A New Way to Make Sense of People You Meet
Consciousness Lifestyles 2025
Consciousness Lifestyles 2025 will update you on how likely it is that folks you meet are paying much attention to human reality.
This will be our fourth annual estimate of how people are doing in America, regarding the relative popularity of different ways of living when it comes to personal habits for positioning consciousness.
Granted, “positioning consciousness” is one of the more technical terms of art in the field of Energy Spirituality®. For this year’s annual estimate, my emphasis will be practical. But it’s still worth your while to open this link and refresh your understanding of what that means, positioning consciousness.
You See, readers, this year I’ve found a new way of looking at consciousness lifestyles. This article includes both the usual way, emphasizing consciousness, and today’s new-and-practical way. Emphasizing what? You’ll see.
Practical Tip: I’m aiming to fill in blanks regarding the knowledge base for some of you newer readers. If you’re already familiar with all those concepts, a review still won’t hurt you. But if you want to skip forward to the percentages for 2025, search on this heading:
Now for Our Consciousness Lifestyle Research
Meanwhile . . . .
Why Bring Forth New Knowledge on Consciousness Lifestyles?
Five simple reasons, that’s why.
- Truth is, you can’t discern a person’s consciousness lifestyle before undergoing a bit of training.
- First, for this training you would start by developing Stage 3 Energetic Literacy.
- After that is fluent, book one session with me for Enlightenment Coaching. Ask me to explain how you can develop a certain speciality, answering any questions you have. Which specialty? The technically rigorous specialty of discerning consciousness lifestyles.
- In months or years to follow, regular practice for five minutes daily will fine-tune your skills.
- Maybe you’ll also book an occasional session to refine your knowledge. Other clients have done this. It’s thrilling knowledge, and you may be among the first 100 human beings to serve as this kind of leader.
But what if you don’t want to do all that work? Other than developing the aforementioned skill, isn’t there any other way to learn a workaround kind of discernment?
Yes! Actually, that’s the what makes today’s article new. Empowering for you.
What’s the equivalent skill you can start developing today? For practical purposes, it’s good enough to discern whether folks DO or DON’T mostly live in reality. Human reality.
Here I don’t mean guessing. Or gossiping. I’m referring to a very specific skill. Fortunately . . .
You Won’t Need Much Training to Develop This Far Easier Skill
In today’s article I’ll get you started. Read slowly, rather than skim-reading, please. Then I think you’ll understand what’s involved in using this new skill: Learning a practical way to discern how a person makes contact with objective reality.
- Not only doesn’t this new approach demand that you develp advanced skill at reading auras.
- This skill doesn’t require Stage 2 Energetic Literacy.
- Nor does it even demand so much as Stage 1 Energetic Literacy.
Today’s blog post will start you asking-and-answering one essential question.
How does this person make contact with reality — which kind of reality is of interest, mostly?
Any time you spend five minutes or more, talking with a fellow human being — you can practice this new skill. And yes, what you learn will be directly related to discerning consciousness lifestyles. Only far easier to do.
Hold on. What’s a Consciousness Lifestyle?
Since this is no abstract concept, let’s talk about YOURS. Of course, you have a consciousness lifestyle. Every human adult has one.
Your consciousness lifestyle is a pattern, a subconscious habit. These “lifestyles” involve your consciousness. How do you routinely position yours vibrationally?
Please, click on the link just provided if you’re not yet familiar with what this next term means: “Positioning consciousness vibrationally.”
As a matter of fact, I’ve been blogging about consciousness lifestyles ever since 2014. Very soon after Earth’sShift into the Age of Awakening, which happenedjust over 12 years ago, on Dec. 21, 2012.
Each year this Enlightenment Teacher learns more about the relationship between consciousness livestyles and how they show in ways that a person makes contact with objective reality. Human, everyday reality.
So far the purpose of this blog’s annual estimate has been to inform you about the latest trends. Important to note: Every human adult with normal mental functioning, does have a consciousness lifestyle. Therefore, percentages supplied in our Consciousness Lifestyle Annual Articles can prove quite useful. Helping you to understand more about the society in which you’re living right now.
Are You Very Clear about the Meaning of Objective Reality?
If you’re not crystal clear about that meaning, please click on that link just provided. No Ph.D. in philosophy will be required. You can learn the basics right now.
- Otherwise you won’t gain as much help from this article as you could.
- Did you know? One of the mottoes of Energy Spirituality is: Don’t fudge it.
