Aura Reading Specialties of Energy Spirituality

Rose Rosetree
4 min readAug 31, 2020
Aura Reading Specialties of Energy Spirituality. Discover the latest in Today’s Consciousness Technology

Aura Reading Specialties of Energy Spirituality: What is aura reading? A whole lot more than “Seeing the Colours,” that’s what!

Come find out what aura reading can be. Let me introduce you to three leading-edge skills for reading auras.

First of All, What IS Aura Reading

Around your physical body, you have many extra bodies. Extra but not optional. ;-)

They’re made of energy and brimming with info about you.

Altogether, these bodies make up your aura.

Downloading that information? Hey, that’s aura reading.

Energetic Literacy Is the Basis for ALL Aura Reading Specialties

By way of analogy, energetic literacy is like word literacy. Namely, we learn skill by degrees.

Regarding books, it’s not enough to say, “I can read.” Since it doesn’t take very advanced word literacy to read “The Cat in the Hat.”

Could you eventually develop enough word literacy to read “War and Peace”? Eventually. Probably not in third grade, though.

Because I’m fascinated by energetic literacy, I’ve spent over 10,000 hours using it in various applications of Energy Spirituality.

Here are some of the most notable Rose Rosetree trademarks.

Aura Reading Specialties #1. Aura Reading Through All Your Senses®

This method of aura reading does not require clairvoyance.

But it does teach you about your personal gift set for reading auras. (Everybody has one.)

Moreover, this flexible system includes over 100 fun techniques for making aura reading super-practical.

Yes, my first how-to book for reading auras has become a national bestseller. Only not in America. But for Random House Germany.

Actually, my second how-to book on this topic has also sold authorized foreign editions. As well as the regular version in English. What’s fun about that more advanced how-to? It teaches you how to use aura reading PLUS other specialties to read people deeper.

Also, I’ve developed some on-demand, online workshops for learning the skill.

You can learn all about this at my website.

Aura Reading Specialties #2. Soul Thrill® Aura Reading

By comparison, this application of aura reading is not for hobbyists. Like #3 to follow on this list, you’d only learn how to do this through professional-level training.

However, you can easily become a client for Energy Spirituality sessions…. Quite a shortcut, in terms of how long it takes to learn these professional-level skills!

But what IS Soul Thrill Aura Reading? Simply a way to evaluate choices you might make, getting info from your own “chakra databanks.” (Within every one of your chakras, you’ve got 50 different ones. Depending on your purpose, reading them can be way practical.)

With this aura reading specialty, you can learn what really works for your aura. Versus choices in the “Nice Try” Department.

This YouTube video gives you a demo, where I’m helping my client to research different foods.

Aura Reading Specialties #3. Name Alignment®

Are you in love with your name, your legal name?

Many of us are not. Decidedly not.

Here’s your link to my YouTube video introducing Name Alignment. This one can introduce you to the Energy Spirituality way of helping you to find a name of real power.

(BTW, I didn’t use Name Alignment to give myself the name “Rose Rosetree.” That happened years before developing this naming skill. I’d never help you to choose a name that weird. Haha.)

A Googling Perspective

Go ahead, google any of these three Energy Spirituality specialties. Currently, you won’t find anybody else doing them, anybody other than Energy Spirituality experts I’ve trained.

And it’s not as though other aura readers are using comparable skills, just calling them something different.

  • Psychics and New Age energy healers are today’s best known aura readers. Only they can’t even read chakra databanks yet. Which is foundational for Aura Reading Through All Your Senses. (Maybe more on chakra databanks another day.)
  • Meanwhile, Energy Spirituality experts are like the spunky new kids on the block. For example, go ahead and google “chakra databanks” while you’re at it.

Just like the three aura reading specialties that have starred in this article? Some folks are commenting on my reading of chakra databanks. Some websites have copied articles I published elsewhere. (Often doing this without permission or even my byline — their bad karma, right?)

But can you find anybody else who is actually reading them? Maybe not. Not yet.

In Conclusion

What’s so exciting for your future and mine?All the aura reading skills we have yet to develop; all of them in service in more clarity about life. Not to mention, today’s aura reading skills are required to effective aura healing. But that, too, can become our topic on another day.

Thanks for reading, today, about the latest in aura reading. If you like, consider all this to be Today’s Consciousness Technology.



Rose Rosetree
Rose Rosetree

Written by Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.

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