Aura Reading Sarah McCammon
Meet America’s Most Eloquent EXvangelical
Sarah McCammon, EXvangelical, hooray! Many cheers of admiration for this author and thought leader.
Prepare to learn so much about her in this article. Learning directly from 10 of her chakra databanks. In Sarah’s honor, I’ve cocreated a brand new array of chakra databanks. If you haven’t yet taken a look at this set of “EXvangelical Chakra Databanks,” grab that chance now.
Even if you’re reading this article only to learn about the journalist and her aura, guess what? You’ll learn far more by preparing just this wee bit. The article at the link just provided will give you essential concepts for what follows, greatly enhancing your comprehension of courageous Sarah McCammon.
Also Good to Know
Just like our recent Flash Contest where many newbies to this blog have nominated pastors and EXvangelicals and others for mini-aura readings . . . .
Here too, some of you readers may be new to this blog. Please know that Energy Spirituality® is not another religion. It isn’t even a path. Rather, this field I’ve wound up bringing into the world — one decade at a time — aims to help you along your chosen path. Whatever your path at this time may be.
Energy Spirituality isn’t any of the following:
- It’s not a religion but a resource for blogposts, books, online workhshops, and personal sessions.
- Nor is this psychic development. Or any other way of working with astral spirits.
- Because I have gained some clarity about how astral is not Divine.
- So, even if you’re new to what I offer at this blog, you can trust the source of all I offer here. At a time when many people mix together psychic and spiritual . . . I sure don’t.
- Psychology isn’t involved in my work either, neither psychotherapy nor pop psych.
Instead, Energy Spirituality aims to help people like you with emotional growth and spiritual awakening. Exclusively using skills that work now, in the Age of Awakening. For example, read here about 10 common problems that I help my clients to solve, one personal session at a time. Ten very human problems.
Since Some of Newer Readers Here May Be Religious Sophisticates
So I’m going to level with you about how this article — and all the rest of my professional work — is sourced. Always, cocreate with a Divine Being. Such as God or Jesus or St. Germain, Archangel Raphael or Archangel Gabriel.
Moreover, many of my books and workshops teach trademarked systems. These include ways that YOU can learn how to cocreate with the Divine. Teaming up with the Divine Being of your choice. Such as the Energy Spirituality online workshop called “Creativity Secrets with Soul.”
One Final Introductory Point
This blog is highly interactive, as befits an educational blog.
In order to gain the most from any article here, COMMENT below the main blogpost. Sharing any reactions or thoughts whatsover.
Maybe see comments from others as well. You might also check out what this teacher of personal development has to say in response to all the comments here.
Look, depending on your background, you may find it hard to trust a teacher who doesn’t quote scripture. Or sound like the “Enlightenment Establishment” in any way — all those authorities, including famous ones, who teach religion or meditation or yoga or other forms of personal development. Please keep reading anyway.
Of course, you’re invited to learn about me from the official offerings at this website. Besides that, learn from my back-and-forths with readers like you.
How Will I Do Our Research on Sarah?
First of all, Sarah has over 1,000 chakra databanks. You too. Me too. Here I’ll be exploring a set of 10 of her EXvangelical Chakra Databanks. This array was created especially to reveal essentials relevant to the lives of:
- EXvangelicals
- Other refugees from religious pressures
- Folks reclaiming their lives after leaving a cult
- Proud religious believers, such as Fundamentalists and Evangelicals
- And spiritual seekers of every kind, whether involved in organized religion or not.
What Can You Learn that’s Relevant to Your Personal Experience?
This blogpost, and blog, can help you to develop a more sophisticated perspective. How are YOU doing these days? Regarding these 10 categories of human experience, that is.
Look, time doesn’t permit me to offer free aura readings at my blog. But consider:
- First, this blog offers you many insights into the many potential variations on these chakra databanks. Simply by reading today’s aura research on Ms. McCammon.
- Second, you might wish to take advantage of our recent Flash Contest about religious believers. For many days to come, I plan to publish a daily aura reading of our many nominees. Go to the comments section of our blogpost on “Evangelical Chakra Databnanks. Flash Contest.”
- Best of all, hello! Of course, I can personally research these chakra databanks for you. That way you can find out how you’re doing these days, pursuing your chosen path. To make that happen, book a personal session. During your appointment, I will gladly tell you how you’re doing with these chakra databanks. I’d love to help you.