- Figuring that you’ll just get the meaning from context? Really? That’s one way to cheat yourself. And why? Not quite getting what this Enlightenment Teacher is trying to convey because you refused to spend 2–3 minutesreading an article designed to bring you clarity?
Hmm, what else? Another possible limitation is fear of reading what follows. Hey, please . . . .
DON’T Fear LEARNING about Icky Consciousness Lifestyles
Granted, they’re hidden from view. This info will just be about people with that consciousness lifestyle. Nothing contagious. With one exception (keep reading to find out which exception, exactly. But I’ll tell you right now, that exception has nothing to do with reading this article.)
To repeat: With that one exception, consciousness lifestyles are not contagious.
So don’t get all squeamish. Plunge into this knowledge. Reading the specifics in this article, like learning from our COMMENTS for the version if this article at my personal blog — this is going to strengthen you. Never weaken you.
Also good to know?
In case you were wondering, what I’m about to report is totally different from conspiracy theories. Nor does the topic of consciousness lifestyles have anything to do with cult thinking. So you won’t need to buy a tin hat before you keep reading.
By all means, COMMENT at the version of this article at my personal blog. Ask why I think that knowledge in this post is different from both cults and conspiracy theories. Fact is, Energy Spirituality® leaves mainstream articles in the dust, regarding so much that’s current-and-true-and-important about personal development in the Age of Awakening.
Information at this blog is systematically developed, responsibly taught, and applicable to life in the Age of Awakening. I am no mere theorist. Witness all the trademarked systems in Energy Spirituality, and the many thousands of clients I’ve helped.
Below you’re invited to share your current thoughts on the topic of consciousness lifestyles. Come, enrich our comment conversations. In my experience, those who contribute the most? They also receive the most.
Upgrade Your Success and Personal Relationships!
Consciousness lifestyles are a big-deal underlying factor in quality of life. Silently shaping all your relationships. Which makes the knowledge in today’s article . . . humanly relevant.
- When you read the following list, know that all but the last two consciousness lifestyles… can be changed. Stuckness reversed completely.
- Whether or not a consciousness lifestyle improves… depends entirely on that individual’s use of free will.
- For your own quality of life, also know this: Like it or not, whichever consciousness lifestyle you have right now — that will bring you consequences. Either limiting your life or allowing you to use more and more of your full potential in life. So choose well, developing your chosen consciousness lifestyle.
- The purpose of Energy Spirituality® is to help you live with a self-actualizing consciousness lifestyle. Every one of our specialties can be essential for helping you to use your full potential:
- Aura Reading — aka Developing Skills of Energetic Literacy
- Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING
- Real Deal Empath Empowerment®
- Enlightenment Teaching and Enlightenment Coaching
Books, workshops, and personal sessions from Energy Spirituality — all of these can make a positive difference for you.
Incidentally, what if you’re not among the 1 in 20 people born as an empath? You can benefit from an Energy Spirituality perspective by learning about your score on the Energy Spirituality Sensitivity Scale. Quick and useful. (Whereas Empath Empowerment skills, if you happen to be an empath, are potentially life changing.)
Now for Our Consciousness Lifestyle Research
Consciousness Lifestyles 2025
1. Highly Self-Actualizing
14% of Americans in January 2025
Holding steady, percentage-wise, since last year is the prevalence of:
Human-Based Spirituality & The New Strong & Spiritual Enlightenment
What makes these self-actualizing consciousness lifestyles distinctive?
The sense of self is strong and unusually integrated for a human. That means, in every social situation and under any circumstance, that person feels pretty much the same, deep down.
- A starter experience of this happens in Human-Based Spirituality.
- That integration takes a big leap forward once somebody learns how to live The New Strong.
- Then, once a person attains Enlightenment — whether Age of Awakening Enlightenment or Traditional Enlightenment — an integrated sense of self becomes far more lively.
Another Technical Point May Fascinate You
Two out of these three consciousness lifestyles result from small choices, here or there. However, one consciousness lifestyle is a gift. You can’t exactly make it happen.
Do you know which one of these can only be a gift? Can you guess?
Self-Actualizing Consciousness Lifestyles: Examples
Suppose that you’re talking about the weather with one other person, you and Hypothetical Gladys.
In a Self-Actualizing Consciousness Lifestyle, How Well Do You Make Contact with Objective Reality?
If you live in any 1 of these 3 self-actualizing lifestyles, you make excellent contact with reality. Period.
