50 Amazing Discoveries for Personal Development

How Energy Spirituality™ Can Help You Find a Better Future

Rose Rosetree
24 min readJun 4, 2022
Leading-Edge Discoveries from Energy Spirituality for Personal Development & Spiritual Awakening.

Today’s a Celebration Day

Since this is the day when my personal blog about Energy Spirituality reached 100,000 comments.

For a monitored, one-person blog, that’s a lot of comment conversations. Many are made possible by the discoveries summarized here.

Summarized in this article are 50+ discoveries. Helping you to be all you can be. And to do what only you can do.

Look, it won’t take you long to get the hang of these innovative ideas. Why do I recommend that you pause to read about each one?

Because every single one can add to your flair for living juicy.

Not fashion-forward. Nor trendy. But so very useful for seekers of wisdom!

Come join me at the leading edge of personal growth. Also spiritual awakening. Besides, your timing couldn’t be better…

How to Make Use of What Follows, an Energy Spirituality Glossary:

As you read, celebrate how much is new to you. Perhaps you’ll also be pleasantly surprised to learn how many of these 37 are already familiar to you. How about this way of proceeding?

  1. I’ll number these brand new truths as we go.
  2. Just for fun, you might keep track of how many are already familiar to you.
  3. Versus how many you didn’t understand or even have a name for, prior to reading this blogpost.
  4. So “Have a think,” as my British clients say. This particular think may inspire you for years to come.


Everybody knows that knowledge is expanding rapidly today. That is, expanding in every discipline you might care to follow. But how rapidly, exactly?

Some experts believe that human knowledge is now doubling every 12 MONTHS.

Even wilder, that speed is predicted to accelerate. Until, during our lifetimes, human knowledge doubles every 12 HOURS!

What matters most, though? Keeping up with knowledge that you, personally, can use. For instance, did you know?

Incidentally, what if you’re wondering: What IS Energy Spirituality, anyway?

By definition, Energy Spirituality helps people like you with both of these:

Authentic emotional growth and spiritual awakening that can lead you all the way to Enlightenment.

Using energy skills that work now, in the Age of Awakening.

Now let’s go into some juicy details. Energy Spirituality Glossary.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #1.

Age of Awakening Enlightenment

11,400 hits on May 12, 2022.

This is a newer form of Spiritual Enlightenment. Emerging around the time of the Shift on December 21, 2012.

Traditional Enlightenment is no longer the only game in town.

If you’re heading toward Enlightenment, fear not. Your soul will choose which destination you’re moving toward.

Of course, it sure can help you to know this destination exists. Speaking of which…

Hello, Google!

Already, readers, you can tell this much. If you’re a self-actualizing person, the Latest Discoveries cited in this article… can be a big deal.

Worth mentioning, then, is this: Like all the new concepts that follow, the term “Age of Awakening” first appeared appeared at this blog. Or else that leading-edge discovery first appeared in an Energy Spirituality book. Or is related to one of the 10 Trademarks of Energy Spirituality.

See for yourself! Starting now I’ll supply a google search on each of our Latest Discoveries. And I’ll electronically paint them in violet. For example, here’s the Google link for the first term in our Energy Spirituality Glossary: Age of Awakening Enlightenment.

Click and then see for yourself. Who has written about this online? And what’s the date for that number of hits. Some of those numbers will grow like peonies in the springtime!

Energy Spirituality Glossary #2.

Astral Flash

198 hits on May 12, 2022.

Danger alert! Probably you know that psychic does not mean spiritual. Even though many intuitives, psychics, and tarot readers assume these two are one and the same.

If you care about authentic spiritual evolution, you can protect the purity of your path by learning about Astral Flash.

Once you know the meaning of this term of art from Energy Spirituality, you’ll start to recognize why astral flash can seem so tempting. Yet deliver so little of lasting value.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #3.

Aura Reading Movie Reviews

9 hits on May 12, 2022.

Ever watch movies? Don’t you consider yourself a good judge of good acting?

