Aura Reading Fani Willis, D.A.
Skilled Empath Merge from Rose Rosetree, the Founder of Empath Empowerment®
Meet Fani Willis, because she’d be worth knowing about even if she weren’t doing something historic in American legal history.
Introducing Fani Willis
I’m in AWE of the strong Georgia District Attorney who has brought a RICO indictment against Donald John Trump. (And 18 other conspirators.)
As you may know by now, her first name is pronounced FAWE-nee. So that AWE sound comes in handy when saying her name, a name that will go down in history. She’s the Fulton County District Attorney in Georgia. And she is a powerhouse.
Growing up female and Black in America’s still-pretty-darned-racist South? Seems to me, that hasn’t broken her but prepared her.
What Has District Attorney Willis Done Last Week?
I’ll quote from an opinion piece in the New York Times: “This Indictment of Trump Does Something Ingenious”
When the Fulton County, Ga., district attorney, Fani Willis, filed criminal charges against Donald Trump and over a dozen of his allies for their attempt to overturn Georgia’s 2020 presidential election results, she did something ingenious.
In contrast to the special counsel Jack Smith’s latest laser-focused federal indictment of Mr. Trump, Ms. Willis charges a wide range of conspirators, from people in the Oval Office to low-level Georgia G.O.P. functionaries, and is the first to plumb the full depths, through a state-focused bathyscaph, of the conspiracy.
Her case also provides other important complements to the federal matter: Unlike Mr. Smith’s case, which will almost certainly not be broadcast because of federal standards, hers will almost certainly be televised, and should Mr. Trump or another Republican win the White House, Ms. Willis’s case cannot be immediately pardoned away.
But the indictment stands out, above all, because Georgia offers uniquely compelling evidence of election interference — and a set of state criminal statutes tailor-made for the sprawling, loosely organized wrongdoing that Mr. Trump and his co-conspirators are accused of engaging in.
Willis and Her Team Have Not Caved to Intimidation Tactics from Team Trump
Although there’s been plenty of that. For example:
- Trump prosecutor Fani Willis faces racist abuse after indicting ex-US president
- Trump Attacks on Prosecutors and Judges Raise Safety Concerns
Maybe you’re beginning to see why, for today, I’ve chosen a way to read her aura that explores Fani Willis’s courage. Just imagine for a moment, the pressure on her now:
“Trump and his co-defendants are due to surrender to Georgia authorities by Aug. 25. Warrants have been issued for their arrest, and Willis said she wants the case to go to trial within the next six months.”
Introducing the Courage Array of Chakra Databanks
This set of chakra databanks can come in handy for researching true heroes.
President Zelenskyy of Ukraine inspired me, originally, to develop this Courage Array of Chakra Databanks.
By all means, click on the link just provided. So far, this is the only time I’ve seen fit to use this research tool of Energy Spirituality™. Since it’s designed to illuminate the extraordinary achievement of leaders under pressure.
Of course, you and I can also benefit from learning about their current status. Request this kind of research in a personal session to learn how you’re doing with chakra databanks: Since they’re aura-parts that each of us has, too.
In order to gain clearer perspective, you can read about this set of chakra databanks in a dedicated blogpost.
And for this second-ever blogpost about where courage can show especially clearly in auras… For the first-ever time, I’ll be using Skilled Empath Merge, rather than doing a regular aura reading.
Insightful though aura readings are, what’s even more insightful? More personal, research that’s more deeply felt by the aura detective?
You guessed it, Readers.
Introducing Skilled Empath Merge
For some of you readers, Skilled Empath Merge is something that you have learned how to do. From direct experience, you know how this skill delivers even more than an aura reading. Yeah, yeah. You’ve read that in our most recent paragraph before this one. Only when you experience this ineffable immersion experience into being your “Discovery Person”? Open sesame!
Others of you, who are empaths yourselves, need to know that doing Skilled Empath Merge is the spiritual purpose of being born as an empath. In short, using this skill — its quiet way — inwardly intense for any truth seeker. Definitely the highlight of developing Empath Empowerment®.
Whether doing this research into consciousness on your own… Or else reading samples of Skilled Empath Merge right at this link.