Technical point: Although there are many differences between these three self-actualizing consciousness lifestyles, guess what? Those differences are not about perceiving reality and accepting it as real. (With the exception of Traditional Enlightenment. Ask about that, COMMENTING, if you like.)
On to a Personal Example of Making Contact with Objective Reality
As with all our fictionalized examples in this article, describing what it might be like for you — or the person you’re talking with — to converse — while the person in question is living in one consciousness lifestyle rather than another.
For our first example of this kind, there you are, living in Human-Based Spirituality or The New Strong or Spiritual Enlightenment. Regardless . . .
You know what weather is. You can do any form of small talk just fine.
If the person you’re talking to is a friend, you can graduate from small talk to topics of mutual interest — topics that are likely more personal. But what’s best for you to do if that other person doesn’t seem to be making good contact with objective reality?
You may find it preferable to continue to emphasize objective reality only, as you talk with that other person.
How Well Does The Other Person Make Contact with Objective Reality?
Gladys, who lives in any of these three self-actualizing lifestyles, also knows what weather is. She can do any form of small talk just fine. If she knows you well, she can discuss topics with you that are more personal, related to your mutual interests. And what she says will make sense.
Consciousness Lifestyles 2025
Out of Touch with Reality, Substituting Energy Talk, Religion, or Psychic Ideas
2. Spiritual Addiction
38.7% of Americans in January 2025
What makes this consciousness lifestyle distinctive?
- Without knowing what’s happening with positioning consciousness . . .
- While feeling perfectly “normal,”
- Spiritual Addiction prevents any person from making good contact with human objective reality.
Instead, the person is far more interested in astral life than in human life. (Again, without knowing what’s happening.)
In this consciousness lifestyles, an individual’s interests usually amount to a short list of topics. Often idealistic seekers of truth, these folks may specialize in just one of the following. Although it is also possible to have many “spiritual” or “energetic” or “psychic” ideas. For example:
- Translating human experience into (the supposedly superior) language
- Living as a proud stoner.
- Making an effort to come across as very relaxed, perhaps assisted by CBD or other mind-altering substances.
- Taking many “spiritual” breaks daily for mindfulness.
- Chatting up one’s spirit guide or other favorite discarnate being. Often requesting guidance in daily life. Obeying that “sacred” guidance, as if this makes the person “spiritual” or “enlightened.” (Not so.)
- Practicing psychic development. Frequently consulting Tarot cards. Looking for signs and synchronicities. Alternatively, conspiracy theories may be the person’s point of reference for what is true versus what’s false.
- Often “upgrading” everyday experience, making it meaningful in terms of a spiritual or religious belief system, such as “Tony Robbins says,” or “What would Jesus do?”
- As a matter of principle, doubting facts. Scoffing at science. Despising “what ordinary people believe” . . . about just about anything.
- Doing all you can to live at a higher vibration.
- Attempting detachment or witnessing, due to certain Enlightenment teachings that possess what this spiritual teacher would call “Low Truth Value.”
On the bright side, folks can move out of this consciousness lifestyle. It’s not automatically a no-exit way of life.
The Spiritual Addiction Consciousness Lifestyle: Examples
Suppose that you’re talking about the weather with one other person, you and Hypothetical Gladys.
In this Consciousness Lifestyle, How Well Do You Make Contact with Objective Reality?
Assuming that you’re living in Spiritual Addiciton, what is so-called “objective reality”? That’s merely something that literal and unevolved people live in. Kind of like their consolation prize.
What if poor Gladys is only capable of talking about mundane things like the weather? The weather, for crying out loud! The weather, literally!!!
You might talk about the energy of the sky, or the wind, or the snow. How people’s vibes change if they’re too cold or too hot. You see, only topics like these might be of interest to you.
Otherwise? What if, in response, Gladys can’t groove along with you? Very likely you’ll detach inwardly. For instance:
- Watch how Gladys’ mouth moves while she talks, not paying attention to a thing she says. “Blah-blah.”
- Meanwhile, you’re asking yourself inwardly: “Why does she bother?”
- Practicing how you can understand the speech of animals. (If you’re not sure, you can make things up, based on that animal’s energy.) Still feels good!
How Well Does The Other Person Make Contact with Objective Reality?
Let’s suppose that you make touch with objective reality just fine. Now you’re having your first conversation ever with Gladys. Nobody has told you she is in Spiritual Addiction. However, you can’t help but notice:
She drifts in and out of talking to you. Sometimes spacing out mid-sentence.
