Are You Living Like a Nun or Monk?

Advice from an Enlightenment Teacher (in the Age of Awakening)

Rose Rosetree
6 min readJan 31, 2022
Do you know anybody who lives as a Semi-Renunciate? If that’s you, time to throw off those self-imposed handcuffs!

What’s wrong with being a secret Semi-Renunciate? Many deeply spiritual people are doing just that.

Let this Enlightenment teacher help you to reconsider about what it means to live as a renunciate:

  • Ideas that take you to the leading edge of Energy Spirituality. (That’s a field dedicated to helping people like you with emotional growth and spiritual awakening.)
  • Ideas that may shock you at first. Yet wind up helping you a lot.
  • All I’m asking is that you consider these ideas. Otherwise, how will you know if can they help you?

Many hundreds of my clients used to be semi-renunciates (without even realizing it). After gaining clarity, they renounced that half-and-half way of living. As a result, their lives improved enormously.

So let’s proceed now… one idea at a time….

First of All, What IS a Renunciate?

Some of today’s renunciates are clergy, when the position requires taking a vow of celibacy. Such as Catholic priests. In contrast to Protestant ministers.

Recently I researched chakra databanks of a Catholic Bishop. (See Comments #118–159.) Eye opening! And I don’t mean Third Eye opening! Among other renunciates whose auras I’ve researched are:

  1. Renunciates living in an ashram in India.
  2. Swamis living at Yogaville.
  3. Monks in monasteries.
  4. Nuns in convents.
  5. Ex-nuns, ex-monks, ex-Catholic priests.
  6. Members of different cults, who might not think of themselves as renunciates. Yet, for all practical purposes? Oh yes, they certainly are.

And how about self-authorizing renunciates? Maybe belonging to a particular religion, maybe not. In this article, let’s call these folks “Semi-Renunciates.”

Semi-Renunciates — Far More Common than Most People Think

Semi-renunciates are passionate seekers of God. Or of personal growth, psychological wholeness, religious sanctity, psychic development…

Many of today’s semi-renunciates belong to a worship community. Yet others might be exvangelicals. Or call themselves “spiritual but not religious.”

In reality, there are innumerable versions on living as a renunciate. What do they all have in common?

That person isn’t really living like a householder.

And What Is a Householder?

“Householder” is a term from Eastern religions to describe a person who has a home in the world. A life that doesn’t require taking vows to live with chastity, poverty, and obedience.

As a householder, you might love God as the great love of your life. But that’s private.

For instance, you need wear no costume to proclaim, “I am religious.”

Are Renunciates Necessary If You’re Living in the Age of Faith?

Regular readers of my blog already know about the Shift into the Age of Awakening. This event happened on Dec. 21, 2012. It has had a real impact on human consciousness. (And, for pity’s sake, don’t lump together what you’ll read here with some of the mainstream crazy-talk on this topic.)

Pre-Shift, humanity lived in what I call “The Age of Faith.” (Use the link just provided to find out what that means. At least, you’ll begin to understand what that means. Personally, I’m still learning.)

Back to the topic at hand, during the Age of Faith, yes. Renunciate lifestyles were necessary — if you were to have a prayer of living in a way where you were really close to God. (Have a prayer. Joke. Right?)

During the Age of Faith a “Psychic Barrier” made it very difficult for human beings to fully experience the Divine. Or, in Eastern parlance, to gain Spiritual Enlightenment.

BTW, you can learn more about the Psychic Barrier, and what it means that this disappeared for good… with the Shift. Simply click on the link just provided, and you’ll be off to a good start.

Definitely you owe it to yourself to start learning about the current era. Learn what it really means, living in the Age of Awakening. You’ll enjoy life more. And if helping other is your thing, you’ll become able to do that far better. And why?

Because you’re making use of what works NOW, in the Age of Awakening. Rather than trying to live up to religious ideals that are now obsolete.

Are Renunciates Necessary If You’re Living NOW, in the Age of Awakening?

According to my latest thinking, as an Enlightenment Teacher….

It’s time to ask the big question, are renunciates necessary any longer?

No, they’re not.

Perhaps Even More Shocking

Have You Been Living a Half-and-Half Life? Like a Semi-Renunciate!

That means, to the casual eye you’re a householder, in most respects. You’ve got a job, and something of a wardrobe. Thus, you choose your own clothing — no small thing to many of us.

Yet in your heart of hearts, your loyalty is to renunciate life.

Supposedly, wouldn’t it be great if you could put God first, as a renunciate does?

Yet you could still wear cute clothes… and maybe have sex?

That’s life as a semi-renunciate. I know a lot about that, since I lived that way for at least a decade.

Honestly, Are You Kinda Proud of Living That Way?

Like my recent first-time client Gladys: Quite clearly she was living — or half-living — as a semi-renunciate.

After I asked her directly, “Is that true?” Gladys admitted it proudly, along with a funny little giggle.

If I hadn’t been there myself long ago, I might have called that giggle a little bit creepy.

Since I’ve been there, and since I care, here’s some tough love. Simply put:

Consequences of Semi-Renunciate Aren’t Cute

Because here’s what a person like Gladys gets, in reality, for her divided loyalties:

Very likely, she’s living the consciousness lifestyle of Spiritual Addiction:

  • Lack of commitment to career. Underperforming. Opposite to using your full potential in life.
  • Very limited social relationships, compared to what Gladys could be enjoying.
  • A sex life that’s either pathetic or tinged with feelings of shame-and-guilt.

And Here’s the Clincher

Here’s the clincher. What if you love God a lot; and this half-and-half kind of life happens to be how you’re expressing it?

As a result of living half-and-half, a semi-renunciate…

Ironically! Even tragically!

Your spiritual evolution and emotional growth come pretty much to a halt.

You see, there’s a fine line between loving God… and living humanly as a kind of spiritual eccentric. Beware living on the eccentric side of that line.

Simply Put, Are Renunciates Necessary Now?

Definitely Not

Instead, seek Spiritual Enlightenment. Renunciation was simply a means to that end.

Progressing toward Enlightenment definitely does not require a full-time commitment. Nor renunciation. Simply make some practical choices, like those that helped the Energy Spirituality clients who’ve moved into Enlightenment.

In Conclusion

Of course, if you’ve already taken vows, honor them. For instance, should you already live in a convent or monastery, stay there. Likewise for any of you who are celibate priests. Keep living that beautiful life, in the company of others with an equal commitment to your religion.

Look, I doubt that you’d change your way of living because of this blogpost. You entered into a life consecrated to God, and did that long before the Shift into the Age of Awakening. (I’m writing this blogpost for folks who are younger than you. Also for those who are semi-renunciates.)

On behalf of all who respect the sanctity of the life you’ve entered into, thank you for your magnificent service.

How About the Rest of You Readers, Though?

Namely, those of you who’ve been dreaming of a sacred life of renunciation. Yet, in reality, you’re a semi-renunciate.

Already you’ve made choices that are independent and brave. Now make another such choice. Reconsider that way of life.

Take some advice from an Enlightenment Teacher who understands folks like you, and has helped many to move past that half-and-half workaround. Here’s the truth about the amazing spiritual potential of living now:

In the Age of Awakening, millions of people — regular people like you and me — can move into Enlightenment.

And do it as householders.

This kind of life may deliver what you’ve been praying for.

Enlightenment Teacher Rose Rosetree says, “Thanks for reading.”

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Rose Rosetree
Rose Rosetree

Written by Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.

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