Being Spiritual?

Rose Rosetree
7 min readAug 14, 2023

Score 5 Popular Spiritual Ideals for their Truth Value.

All rungs on a ladder won’t take you equally high.

Rate 5 popular ideas about Being Spiritual for their truth value.If you seek authentic spiritual growth, choose a path with BIG Truth, not SMALL Truth.

If you’re spiritual, you have good reason to develop more discernment. Some beautiful spiritual seekers are wasting their lives, pursuing a teaching with SMALL truth value. So let’s explore in this blogpost, what do these words mean: Being Spiritual.

Also, in this article you’ll find the Energy Spirituality™ Newsletter Announcement for August 2023.

First of All, What Does This Goal Mean?

Being Spiritual.

Just for Giggles, Let’s Google

“Being Spiritual” How many hits?

On my Google right now, first-drafting this blogpost: 1,010,000,000. Yep, 1 BILLION + 10 MILLION

And now, for a treat, Blog-Buddies, I’m going to give you some definitions. Courtesy of Google, these are ultra-high SEO ideas. Regarding what it means to be spiritual.

I Invite You to Score the 5 Following Definitions

On a scale from 1–10:

  1. With 1 being Teensy Truth Value
  2. And 10 being Excellent Truth Value

How do you score these next definitions of being you-know-what? And WHY do you give those scores?

Send your answers over here, to my main version of this blogpost, over at my personal blog. (Link just provided.)

Being Spiritual, Definition 1.

According to a Credentialed Psychiatrist, BIG or SMALL Truth?

Spirituality involves the recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than myself,

something more to being human than sensory experience,

and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature.

For this particular definition, you can thank psychiatrist Maya Spencer.

Of course, it makes sense that many a psychiatrist or psychotherapist might believe that being spiritual is an emotion. Haha.

Isn’t it common for therapists to ask, again and again, “What did you FEEL?”

Being Pretty Darned Spiritual, Definition 2.

Can Wiki-Type Teachings Bring BIG Truth?

According to the Wisdom of Wikipedia:

Spiritual experiences can include being connected to a larger reality,

yielding a more comprehensive self;

joining with other individuals or the human community.

By that definition, it must be an insanely uplifting spiritual experience to ride a subway at rush hour.

Personally, I’d recommend doing this in downtown Tokyo, during rush hour. I’ve tried it. I’ve loved it.

Only did I consider this a really great instance of receiving anything spiritually? Not really.

Blog-Buddies, this is a very high-sounding definition. For fancy, it would score BIG. But how about for truth, BIG or SMALL?

Being Very Spiritual, Definition 3.

Bringing the Blessings of the Famous Spiritual Teacher, Deepak Chopra

Of course, Chopra would have something to say on this topic.

Here are Deepak’s five tips on how to be more spiritually aware.

Start a Daily Meditation Practice. One of the most effective ways of becoming more spiritually aware is to have a daily meditation practice. …

Cultivate Emotional Intelligence. …

Practice Self-Love. …

Connect More Deeply with Others. …

Cultivate Gratitude.

Note: Back when Deepak was favored by Maharishi, I heard this brilliant man speak at some TM courses for initiators. I’d have to call him the most gifted speaker I’ve ever heard in my life.

Another note: Unfortunately, according to my consciousness lifestyle research, Deepak Chopra is in Extreme Spiritual Addiction. And has been, for years.

Put on Your Discernment Cap, Spiritual Seekers

These days, now that all of us are living in the Age of Awakening:

  1. What does a Daily Meditation Practice have to do with being spiritual?
  2. What does Emotional Intelligence have to do with being spiritual?
  3. Also, what does Self-Love have to do with being spiritual?
  4. What does “Connecting More Deeply with Others” have to do with being spiritual?
  5. Finally, what does cultivating “Gratitude” have to do with being spiritual?

By all means, share your thoughts about any-and-all of these ideas, Blog-Buddies.

Being Spiritual, Definition 4.

Do Evangelicals Have “a Spirituality”?

Absolutely, according to theolgian and blogger Ian Paul.

This is a thoughtful article. I like what I’ve seen here, not that I’ve read every single word. Here is a quote for you to ponder for truth value, Spiritual Seekers:

Roman Catholic usage has come to associate ‘spirituality’ with the ‘inner life,’ or the ‘interior life,’ thus making the connection with the mystical tradition…

It is not difficult to see how this sits ill at ease with the evangelical emphasis upon practical devotion having a direct influence on character and ‘good works.’

Some of you might have a lot to say about these paragraphs. Well, COMMENT at my blog and go for it!

Or Maybe THIS Is What It Means to Be Spiritual. Definition 5.