My Personal Note to Sarah McCammon
By all means, if anybody reading this blogpost knows her personally, please pass along the next paragraph here, as well a link to this blogpost itself.
Sarah, like so many of your readers, I feel as though I know you. If only you knew me, you would know that what follows is meant to be helpful to readers — even to you. Your well deserved success and reputation and fame must bring you a ton of attention from random people. Count me among the random people who believe we could help you to shake off the rest of the harm done by your Evangelical upbringing. Feel free to contact me if you like, and please know that I am rooting for your happiness.
Nuts & Bolts about Her Aura Reading
Did you know, one part of a chakra databank doesn’t change: The Divine-level Gift of Your Soul. You have one within every one of your chakra databanks.
Mostly, though, your chakra databanks do change. In the research that follows, each time I’ll report on this aspect. Informing you about two practical types of info in each chakra databank.
- The SYMBOLIC SIZE, or how large that chakra databank is.
- Also I’ll report on the QUALITY.
- Read both types of info to learn about Sarah’s chakra databanks.
Did You Know This, Too? All Aura Reading Is Not Alike
Just like all religions, right? They’re hardly identical.
In case you’re a bit fuzzy about different skill levels for reading auras, here’s your easy intro. In your honor, here come some links will take you to a short YouTube video. Discover the essentials:
- Stage 1 Energetic Literacy is like “See the colours.”
- Stage 2 Energetic Literacy is like “Do a chakra reading.”
- Stage 3 Energetic Literacy is like what you’re see in this article. Reading chakra databanks in person or from photos or screenshots.
Which Photo Will Be the Basis for Today’s Aura Reading
Fortunately I was able to locate a fairly recent YouTube video with Sarah McCammon. This allowed me to take a screenshot of her 5:35 minutes into the interview.
I’ll use this particular recent image as a basis for today’s research.
Now let’s learn what is going on with this polished writer beneath the surface. Since chakra databanks reveal what happens subconsciously and energetically, not consciously.
Sarah McCammon, EXvangelical. Aura Reading #1
Root Chakra Databank for Trusting People
3 inches
Knowing so well how to talk to people, interview people, etc. But does she trust them? Almost never.
They have to prove themselves to her. Otherwise she’ll go through the motions, slightly wary.
Within that chakra databank there’s the sense that Sarah has learned a ton about performing. Especially, learning how to make it seem as though, inwardly, she’s doing exceptionally well. Like the childhood story she told about being going out to a restaurant with her picture perfect, exemplary, contagiously Evangelical family.
Sarah McCammon, EXvangelical. Aura Reading #2
Belly Chakra Databank for Sexual Self-Esteem
In “The Exvangelicals” we learn so much about hidden sexual struggles. Sarah reports on her own story plus many, many others. Well, researching this particular chakra databank reveals how hard it can be, as an EXvantelical, to recover one’s normal, guilt-free, sexual enjoyment.
80 feet. (On the large side of normal functioning.)
Sigh! Currently, this chakra databank is not about sexual self-esteem. Rather, it’s packed with replacement theories and expectations. What do they have in common? Although not from religion, at least. Still the quality of what this aura reader encounters are different aspirational theories: These ones come from psychotherapy.
Not only has Ms. McCammon been working hard on herself sexually, as shown in this chakra databanks. This help from mental health professionals hasn’t restored her sexual self-esteem. Sadly it appears that mainly she’s substituted one set of teachings for another.
This chakra databank is packed with so much doctrine, and calls to work on herself — oboy! This new body of info may rival the vast array of teachings she learned back in the day. Once again, Sarah is subconsciously influenced by ideas not her own. Now these ideas come from members of her newer version of the Enlightenment Establishment: psychological, not theological.
Surely not meant to burden her. But, maybe, all those years of therapy have produced just that consequence, substituting one collection of beliefs for another. Although never intended by her therapists to work that way.
Sarah McCammon, EXvangelical. Aura Reading #3
Heart Chakra Databank for Emotional Giving
4 inches. (Close to shut down.)
Seems to me, Sarah tries hard to give emotionally, to give sincerely. However, certain kinds of STUFF are stuck in her aura, detracting from her ability to give.
Specifically, a process is currently in place. Whenever Sarah feels one or more strong-and-troubling emotions, what happens next? Without meaning to, she shuts down emotionally. What takes over is her very active intellect.
Look, I can’t resist adding: One recourse for removing these particular kinds of STUFF would be personal sessions of Energy Spirituality. Clients learn to trust the saying we use sometimes in this field: “STUFF in auras can always, always, always, always be healed.”
