Coaching.
Thanks to these sessions, I’ve helped some clients to keep their jobs. Or keep their jobs until getting a better job, with a promotion and raise. Rather than blaming “the narcissist.”
In Conclusion
Narcissist name calling won’t help you in the long run. Meanwhile, this article has given you five alternatives that just might serve you better.
Thank you for reading.