Enhance your perspective by learning how energetic literacy can advance your appreciation of acting. With good aura reading skills, one can compare the degree to which a film actor changes deep inside. Browse articles of this kind by click on this link to Aura Reading Movie Reviews! Quickly you’ll gain new appreciation for what it takes to truly perform as a world-class actor.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #4.

Aura Reading TV Reviews

3 hits on May 12, 2022.

Another application of energetic literacy is to compare the degree that a TV actor changes… Assuming a role imaginatively can alter subconscious functioning and also impact the size and quality of astral energy.

There are no small roles, only small actors. Indeed, that saying applies equally to actor’s auras on the small screen. Find examples here, at Aura Reading TV Reviews.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #5.

Auric Modeling

985 hits on May 12, 2022.

Did you know that everybody you meet can read all your chakra databanks… subconciously? Yes indeed.

That has big implications for your greater success as you grow. With more personal growth and spiritual evolution, your presence becomes downright impressive.

At this blog I’ve published many articles that can help you to strengthen your personal presence. But this blogpost on Auric Modeling can make the biggest difference of all.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #6.

Causational STUFF (for Energy Healing)

5 hits on May 12, 2022.

Maybe you’ve never heard of this term. Definitely one of the latest discoveries in Energy Spirituality.

But pay attention to anything you see from a reputable source about Causational STUFF.

Why? Causational forms of STUFF in auras — Reiki doesn’t deliver that, nor do other techniques of New Age energy healing. Yet the ability to remove these forms of garbage in auras is (imo) vital for the future of energy healing in the Age of Awakening.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #7.

Chakra Databanks

1,510 hits on May 12, 2022.

Pretty thrilling to find well over 1,000 hits for this now on Google! Word is spreading.

Already you’ve read about chakra databanks, just in this article. And maybe you’ve seen the term elsewhere as well. Because I was the first person to discover Chakra Databanks, I didn’t know for years if reading them would ever catch on. And why not?

Essential for doing good quality aura reading: Whether you’re giving one or you’re receiving one. Without researching chakra databanks, an aura reading won’t help you to understand the human heart. Including the very human heart of the person whose aura you’re reading.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #8.

Collective Attention Deficit Disorder

10,600 hits on May 12, 2022.

Sure you’ve heard about Attention Deficit Disorder. But how about this variation, the kind in society? And what you can do about it!

Check out comments at the blogpost here about Collective Attention Deficit Disorder; as well as pondering the blogpost itself.

Could be quick way to stop blaming yourself about a big problem in society, a problem not widely acknowledged… yet.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #9.

Consciousness Lifestyles

1,560 hits on May 12, 2022.

Shockingly few people today have a clue about Consciousness Lifestyles.

Yet this topic is must reading. For instance if you’re into dating and making new friends.

Of course the latest discoveries in Energy Spirituality will include ways to improve your relationships. This is one.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #10.

Consciousness Positioning

6950 hits on May 12, 2022.

Also, Positioning Consciousness.

543 hits on May 12, 2022.

And Consciousness Positioning Consults®

10 hits on May 12, 2022.

Giving credit where credit is due, I appreciate Jozef Dominguez. During an Energy Spirituality workshop, I was sharing my latest discoveries about positioning consciousness… And kinda fishing around for words… When he said, “Maybe a good name for what you’re talking about is “positioning consciousness.”

Was he ever right! Within a few years I had even developed (and trademarked) a useful system for giving Consciousness Positioning Consults®.

Why does positioning consciousness matter to YOU? It’s one of the Energy Healing centerpieces available for personal sessions of Energy Spirituality.

In a broader sense, skills for consciousness positioning are essential for living The New Strong, or progressing rapidly toward Spiritual Enlightenment.

Watch out for this term to become at least as popular as something you’ll read about later in this article, “The Power of Face Reading.”

Energy Spirituality Glossary #11.

Empath Empowerment®

18,000 hits on May 12, 2022.

Empath Empowerment® is turning out to be quite a meme, with Dr. Judith Orloff leading the way in trademark infringement. (You’ll see her two books toward the top of the previously-linked Google search.)

