Aura Reading NOW

Rose Rosetree
4 min readAug 25, 2020
Rose Rosetree, using Stage 3 Energetic Literacy

What’s the point of reading auras? (Or to use the obsolete term, “seeing” auras?)

Info in your aura is especially concentrated in places that correspond to parts of the physical body. These are known as major chakras.

Each of your chakras contains 50 chakra databanks. Brimming with information!

That’s why old-fashioned reading just a chakra as one unit is quite an over-simplification.

Every Chakra Databank Is a Great Resource for Learning — Whether About Yourself Or Others

Since every chakra databank concerns a particular aspect of your life.

How much detail can you read right now, choosing any chakra databank you like?

Loads! All you need do is develop Stage 3 Energetic Literacy.

Aura Reading Can Deliver Far More than Stage 1 Energetic Literacy

Granted, all beginners start here.

Newbie aura readers are (rightly) thrilled to notice anything at all about auras.

For example, let’s compare this to reading a kid’s first book with great big pictures.

Remember what happened? One special day, the blobs on the page started to shift. Suddenly you could make out people and objects within a picture. Aha! The first connection has been made.

Noticing auras is different from touching a toaster. Or seeing a kitchen sink. The perception is equally real. But far more subtle.

Typical Examples of Reading Auras with Just Stage 1 Energetic Literacy

  1. “I see colors around Gladys.”
  2. Or “Gladys has good vibes.”
  3. Or “I pick up a good feeling about Gladys.”

Aura Reading Can Deliver Far More than Stage 2 Energetic Literacy

To clarify what Stage Two Energetic Literacy is all about… Let’s continue with our analogy about word literacy.

Stage Two Energetic Literacy? It’s like reading picture books that tell a story.In terms of reading auras, a person does Chakra Readings. Yes, it’s a breakthrough to gain access to info in a chakra. Yet all of us can do much better.

How often have you encountered impressive-sounding generalizations. Which, in reality, mean that the person is excited. And maybe in love with what I call “The Romance of the Astral.” But that’s about it.

Typical Examples of Reading Auras with Just Stage 2 Energetic Literacy

Folks generalize about an entire chakra. Such as:

  1. “Joe’s Root Chakra is open”
  2. “Honestly, Joe’s aura is nothing special”
  3. “Joe’s Third Eye Chakra convinces me that he is Enlightened.”

Exactly how helpful is this kind of thing, really? Up to you to decide!

What’s the Standard for Today’s Aura Reading? Stage 3 Energetic Literacy

Once you’ve developed Stage 3 Energetic Literacy, you’re reading auras in loads of detail.

Chakra databanks reveal so much Back at our analogy to word literacy, what is good quality aura reading?

Like reading Green Eggs and Ham. The words, not just stringing together the pictures.

Actually, with a bit more practice, you can do the equivalent of reading War and Peace. You can access a more complex story.

With full energetic literacy you can compare and contrast Gladys’s Root Chakra databanks, or databanks anywhere else in his auric field.

Just Like Word Literacy, You Can Read. Then Compare & Contrast

For instance, maybe you’d like to use an array of chakra databanks for a particular purpose.

At my blog I’ve written articles about different sets of chakra databanks. As a matter of fact, these sets give you a head start at exploring aspects of life that matter to you. Such as?

Making More Money by Reading This Set of Chakra Databanks

Also known as: the Magnetize Money Chakra Databanks

One of my how-to books is loaded with ways to improve how these various chakra databanks are functioning. Click here to learn about this aura reading-based how-to for gaining more success.

How about Developing a Stronger Presence?

I’ve got just the thing. This assessment array can be a great way to compare & contrast. Inspiring you.

Or, maybe, inspiring some choices for personal growth.

Either way, you win. Thanks to our array of Chakra Databanks for Physicality.

One of my favorite examples (of many, here at this blog)? An aura reading of famed ballerina Misty Copeland.

And in another case….

Aura Reading Can Even Help You with Sex

Specifically, one particular array of chakra databanks can make a big difference. Namely, Aura Reading for Sexual Balance.

Of course, I’ve written articles applying this skill. For instance:

Following Up

Energy Spirituality offers you many ways to get good skills for aura reading. And to benefit from them.

To follow up, just go to the website and blog for Energy Spirituality.



Rose Rosetree
Rose Rosetree

Written by Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.

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