Rather than look at you, while the two of you chat, Gladys’ eyes look unfocused. (Maybe her pupils look dilated, too.)
Gladys never seems to hear what you’re saying. Just as disturbing, that doesn’t appear to bother her one bit.
Consciousness Lifestyles 2025
Out of Touch with Reality: Substituting Pop Psychology
3. Psychological Overwork
15% of Americans in January 2025
What makes this consciousness lifestyle distinctive? Doing Psychological Overwork can cause people to feel superior. So knowing, so wise!
Of course, they know they’re progressing. Even if they don’t feel perfect yet — And that’s okay!
The complications of delving into life psychologically are endless, which can help a person to feel so very alive. And did I mention, also very wise?
Famously, even Carl Jung had to be reminded by Freud, “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.” When to analyze extra, when not? So complicated!
On the bright side, folks can move out of this consciousness lifestyle. It’s not automatically a no-exit way of life.
The Psychological Overwork Consciousness Lifestyle: Examples
Suppose that you’re talking about the weather with one other person, you and hypothetical Gladys.
In this Consciousness Lifestyle, How Well Do You Make Contact with Objective Reality?
As somebody living in Psychological Overwork (even though perhaps you’re unfamiliar with this term), you’re perfectly willing to talk with this stranger, Gladys. She may turn out to be an interesting case. Most people are, one way or another.
Personally, you view small talk about weather as kind of Rorschach Test, an inkblot test. Whatever Gladys says to you, you’re asking yourself, “What is she really trying to say?”
Many people are quite disturbed. Even a short conversation can allow you to make a pretty accurate diagnosis of what’s wrong with Gladys.
How Well Does The Other Person Make Contact with Objective Reality?
Sadly, these hardworking folks are usually the last to know that they have long ago taken an off-ramp from objective reality.
- Although psychotherapists showed leadership when they flagged how people could be, “Taking the spiritual bypass,” guess what?
- It took a certain Founder of Energy Spirituality to publish the first article on the internet about “Taking the psychological bypass.”
- And although I published the aforementioned article nearly 5 years ago, guess how many new authors have taken up the topic? According to my Google, ZERO.
Actually, folks in Psychological Overwork may miss many things about reality. They’re so busy! Typically they’re mostly in their heads, no longer living full-bodied human lives.
Consciousness Lifestyles 2025
Stuck. Cluelessly Stuck
4. Spiritual Shutdown
5% of Americans in January 2025
Why so low? Compared to last year, for instance, when my estimate was 12%. According to my understanding, many folks who used to live in Spiritual Shutdown now live in Spiritual Addiction. Some MAGA enthusiasts, for instance.
Partly, this consciousness lifestyle may seem to be a matter of values. In Spiritual Shutdown, folks value stability, being dependably normal, seeming normal to everyone else who matters.
Living down-to-Earth is an ultimate accolade. Also, for many in Spiritual Shutdown, what counts as a plus? Following an Age of Faith religion, such as living as an Evangelical. As though, for instance, every word of the Bible is literally true.
Who are the very most confident people you know? You know, how they’re always positive that they’re right about everything. Usually these folks are in — you guessed it — Spiritual Shutdown.
Now that We’re All Living in the Age of Awakening . . .
Those in Spiritual Shutdown are the last to let go of the old ways. Holding fast to beliefs from the Age of Faith.
Besides, that, what makes this consciousness lifestyle especially distinctive?
Metaphorically speaking, folks in Spiritual Shutdown are like Swiss cheese — the only kind of cheese I know that has big holes built right in. Only regarding these folks, metaphorical holes represent:
- An extreme lack of curiosity.
- Big holes in their understanding.
- Big gaps in their desire to pay attention.
- Unless you talk about literal things, familiar things, oops! That person may draw a blank.
- What does that mean, “draw a blank”? Look blank and say nothing. Maybe treat you as though you don’t even exist.
On the bright side, folks can move out of this consciousness lifestyle. It’s not automatically a no-exit way of life.
The Spiritual Shutdown Consciousness Lifestyle: Examples
Suppose that you’re talking about the weather with one other person, you and hypothetical Gladys.
In this Consciousness Lifestyle, How Well Do You Make Contact with Objective Reality?
Suppose that you’re talking about the weather with one other person, a stranger named Gladys.