As for you readers who are not empaths, no worries. You have your own lifelong degree of sensitivity. The Energy Spirituality SENSITIVITY SCALE can help you to celebrate what you’ve got, each score on that sensitivity scale having its own magnificence.
You’re a reader, even if not an empath. So please know that I wrote this blogpost to engage your imagination, your sense of wonder, and your knowledge of human nature, in what Shakespeare called its infinite variety.
Now, Open up this Photo and See the Personification of Courage
Because this recent photograph if D.A. Willis is the same one that I’ll be using for today’s Skilled Empath Merge.
Now, Reader, you’re ready to dance with me.
Meet Fani Willis. Chakra Databank 1.
Root Chakra Databank for Belonging to My Social Group
Larger than life. Fani really is that, has always been that. Not in the sense of some personality schtick, nor performer’s charisma.
Throughout her life, deep within her aura, she has always had the potential to live with three attributes. And now they’re turned on full strength:
- Big power.
- A practical focus, including an effortless talent for strategy.
- Exceptional clarity about what happens — what really happens — in objective reality.
Due to all that, she has never fit in exactly. Even after she learned how to fit in socially and tone down how she communicates.
“Strength in reserve” would be a comfortable, comforting description for what she has currently. Seems to me, using all the power-and-smarts-and-courage she’s got… just feels NORMAL to her. With this Fulton County RICO Indictment, Fani is fully taking her light out from under a bushel. Finally, it’s allowed to shine.
To shine, not to put her under a spotlight. More like, her current opportunity allows this extraordinary old soul to… stop pretending to fit in. Actually, I suspect it’s safe to say: Fani Willis was born to do this courage-requiring kind of job.
Meet Fani Willis. Chakra Databank 2.
Belly Chakra Databank for Flow of Energy During Conflict
Force-of-nature Fani will not stop. While there is breath in her body, she will be renewed.
Deep down, the D.A. knows this. Even on the surface of life, she knows it.
For that reason, the more challenging her public role, the calmer she feels.
Ever Hear of Antaeus?
In Greek mythology, there was the Titan named Antaeus. “Whenever Antaeus touched the Earth (his mother), his strength was renewed, so that even if thrown to the ground, he was invincible.”
For that reason, even if wounded, whenever Antaeus fell to the ground, yes! His full strength came roaring back.
Fani Willis reminds me of Antaeus. I’m not claiming that she has no personal vulnerabilities, not at all. More like, when this soul stepped into this incarnation in Georgia, energetically she arrived well prepared for what she’s doing in her work now.
No Titan, Willis is human. Yet who knows how many lifetimes she has prepared for a job like the one she has now. For sure, my experience of this Black professional in Georgia, is that she is fully supported, energetically.
Meet Fani Willis. Chakra Databank 3.
Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Handling Conflict
The law is Fani Willis’s fortress. Justice and truth are sacred to her, also real in a very everyday way… Such as planting your feet on the ground and briskly walking forward.
When this district attorney is involved in a prosecution, she proceeds with a quiet certainty. Her version of conflict isn’t about personalities or politics. Instead, facts matter. And truth matters. And justice matters.
Meet Fani Willis. Chakra Databank 4.
Heart Chakra Databank for Emotional Steadiness under Pressure
District Attorney Willis knows that she is more than her physical body. She is more than her emotions. Beyond knowing this intellectually, all this is an experience to her. Therefore, her sense of self is bigger than any particular circumstances.
While she’s at work (as she is in the photo used for today’s Skilled Empath Merge), this woman’s emotions stay in the background. Not the forefront. Right in the forefront are the law and the facts.
Rose Comments Further
What you just read about Fani Willis’s sense of self is a very uncommon version of emotional steadiness under pressure.
To be clear: This is distinctly different from today’s trendy mind tricks, such as “Mindfulness.”
One special reason for this emotional steadiness surprised me, at first, when I encountered it….
The Abundance of Willis’s Aura-Level Scar Tissue in this Chakra Databank
Even before the upcoming trial, so much scar tissue has already developed in this particular chakra databank.
While we’re living in any human lifetime here on Earth, spiritually and aurically, there is no higher honor.
