Always Hope. Don’t Despair.
Actively find what sustains you.
Always Hope. Why?
Consider it a political act. In this unusual post, I’ll remind you to vote but otherwise turn of the silly news. And do something else instead: LIVE lively.
Always Hope.
Fortunately, Your Reasons Don’t Have to Be Fancy.
For instance:
Don’t despair.
God really does care.
And God has put you here.
Always Hope. Don’t Despair
Maybe you’ve noticed. I’d didn’t just say, “Never despair.” Since that would hardly be realistic.
Very likely a sea of despair is rising in your nation. Possibly it’s soaking into your neighborhood.
Therefore, a few sprinkles could get on you.
Well, towel yourself off. Every time.
Calmly walk to higher ground. Or skip. Even run, if you have to.
And once there, I sure hope you’ll remember to do your job. Which is what? To always hope. Especially now.
But what does it mean to always hope?
Simply Put
If you have a favorite song, sing it. (Do you have to agree with every single word? Nah!)
At least you can dance. Somehow dance. You’re not dead yet, are you?
Quite possibly you ‘ve even got a favorite poem. Or else some other artsy thing. Now may be a good time to revisit that.
Whatever uplifts you, awakens you, reminds you there is always hope: Take action in that spirit.
- Ring every bell in your home. (You do have a bunch o’ bells, don’t you? Few things are more worth collecting.)
- Light some candles. And before you blow each one out, make a wish.
- Pause just a bit to wand-up a few soap bubbles. Then watch their rainbows, which happen to sing out “Always hope”! Have you noticed?
You see, I’m not saying, “Don’t do your everyday job.” Of course, do your job. Afterward, though, remember to have some fun. And remind your loved ones, too.
Remind them how keeping hope alive… And love… And caring. Could be, that’s your spiritual job right now.
And a job that could tip this election.
Two Important Actions to Take. Two Priorities for Now
Might I suggest?
#1. Get your voting plan ready. Then follow through and vote.
#2. Turn off the news for a while. Because whoever are your favorite broadcasters… All the news professionals worth following — they’re just getting too darned depressed. Seemingly trying far too hard to understand MAGA voters.
Look, you may have your theories about Trumpies. I do. Perhaps I’ll blog about my theories another time. But not now. Since now is not the time to try to get inside MAGA heads.
BTW, do you know any voters who proudly call themselves “undecided”? Personally, I think they’re full of beans.
Instead of trying to convince them of the right way to vote, how about this? Tell them, “Do yourself a favor, then. If you feel that figuring out how to vote is too complicated, try this. Don’t bother voting.”
Mustering up some anger, occasionally? Seems to me, that’s perfectly compatible with always hope. Also quite compatible with voting.
Definitely Choose Things that Make You Happy
Doing this all day long? Of course not. Just give yourself occasional reminders of who you are and what your life can be about.
“Joy Awakeners.” Find your favorite kinds and for heaven’s sake…
Sprinkle them through your waking hours. Like salt on a tasty pretzel.
In Conclusion
Don’t despair.
Don’t you dare.
God wants you here.
There’s always hope. So do your share.