Within seconds you can tell if she’s on the level. Like, her heart is in the right place. Like, she’s the kind of person who hangs the American flag on her property, or else she pastes a patriotic decal on her car.
To you, there are really just two kinds of people in the world: Those who are “good God-fearing” Christians like you and everybody else. Additionally, you may believe in some conspiracy theory or other about what people in this second group are up to.
Note: Traditionalists in any organized religion often live in this consciousness lifestyle. And so do plenty of others who aren’t religiously affiliated, or course. Spiritual Shutdown is just a consciousness lifestyle, not a club of “the best people.”
Mainly, while talking to Gladys, you aim to be polite. And not physically wrinkle up your nose in disgust. How can people be so unpatriotic, so unAmerican?
How Well Does The Other Person Make Contact with Objective Reality?
Gladys might sprinkle her conversation with little asides and questions. Testing you, without appearing to be testing you. (She thinks.)
It is very important to her that she get clear about you and your loyalties, get clear as soon as possible. Gladys may believe ardently in the power of forgiveness. After this conversation, she may pray for your soul. But nowhere in her system of beliefs is it written that she’s not allowed to have contempt for people who are living just plain wrong.
5. Consciousness Lifestyles 2025
Permanently Stuck, Sense of Self Compromised for Keeps
5. The Astrally Compromised Consciousness Lifestyle
1.3% of Americans in January 2025
Before going further, I’m going to make a correction about my previous estimates of folks with the Astrally Compromised Consciousness Lifestyle. Fact is, when I cocreate with a Divine Being to develop these estimates, hello! I am the human part of the team. This year, I acknowledged to myself that I have been affected by the disproportionate amount of media attention and noise on this topic.
So, unlike the last couple of years, when my estimate was 13%, in 2025 I’m right-sizing this statistic.
What makes this consciousness lifestyle distinctive?
Nothing less is involved is sharing one’s sense of self with one or more astral beings. Akin to signing lifetime leases for permanent lodgers who, from now on, will dwell in your home. Only technically speaking, these astrals stay in your aura, not your living room. Even if you move to a new apartment, those discarnates will move right along with you.
Technically, What’s Involved?
One or more discarnate astral entities have been given permission by their human, along the gist of, “Sure, come on in. And stay for the rest of my life.”
- How many entities, exactly? So far, in researching for clients and researching some public figures, it may be just one or two discarnates. Or the number might be as high as six.
- Quite different from Extreme Spiritual Addiction, where a unique team of discarnate beings is involved, numbering in the thousands or more.
Thus far, I’ve noticed two different paths to this consciousness lifestyle.
One way this develops is by working closely with a discarnate being who serves as a guide. The path in question might involve shamanic healing or channeling.
Otherwise? The human in question has sexual curiosity. That soul gives permission for another entity to become part of their aura. According to my research, this begins by teaming up aurically with an entity that is male (if the human is female) or female (if the human is male).
For Those of Us Who Are NOT Living in this Consiousness Lifestyle . . .
We’re more likely to notice this Astrally Compromised Consciousness Lifestyle, compared to noticing any other consciousness lifestyle.
- To be blunt, the person creeps you out. Something seems so off. You might, or might not, feel as though something is sexually off.
- Alternatively, even though you don’t normally pay attention to people’s energies, it may seem to you that somehow this person’s energies are weird.
Especially upsetting to notice this if you don’t believe in judging people — although you known this kind of reaction isn’t about judging anybody for fun. More like a visceral reaction.
This is one of two no-exit consciousness lifestyles.
The Astrally Compromised Consciousness Lifestyle: Examples
Suppose that you’re talking about the weather with one other person, you and hypothetical Gladys.
In these two examples of living in the Astrally Compromised Consciousness lifestyle, the person’s aura includes just one discarnate entity. (Often that number is larger, but let’s keep things simple.)
Let’s suppose that the individual in these examples does a lot of Ayahuasca trips or else serves humanity by doing old-fashioned soul retrieval.
Note: I have aura-researched far, far fewer people with this consciousness lifestyle than any of the other ones discussed in this article.
In this Consciousness Lifestyle, How Well Do You Make Contact with Objective Reality?
Suppose that you’re shopping for groceries. You ask a store employee to help you to find new brands of cat food.
Inwardly, you’re detached. Almost as though you’re putting on a show, seeming “just like” that store clerk. Whereas you are more of an ambassador to the planet, helping to open up the important new path you’re on. What’s involved, behind the scenes? Mere humans, like you, can become wayshowers. You can team up with helpers to become far wiser and nobler than ordinary human beings.