Of course, it isn’t easy to duplicate the real-deal method of Empath Empowerment®. Nor to duplicate the system that you can learn, one power-packed skill at a time, from my four books for empaths.

Unless you learn that, you won’t gain true Empath Empowerment, nor become an Empowered Empath. But you can. This Empowerment Coach stands ready to help you do just that.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #12.

Energetic Literacy

155,000 on May 12, 2022.

Energetic Literacy means reading auras. Akin to word literacy, there are degrees of learning to read people’s energies. These degrees of proficiency are most common.

Learning to read auras with good skills is one of those ways you can transform your life to an amazing degree. Thereby using more of your full potential. Making your dreams come true.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #13.

Energetic Real Time

86,900 hits on May 12, 2022. (Most of those hits are now related to an app. In 2012 I was blogging about Energetic Real Time; the app came out in 2015 fundraising began for “Energetic real-time operational management for buildings with heterogeneous building services.” Interesting! Yet not relevant to a concept that can help you, personally now; helping you every day of your life.)

Got technology? I do. Right now, in fact, I’m using technology to write this blogpost.

Funny thing, given how many hours we may spend on our phones, our laptops, and such, how rare it is… Shockingly rare, really… For people to know about the power of connecting with others in Energetic Real Time.

Click on the link just supplied and it could change your life for the better. Maybe “Energetic Real Time” sounds like science fiction. On the contrary, it’s very-very human. Something you and I need in our lives every single day.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #14.

Energetic Subroutines in Auras

10 hits on May 12, 2022.

Thanks for this name go to Energy Spirituality Practitioner (and former IT wizard) SANDRA HAERING . Talking with her one day, I was describing a newly discovered causational form of STUFF in auras.

SANDRA came up with this name. It’s perfect.

Energetic Subroutines are removed permanently through a skill set called Vibrational Re-Positioning®. Quite a common Healing Centerpiece in Energy Spirituality over the past five years! Not to get all geeky on you, removing Energetic Subroutines will free up your… free will. Even if you’re already astoundingly effective in relationships or work, this Healing Centerpiece can make you even more effective. Also, quite possibly, more joyful.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #15.

Energy Hypochondria

16,800 hits on May 12, 2022. (Although really far fewer direct hits; most are for “energy, hypochondria, which kind of misses the point.)

Already you know that hypochondria is a thing for some folks. But did you know there was such a thing as Energy Hypochondria?

Sure is. Know anybody who’s constantly:

  • Grounding
  • Shielding her aura
  • Cleaning up his energies
  • Visualizing a “golden bubble”
  • Wearing an EMF-protection necklace?
  • Or purchasing a crazy-expensive Teslar watch?
  • Etc.?

If you know anybody who’s doing this like this, booking one or two personal sessions of Energy Spirituality might make a positive difference. Learn what works for you. Versus a waste of time. Or worse.

Some of my success stories involve clients who had an underlying problem with STUFF in auras. That’s what set the stage for Energy Hypochondria — which is now, fortunately, over.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #16.

Enlightenment Etiquette

1 hit on May 12, 2022.

Plain good manners, my friends! By now I’ve validated Spiritual Enlightenment for plenty of students. Clearly, there was a need about what was — and wasn’t — good manners for folks in Spiritual Enlightenment. In order to help things along, I published an article onEnlightenment Etiquette.

BTW, it’s supplemented by an article about “Etiquette with an Enlightenment Teacher.” Since many well-meaning spiritual seekers didn’t have a clue about how to gain the most from an Enlightenment Coach. Look, all of us are finding our way.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #17.

Enlightenment Eye Flash

4 hits on May 12, 2022.

When would this happen to you? For a short period of time after you move into Spiritual Enlightenment, random strangers will look at you in a certain way. Worth knowing about, since some day this may happen to you. With so many spiritual teachers around, I wonder why more of them don’t write about this. Maybe they have a different term for Enlightenment Eye Flash?