According to my understanding of scar tissue so far, what must we do in order to earn this glorious aura-level blessing? Humanly, we’ve had to go through something difficult. In the process, through free will choices, we have significantly served, or achieved, or simply learned.
If you’re curious, Readers, feel free to COMMENT at this version of this article at my personal blog. Go ahead and ask about scar tissue in auras. For instance, maybe you’d like to ask, “How could this be a greater spiritual honor than being given Enlightenment?”
You see, Spiritual Enlightenment is something else that we can find, having developed good skills at energetic literacy. At least, here’s the truth about spotting Enlightenment: Using one’s full potential in life (Enlightenment), is aura-readable for those with sufficient skill to find this.
Ms. Willis is not in Enlightenment, not yet. But, at aura level, she does possess extraordinary scar tissue, including at her Heart Chakra Databank for Emotional Steadiness under Pressure.
Meet Fani Willis. Chakra Databank 5.
Throat Chakra Databank for Speaking with Power
Quite simply, this is how Fani Willis speaks. Always, she’s done this. Done this ever since she was young: words with power, power, power.
Rose Comments
I’d call this a defining characteristic, a spiritual gift with which this soul was born. Fortunately, she has done nothing to muck up her aura in ways that would have ruined it.
Most people don’t even have a Throat Chakra Databank for Speaking with Power.
- This is one of the 5% of a person’s OPTIONAL chakra databanks.
- In contrast with the 95% of a person’s chakra databanks that are STANDARD ISSUE, built in. (That is, assuming that the person has incarnated into a lifetime with normal mental health.)
Do you think it has been easy for Fani Willis to be a lifelong speaker of powerful truth??? In order to receive an answer to that question, you’d have to know her well and then ask her directly.
In case it helps, based solely on my knowledge of human nature, I doubt that this has been easy at all. Particularly when she was younger. Because we human beings must pay the price for every good thing about our lives.
Meet Fani Willis. Chakra Databank 6.
High Heart Chakra Databank for Courage Specialties During this Lifetime
Hey, Readers.…
Before I Do this Research, Did You Know What’s Special about High Heart Chakra Databanks?
How I love to research chakra databanks at the High Heart Chakra: Since all 50 of these chakra databanks — one way or another — will do what? They will inform you about a person’s unique soul expression for this particular lifetime.
Furthermore, doing this research through Skilled Empath Merge is even more of a privilege than any other form of deeper perception. To this Enlightenment Teacher, it’s a spiritual privilege, a sacred education.
All that said, back to this Skilled Empath Merge.
Fani’s Courage Specialties During this Lifetime
Her Way of Paying Attention Selectively
For this D.A., it’s easy to pay attention to one chosen topic at a time.
It’s as though that particular legal issue, or witness statement, becomes lit up from within her consciousness. No straining required. The spotlight comes from her own awareness.
Therefore, her uncanny tenacity isn’t like Winston Churchill’s bulldog courage. Nor is it like any other way of living with a fighting spirit. Rather, seems to me, whatever needs Fani’s attention… shines with a persistent light from within. That light will stay on — or go back on — until she has done what she can to bring justice.
A second courage specialty of hers for this lifetime is this:
A Fighting Compassion for the Victims
Let’s face it. Every crime has one or more victims. The particular compassion that I’m citing here as a soul-level gift? This is nothing like all the Victim Talk that one encounters so often in today’s American media.
In the context of this Courage Specialty for Fani Willis, I’d define Victim as “Somebody who deserves justice.”
Intellectually, emotionally, and soulfully, Fani Willis insists upon doing exactly this: Rain down justice upon the criminal.
Meet Fani Willis. Chakra Databank 7.
Third Eye Chakra Databank for Spiritual Integrity
Truth is beautiful. It is sacred.
Justice is beautiful and sacred.
Fani Willis has devoted her life to this.
In Conclusion
I’m so bowled over from learning about Fani Willis. It has been delightful to share this with you readers. At this point, I’ll simply conclude by saying…
Thanks for reading, everyone. If you’ve enjoyed this article, please consider FOLLOWING me here on Medium. I’d appreciate it.”