Also, compared to before you moved into your current way of life (i.e. consciousness lifestyle), everything you see is backlit with a sweet glow. A glow of spirituality.
Note: Actually, Rose would call this an astral glow. Not spiritual at all. And reflecting a certain kind of spiritual side trip. Whereby you, a human, have given permission for one or more discarnate entities takes turns running you:
- Sometimes you’re the one in charge.
- Sometimes one of your entities (never more than one at a time) takes over for a while.
- As the human, you consider it a privilege when this happens. You are growing! What’s happening is spiritually beautiful.
- How superior you feel to ordinary people. Though you try not to show this.
- Maybe most fun of all. Mere humans are totally oblivious as to what’s happening.
- The occasional psychic or another person with good skills of energetic literacy might choose to notice, but that’s it. Plus, children and cats and dogs recognize that you are super-special.
How Well Does The Other Person Make Contact with Objective Reality?
Gladys talks with you while she’s shopping in the supermarket. She has asked some store employee to help you to find new brands of cat food.
You pay close attention to this information about where to go in the store. Ordinarily you don’t much notice the details of ordinary life. Far more interesting are the energies around all living beings, whether humans or animals or plants.
Unlike most other adults, you never need to worry about missing out on something important. That Best Friend in Spirit (or more than one of these, depending on the arrangement you’ve made so far) is with you inwardly all the time. Looking out for you.
That’s good, how you will be guided by a Best Friend in Spirit. So if there’s something you’re supposed to do, you’ll get a reminder.
And, of couse, living as you do now, you just know: I’ll never be lonely again.
Consciousness Lifestyles 2025
Permanently Run by a Team of Discarnate Astral Spirits
6. Extreme Spiritual Addiction
26% of Americans in January 2025
What makes this consciousness lifestyle distinctive?
You feel high all the time. As for noticing people’s energies, you’ve become incredibly great at that. Yet how many people recognize that new greatness in you? Precious few.
Mostly that would be other people with your same consciousness lifestyle, whatever your name is for that. For instance, you’re:
- Among the chosen ones.
- In Enlightenment.
- Holier than God!!!
Ergg, this is the second of two no-exit consciousness lifestyles. It is the only contagious consciousness lifestyle. What makes it contagious? If we have one or more sexual encounters with another person in Extreme Spiritual Addiction.
Uniquely, this Follows a Particular Progression
Having researched many people who have inwardly agreed to Extreme Spiritual Addiction, what have I noticed? There are certain predictable stages. Even though the length of time varies, basically, this is the typical progression.
First: The human’s growing receptivity to ideas and energies from discarnates. That human might call it “guidance” or “visions” or “sacred knowing” — could be anything. Regardless, at least one astral entity or E.T. entity is leading the courtship phase with the human. Seemingly so helpful, so wonderful, admires you so much.
Second: The human begins to understand that permission can be given to receive this wonderful help on a permanent basis. Ideas about what this will mean may be quite vague, or fantasy-like. That human doesn’t think in terms like, “What price will I pay for what you are promising me?”
Third: Agreement. There is one moment in consciousness — and also human time — when that human says, “I’m in.” Or the equivalent.
Fourth: Adjustment begins. The human feels important, enjoying this new arrangement. Gradually, the input of that human being may still feel important to that human, inwardly. In reality, personal memories and language — that incarnation’s software, as it were — is being copied and transferred to the group of entities.
Fifth: The takeover is complete. Entities run the human. As I understand things so far, it’s rare for the human to have as much say-so as Trump. Typically it’s 1 % or less.
Mainly the human stays alive, and otherwise the thoughts, words, and actions come from entities. From now on, that human will be more of a puppet than anything else. Sometimes the human kind-of goes to sleep, until the human death occurs. After that the soul goes back to normal.
The Consciousness Lifestyle of Extreme Spiritual Addiction: Examples
Suppose that you’re talking about the weather with one other person, so it’s a conversation between you and hypothetical Gladys.
In this Consciousness Lifestyle, How Well Do You Make Contact with Objective Reality?
If you’re in Extreme Spiritual Addiction, you may notice very little about that Gladys. Or about what you’re supposed to be doing.
Everything feels like an illusion, especially if you’re in that Fourth or Fifth Stage of moving into that consciousness lifestyle.