If you know, please comment below. Since it would be a relief to this Enlightenment Teacher, knowing that others have been teaching about this. The various spiritual teachers I studied with, including those described in my memoir of spiritual awakening, never breathed a word about butterfly-brief Enlightenment Eye Flash.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #18.

Enlightenment Validation

Expect this term to be really popular now? Well, 35,900 hits on May 12, 2022. Although precious few are for “Enlightenment Validation” rather than “Enlightenment, validation.” etc.

Probably you know this: Enlightenment teachers and NonDuality teachers are common today. Speaking of Google hits, how many hits did I just get at my recent search for them? 734 THOUSAND.

By contrast, who’s offering Enlightenment Validation? You know if you click on that link just provided for this item in this Energy Spirituality Glossary.

Shocked yet? Given how many people today are seeking Enlightenment, quality validation matters as one of the latest discoveries in Energy Spirituality.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #19.

Extreme Spiritual Addiction

8 hits on May 12, 2022.

One of many reasons to learn about consciousness lifestyles is to be able to flag Extreme Spiritual Addiction.

And avoid it!

Energy Spirituality Glossary #20.

Gray Slime (In Energy Healing)

35,100 hits on May 12, 2022.

Gray Slime happens, alright. It’s a form of STUFF that gets into people’s auras.

In my experience, this problem is unique to people living in the consciousness lifestyle of Spiritual Shutdown. More rarely, Gray Slime gets stuck in the aura of people who live in a community where just about everybody lives in Spiritual Shutdown.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #21.

Name Alignment

About 8 hits on May 12, 2022.

The term “Name Alignment” originated with the Energy Spirituality website and blog. At the Google link just supplied, you’ll find some folks who started using the term in various contexts after 2017. That’s when I trademarked the system of Name Alignment® Aura Research.

It’s an advanced application of aura reading to help folks evolve faster spiritually. And gain more success personally. As described in this guest post on Name Alignment.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #22.

The New Strong

574,000 hits on May 12, 2022. A few are related to my book,”The New Strong”. More hits are about books that were likely published after mine, in 2016. For instance, the Energy Spirituality concept is not to be confused with “The New Strong’s Guide to Bible Words.”

Which is the best consciousness lifestyle you can give yourself? Easy answer: That would be the New Strong.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #23.

New Vibrational Freedom

437 hits on May 12, 2022.

You have this.

Did you know? With the Shift into the Age of Awakening, you were given a powerful gift: Humanity’s New Vibrational Freedom.

Namely, a freedom for positioning consciousness: It’s an unprecedented, effortless ability for Positioning Consciousness at Astral and Divine Vibrational Frequencies.

Now the trick is to use it well. Energy Spirituality resources can help. Notably the how-to book called “The New Strong.”

Energy Spirituality Glossary #24.

The Power of Face Reading

6,270,000,000 hits on May 12, 2022.

Here’s a change of pace. Just about everything listed here, there’s a small set of links to Energy Spirituality articles. And then you’ll find some of my articles off the website, plus sometimes some copycats. But at this Google search, you’ll find 9,750,000,000 hits.

Originally a technical term for using the system of Face Reading Secrets, wow, a meme! In xx I published a how-to book on “The Power of Face Reading.” Several editions followed, and I’m now delighted to make available the best of the bunch: “The NEW Power of Face Reading.”

Energy Spirituality Glossary #25.

Psychological Bypass

5 hits on May 12, 2022.

Psychologists have given their clients the useful term “Taking the Spiritual Bypass.” However, they haven’t found the elephant in their own clinic room: “Taking the Psychological Bypass.”

Since publishing the first article on the internet on this topic, I’ve blogged on how to prevent taking the psychological bypass. Likewise, I’ve described this common problem by blogging on Medium.

Otherwise? From psychologists and others, so far? (At least, as picked up by Google.) Only a couple of brave Buddhists.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #26.

Psychological Overwork

1,230 hits on May 12, 2022.

Another consciousness lifestyle that’s wildly popular in this first decade of the Age of Awakening is… You guessed it… Psychological Overwork.