In the Opinion of a New Ager Millennial

At the next link provided here, Blog-Buddies, guess what? You can find 10 different recommendations to “become more spiritual.” Here are the top three methods suggested by Kenneth Wong, an “Author and Manifestation Coach.”

  1. Raise Your Vibration. Incidentally, the photo shows a well-built Black woman in a skin-tight yoga outfit. Blog-Buddies, what does it mean to you, “Raise Your Vibration”? And what might this have to do with being or becoming more spiritual?
  2. Connect With Your Higher Self. Here the accompanying photo shows the face of a gorgeous Asian woman with eyes open. She’s looking upward in a dreamy way. Plus, her hands are in a modified prayer position. Blog-Buddies, what does it mean to you, “Connect with your Higher Self”? And what might this have to do with being or becoming more spiritual?
  3. Integrate Spirituality Into Your Life. Might that reasoning seem a bit circular to you? Like “become more spiritual” by integrating “Spirituality” into your life? In case you’re wondering, Blog-Buddies, here the accompanying photo shows a stick-thin White woman. Showing a lot of skin and wearing extremely tight clothes. She’s playing with her hair, in a flirtatious manner. Maybe the most spiritual thing of all is how much of her midriff area is showing. You can almost see the upper portion of her navel. Could she be contemplating that?

Every One of the 5 Ideas Presented Here… Seems True to Somebody.

Are you one of those somebodies?

Look, just because an idea is supposed to help you be spiritual: Does that idea necessarily fill up your personal cup for holding valuable knowledge? BIG Truth or SMALL Truth?

Your Energy Spirituality™ Newsletter Announcement for August 2023.

Here are the articles you’ll find in the upcoming issue of Reading Life Deeper, the Energy Spirituality™ Newsletter

  1. How Will You React to This Pair of Quotes?
  2. The Sweet-Smelling MOOD-MAKING Swamp
  3. “But It’s All Beautiful”
  4. Enlightenment Validation Cuts Right Through Spiritual Illusions
  5. The Best of the Blog

Of course, it isn’t enough to just think, “I’m so good at Being Spiritual. Everything that crosses my path is a message directly from God.”

Let the articles in the upcoming newsletter supplement all you know so far.

Fact Is, You Won’t Receive this Newsletter Unless You Subscribe

So here’s how.

Even though the Energy Spirituality™ newsletter is free…

Unless you sign up in advance, you won’t receive a single issue. But it’s easy to receive this practical, leading-edge newsletter. Might I suggest? Sign up today. And maybe invite a friend. :)

Planned Publication Day for this issue is just two days away, Wednesday, August 16, 2023.

How to Subscribe to Reading Life Deeper

It’s easy and free. And this newsletter will come to you with full truth value. The best I’ve got to share.

Here are the steps for signing up:

  1. Simply go to my website’s Home Page. For a shortcut, just scroll up to the Energy Spirituality logo at the top of this page. Click on it.
  2. Scroll all the way down. And there you’ll find the signup box: awaiting you-you-you.
  3. Incidentally, in the future, what if you ever wish to unsubscribe? Hey, that’s easy too.
  4. Also worth knowing: If you should you change your email address, it would be great if you’d unsubscribe out the old. Then subscribe in the new.
  5. Of course, your confidential email address will be handled honorably. No renting. No selling. You kidding?
  6. Did you know that Reading Life Deeper has an unusually high “click-through rate”? Yep, people actually read it. I think that’s because this newsletter gives you practical articles at the leading edge of the Age of Awakening.
  7. Regarding the August 2o23 issue of the Energy Spirituality newsletter, my goal is to send it to your inbox by this Wednesday, August 16, 2023.

However you react to that newsletter — with personal stories or questions, for instance — welcome! You’re welcome to share by COMMENTING below.

Likewise, you’re cordially invited to COMMENT here and now. Based on what you’ve seen in this article.

In Conclusion

Being Spiritual could mean just about anything. If you aim for spiritual growth, even Enlightenment, choose a version with High Truth Value. Only you can decide what that means to you.

Just for fun, here come a few extra suggestions for COMMENTS:

  1. Do you have the same beliefs about Being Spiritual… as you were taught when growing up?
  2. Currently, do you have the same beliefs about Being Spiritual… that you had before the Shift into the Age of Awakening? (Dec. 21, 2012.) And why?
  3. Might Skilled Empaths have some extra understanding about what it means to be spiritual? Specifically, could doing Skilled Empath Merges make a difference for your ongoing learning?
  4. Can you think of any choices in life that might make it hard to appreciate Big Truth about what is spiritual?
  5. Finally, a question for those of you who have read “Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening.” How did that change your understanding of what it means, Being Spiritual?
Rose Rosetree, author of “Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening” says “Thanks for reading.”



Rose Rosetree
Rose Rosetree

Written by Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.

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