Quietly superior, that’s how you feel.
How Well Does The Other Person Make Contact with Objective Reality?
As for how you happen to feel about random people like Gladys? Unimpressed.
Humans are such a lower life form, compared to your special angels. (Or whatever you call them.)
Some people admire you; they’re impressed by your wonderful sparkly vibes. But many other people steer clear of you, like you’re some kind of phony. What a sad problem they have, recognizing those who are spiritually superior!
Meanwhile you go through the motions. Not so much you personally. Instead your wonderful team takes care of all that for you, while you do the important work of your life now: Being special.
Most Important of All about Consciousness Lifestyles
Regardless of what’s happening with others, how about you? For sure, you can make it your priority to develop a self-actualizing consciousness lifestyle. In 2025 you can make a positive contribution to the percentage of excellent consciousness lifestyles in your society.
Thanks to free will, you and I can powerfully pursue our ideals.
However, we’ll only use our full potential if we’re living with a self-actualizing consciousness lifestyle. (Good reason, I’d say, to share this blogpost.)
To be sure, some people you know may even believe there is no such thing as empath. (8.2 MILLION hits just now on my Google.) How long will it be before they care about consciousness? Let alone care about anyone’s consciousness lifestyle?
Perhaps some or your friends may think that personal development is something to pursue later. Like, after retirement. Because now it’s so much more important to play Candy Crush. Or to binge-watch the trendy shows.
Look. In today’s annual research article, you’ve learned about prevalence. Just how popular are different consciousness lifestyles now? Altogether, these findings are an improvement over last year.
Compare Today’s Findings with Previous Annual Articles
By now it’s an annual tradition for this Energy Spirituality® Blog.
In Conclusion
Thank you for reading, everyone. Important to realize, consciousness lifestyles may be hidden from view. Yet they have practical consequences. Ignoring them won’t make them go away.
So worthwhile is the knowledge you’ve gained today, even if not entirely pleasant. Having read this article, for one thing, you may understand this better than ever:
Based on the research freshly published today, how many people have the way of living where their default reaction is to… pay attention to objective reality? Only folks whose consciousness lifestyle is Highly Self-Actualizing.
In January 2025, that’s just 14% of the population.
Accordingly, you might choose to adjust your expectations.
BTW How about YOUR Consciousness Lifestyle?
If you’d like help or information regarding your consciousness lifstyle, I’d recommend a personal session with me. Since I’ve helped hundreds of spiritual seekers to do better. Some I’ve even helped to move into the consciousness lifestyle of Spiritual Enlightenment!
On Another Practical Note
More and more of you readers are starting to reach out and spread the word about Energy Spirituality.
If you like, you might wish to spread the word about this article, too. And a word to some wise people of your acquaintance: If you’d like to progress in your consciousness lifestyle, ask an Enlightenment Teacher.
Finally, Here Are Some Questions You Might Wish to Ask
Feel free to use any of the following as a basis for COMMENTS at the version of this article at my personal blog. Don’t be shy. Ask away about anything related to this article, including:
- Let’s consider when people drive cars or walk as pedestrians. How might that change if they weren’t making much contact with objective reality?
- Can you expect an excellent consciousness lifestyle just because you pray?
- Or because you’re popular?
- These are approaches from the Age of Faith. Now all of humanity — know or not — all of us are now living in the Age of Awakening. And Energy Spirituality specializes in understandings and effective trademarked systems all designed to work now. To work well in this Age of Awakening. What if you’re not clear yet about how the Age of Awakening is different from the Age of Faith? COMMENT, COMMENT, COMMENT.
- How could it be that somebody doesn’t ever come back from the Astrally Compromised Lifestyle? And why don’t you write more about that consciousness lifestyle?
- How could it be that somebody doesn’t ever come back from Extreme Spiritual Addiction? That doesn’t seem fair.
- If you pray hard, can’t God give you a better consciousness lifestyle? (And what’s wrong with you for not mentioning this, Rose Rosetree? Don’t you believe in God?)
- If these consciousness lifestyles are so important, why don’t I see ANYTHING about this on TV? Or even on TikTok or Insta. They’re supposed to be ultra cool, aren’t they?
- The idea of “Do what makes you happy, humanly happy” seems nice. But can that protect you against a consciousness lifestyle keeps you from living in objective reality?
- What can you do to give yourself the consciousness lifestyle of Spiritual Enlightenment?
“Thanks for reading, everyone.”