The patterns of STUFF I just flagged could be directly related to what McCammon recounts about her upbringing as an Evangelical.
If you’ve read “The Exvangelicals,” you’ve learned how mind-controlling Sarah’s mother was. Insisting on (what I’d call) an unofficial no-privacy policy for her children. Therefore, it was absolutely flabbergasting, to read later in the book:
- How McCammon’s mother treated Sarah’s grandfather — a magnificent, honorable man who happened to be a homosexual.
- Even colder and harsher was how McCammon’s mother refused to support Sarah’s second marriage.
Having read this memoir, hello! This gave me some ideas that I’m putting together after reading “The Exvangelicals.” Ideas to supplement from what I’ve just found in this Heart Chakra Databank for Emotional Giving.
Sarah McCammon, EXvangelical. Aura Reading #4
Heart Chakra Databank for Emotional Receiving
8 feet. (Significantly under-functioning.)
It’s very hard for Ms. McCammon to receive information emotionally. Overloading easily, she goes into an intellectual understanding.
Seems to me, this is something that McCammon can overcome relatively easily. All of us have what I call “donut holes,” or limitations to our social skills. Limitations we don’t consciously know about. Yet limitations that we can overcome.
Given the quality of what’s happening currently in this chakra databank, social skills are the main problem. It could be relatively easy for her to find somebody who can teach her those relevant skills.
Note: Psychologists are unlikely to help solve this problem, in my view.
Sarah McCammon, EXvangelical. Aura Reading #5
High Heart Chakra Databank for Paying Attention to Myself HUMANLY
1/8 inch.
Self-loathing. As if she’s irretrievably sinful.
Having read “The Exvangelicals,” the explanation is simple: The mess in this chakra databank is due to her Evangelical upbringing and schooling — all the way through college.
From my perspective, many kinds of STUFF have lodged in Ms. McCammon’s aura. Absolutely, STUFF in auras can always, always, always be healed. However, psychotherapy can’t succeed at this. No more than conventional prayers would budge a thing.
Sarah McCammon, EXvangelical. Aura Reading #6
High Heart Chakra Databank for Believing in My Goodness
5,000 feet. (Over-functioning)
The happy news is that the concept of believing in her goodness is well established for Sarah McCammon. The sad news is that the quality of this chakra databank is that of a fantasy. Not something she authentically believes. Not Sarah’s experience at the level of this chakra databank.
It’s more as though, subconsciously and energetically, Sarah has come to believe instead in what?
- Believe in a lovelier-than-thou version of who she is.
- A sanctified, blessed, roasted-and-toasted kind of official fantasy of a belief.
Being a fantasy, rather than an authentic belief, what’s currently in this chakra databank cannot help Sarah to have a better life.
Of course, STUFF in auras can always, always, always be healed. As in this latest link, which takes you readers to the sort of information that could prove helpful. “Causational Belief Transformation” is one of several healing centerpieces of Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING that could change this subconscious-and-energetic mess.
Sarah McCammon, EXvangelical. Aura Reading #7
High Heart Chakra Databank for Spiritual Self-Authority
4 inches. (Close to complete shutdown.)
Much hard work is evident here. Yet success at spiritual self-authority is very distanct as a lived experience.
Authentic spiritual self-authority is simple. Uncluttered. Above all spiritual self-authority is an innocent process.
If I were speaking directly to Sarah McCammon, I’d say this: Regardless of what you’ve been through — and you’ve generously shared a great deal about this in public . . . . My belief is that you can restore spiritual self-authority until it is as smooth as the skin on a baby’s cheek.
Please, don’t keep on trying to fix yourself in this regard. Whatever you’ve been doing hasn’t worked. Probably it can’t work. Find more effective help. Meanwhile, you might trust that this simple thing, spiritual self-authority, can be restored, when you do find effective support.
Sarah McCammon, EXvangelical. Aura Reading #8
Throat Chakra Databank for Spontaneous Communication
2 inches. (Close to shutdown.)
Struggle to edit her verbal and written communications. As though she’s constantly analyzing-and-editing as a kind of habit. Inwardly editing, as though that were compatible with a communicator’s flow of thought!
Sarah McCammon, EXvangelical. Aura Reading #9
Third Eye Chakra Databank for Spiritual Self-Trust
42 feet. (Within normal range.)