  • Learn what this consciousness lifestyle is.
  • How it halts emotional growth and spiritual awakening!
  • Plus, discover a fairly simple way to avoid it. (See the most recent link provided.)

More mysterious, when pop psychology is practically America’s unofficial religion, what will it take for more folks to spot this problem?

Energy Spirituality Glossary #27.

The Romance of the Astral

8 hits on May 12, 2022.

Romance is seductive. Understandably so.

Unfortunately, in these early years of the Age of Awakening, one form of romance in particular is wrecking a lot of lives: The Romance of the Astral.

Good to learn what it is, and how to avoid this particular form of seduction!

Energy Spirituality Glossary #28.

Scar Tissue in Auras

8 hits on May 12, 2022.

Talk about uplifting! How about a Divine-level blessing that just might show in your own personal aura?

Come learn about Scar Tissue in Auras.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #29.

Skilled Empath Merge

97,400 hits on May 12, 2022.

Very likely, you’ve heard of the term “empath.” But do you know about Skilled Empath Merge?

That’s the spiritual purpose of being an empath.

Incidentally, credit for this term goes to psychiatrist ANITA CHU.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #30.

Soul Expression Support

2,770 hits on May 12, 2022.

And you thought you knew yourself pretty well. Excellent!

Only do you know much about your Soul Expression Support?

Quite an important part of you — so might I suggest? Come find out what you’ve got by way of a Soul Expression Support. Also why it’s important.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #31.

Soul Retrieval and Validation

6 hits on May 12, 2022.

Shamanic versions of soul retrieval have been done for hundreds of thousands of years. But that was the Age of Faith.

Now that humanity’s living in the Age of Awakening, Soul Retrieval and Validation takes an entirely different approach to “Soul Retrieval.” That link just supplied will take you to an excellent free education. Via one of our informational “Discernment Jamborees.

Currently it’s one of the most common healing centerpieces in all of Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #32.

Soul Thrill®

4 actual hits on May 12, 2022.

Folks, if you click on that Google link just provided you’ll see links to a few YouTube videos with no connection to Energy Spirituality, videos published from 2019 and 2021. Let’s keep in mind, by 2017 I had trademarked “Soul Thrill.” Signalizing discovery of intellectual property with this advanced aura reading technique: Soul Thrill® Aura Research.

In general, Energy Spirituality Experts (and our clients) find “Soul Thrill” itself to be a useful concept. Especially if you’re a self-actualizing person.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #33.

Arrays of Chakra Databanks

3 hits on May 12, 2022.

Got insight? Talk about The Latest Discoveries!

Specialized Arrays of Chakra Databanks are carefully selected groups of chakra databanks. Indispensible for learning different kinds of info about yourself or others! Examples used at this blog include:

This Energy Spirituality contains main such research instruments. Once you gain good skills of energetic literacy, you don’t have to take a special course to learn how to learn them. Just as your word literacy skills can serve for reading “Pride and Prejudice,” “The Naked and the Dead,” and/or “War and Peace.” Literacy is, quite simply, literacy.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #34.

Spiritual Enlightenment List

7,030 hits on May 12, 2022.

Given how many spiritual teachers are active today on the internet, you may be quite surprised at what you find on the previous Google search link. Evidently not too many of us are clear enough about who’s in Enlightenment.

Weird or what? Anyway, you’re welcome to read our most popular post here, the Spiritual Enlightenment List.

If you like, submit nominees for this consciousness lifestyle research. Absolutely free! Honestly, which seeker of Enlightenment wouldn’t be curious about who’s on this list. Or which public figure could be.

Energy Spirituality Glossary. #35.

Sympathetic Neutralization

10 hits on May 12, 2022.

Does that term sound more sophisticated than anything else on this Glossary? No wonder, since I’m not the one who came up with this gorgeous technical term.

All I did was to facilitate sessions of Energy Spirituality that centered on using the method of 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment®. After 30 years of this, eventually I discovered the fact of Sympathetic Neutralization.