Yes, Sarah McCammon has learned a great deal about the spiritual kind of self-trust. This shows in the quality of this chakra databank. Also, this beautiful personal development shows in the exceptionally large amout of scar tissue present there — scar tissue being one of the most glorious things that can ever develop within a person’s aura.
Scar tissue in auras is not God-given. It is not Jesus-given. It is humanly given, the result of demonstrating exceptional courage despite adversity. Avoiding bitterness, too. So beautiful, this chakra databank of Sarah’s as it is by now!
Sarah McCammon, EXvangelical. Aura Reading #10
Third Eye Chakra Databank for Connection to Spiritual Source
49 feet. (Within normal range.)
God is present. At this chakra databank God is present as a direct experience.
Living this way, with God as a direct experience, may be the single biggest change about living now, in the Age of Awakening. By contrast, back in the Age of Faith, wasn’t the goal mainly to have faith? Not to have God.
In short: To have belief in God, rather than the experience of God.
For all of us living now, this can happen — provided that we seek out Spiritual Teachers and energy healers whose work has High Truth Value.
That distinction’s worth making because so many teachings from the Age of Faith, including Christian Evangelicalism, have very Low Truth Value. Through her choices, her integrity, and her magnificent writing in “The Exvangelicals,” Sarah McCammon has done something beautiful for God. May she inspire many!
My Wish, Personally
When I read the definitive book on EXvangelicals, “The Exvangelicals” by Sarah McCammon, what stood out most? How common it was for EXvangelicals to seek help from psychotherapists. Often the author lamented how hard it was to find a psychotherapist who understood the unique pain of an EXvangelical.
As though psychotherapy were a person’s only recourse! If you know any EXvangelicals, praise them for their courage. Following that, what if they start telling you about their difficulties with psychotherapy that drags on for years and years? Introduce them to personal sessions of Energy Spirituality as a more effective resource.
In Conclusion
This spiritual teacher has the highest regard for Sarah McCammon. I honor her as an important thought leader, and I’m so grateful for her work.
Now, continuing with the context of learning here at Earth School, readers, I’ve got three questions for you. If you’re an EXvangelical, an Evangelical, a Fundamentalist, or any person who has been strongly influenced by religion, the following three questions could be especially helpful for you to consider. Likewise for any spiritual seeker, even if you haven’t been particularly religious; yet you’ve been what’s called Spiritual But Not Religious.
- By all means, think about these three questions for yourself. Or discuss with friends. Hey, you could even ask these questions in Bible Study.
- Of course, you also have the option of COMMENTING at the version of this article at my personal blog. Feel free to ask me for my perspective on that particular question.
Question 1. Discernment Is Not Judgment
Maybe this seems like a heretical idea. Yet, in my experience, it’s true. And helpful.
What if the idea of “ Discernment Is Not Judgment” seems weird to you? It might prove helpful to read the article at the link just provided.
My question to you is, how would this concept land differently:
- For an EXvangelical
- In contrast to an Evangelical?
- And how does this concept land for you, as you’re living now?
Your COMMENTS, questions, and personal stories are so welcome!
Question 2. Does Personal Integrity Matter?
- If you’re an EXvangelical, it might.
- While if you’re an Evangelical or Fundamentalist, lying to yourself might seem preferable. Compared, say, to earning a one-way ticket to Hell.
For any of you who find this question interesting, allow me to introduce you to a different array of chakra databanks. Go ahead and explore the Integrity Array of Chakra Databanks.
Shouldn’t somebody on an authentic path to God live with integrity that is sparkling, pure, effortless-and-automatic?
Absolutely, go ahead and COMMENT at the version of this blogpost on my personal website. Share your personal view of whether integrity matters.
Also, feel free to ask me to share the single most freaky incident about personal integrity that I went through, back in the day. This was in response to a question from a “strong meditator,” back when my whole life involved working as one of the TM initiators trained by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
Question 3. If You’re an Empath
Could Empath Empowerment® help you? Would it bring you any extra results, if you were under the influence of a religion that — pardon my saying — had the secondary aim of destroying your personal sense of self?
Do tell.
What an adventure to share this latest inquiry with you, exploring the freedom and pain of EXvangelical life . . . from the perspective of:
Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING,
Or Energy Spirituality AURA READING
Or even to explore our leading-edge version of Enlightenment Coaching.
Come join me at the emerging comment conversation, capping this discussion. It’s over at my personal blog. See you!