Sometimes I’ll receive an informational download, cocreating with the Divine, and hello! Sometimes it will take a while before I find good language for the discovery. This was happening during a conversation I had with acupuncturist THEODORE SCOTT. Within seconds he suggested the perfect term for this discovery, Sympathetic Neutralization. Yay, THEODORE!

Back to what’s in it for you, Blog-Buddies, simply put: Sympathetic Neutralization brings you extra-wonderful results from cutting a cord of attachment. At least, provided that good skills are being used. Learn all you need to know from clicking on the link provided a few paragraphs above.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #36.

Voice Aura Reading

9 hits on May 12, 2022.

Is Clairaudience part of your personal gift set for reading auras? Then you’re eligible to learn how to do Voice Aura Readings. Also known as “Sound-Based Aura Readings.” Such as these ones starring:

Of course, you can just read these blogposts. Pretty fascinating! Seeking even more oomph from The Latest Discoveries?

Then toggle back-and-forth:

  • Between the aura reading examples at these blogposts …
  • And the performance links supplied in each article.
  • For those of us who are fascinated at the prospect of making deeper perception PRACTICAL? Big fun!

Energy Spirituality Glossary #37.

Your Power of Command

1,140,000 hits on May 12, 2022.

What a wondrous discovery! Even more fun is to use it. In Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING, a great resource built right into you is using Your Power of Command in order to cocreate with the Divine.

Both sacred and delightful, this version of energy healing. To learn in depth, here’s a resource that’s good to know about. When you’re ready, you can take the Spiritually Sparkling Collection of Online Workshops. (By all means, start with the Free Intro.)

And Now Let’s Begin to Add New Innovations to this Survey

Sadly, they won’t be alphabetized like the rest. At least, they’ll be included. All thanks to COMMENTS and questions below from some of our Blog-Buddies.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #38.

Compassion Awakeners

97 hits on May 12, 2022.

Yes, “Compassion Awakeners” would count as an innovation. One way to tell is that other physiogomists haven’t written about it yet. Nor, evidently, has anybody else in the purview of Google.

Learn about them in detail, with examples, where else? In “The New Power of Face Reading.”

A quick preview: Your face is loaded with face data, like 12 possible different categories of face data in your nose alone.

  • Each item of face data corresponds to a talent. Available for you to use.
  • In addition, each item of face data corresponds to a POTENTIAL challenge.

Incidentally, structuring this system of physiognomy in this way? It was enough of an advancement on prior systems of face reading to inspire me to get a trademark. You won’t find it in print, in English, before I published “I Can Read Your Face” in 1988.

Now that You’ve Got the Background, What ARE Compassion Awakeners?

Consider them an exception that proves the rule. Certain items of face data reveal a PAST challenge. One that has been overcome beautifully, in terms of personal growth and spiritual awakening.

As a kind of cosmic prize, the face changes to show that particular face data. Which is why I call it a Compassion Awakener. An example would be Down-Angled Eyes.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #39.

Facial Anchors

94 hits on May 12, 2022.

Supplementing Discovery #38, “The NEW Power of Face Reading” also includes the discovery of Facial Anchors.

Note: Educational surprise for me. When I first googled this term, it didn’t show up, due to the popularity of facial anchors used for body piercing. Not my field. ;-) So, at the link above, you’ll see how I modified the search by adding my name. Then, no prob. You’ll see lotsa hits.

So what are Facial Anchors? Count them as a second innovation in physiognomy, also for appreciating a person’s potential for spiritual growth. Much like Compassion Awakeners, these Facial Anchors can help us to appreciate the value of facial features we might otherwise dislike, or try to “fix” with cosmetic surgery.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #40

Body Language, Face Reading AND Aura Reading — Used Together

85 hits on May 12, 2022.

Combining all three systems for learning more about people? Sure. The combo is more than the sum of its parts:

Each one delivers puzzle parts. All parts of the puzzle for better understanding the particular person of your choice.

If you make use of the how-to “Read People Deeper,” you can become what kind of wise person? Simply put, the first person in your neighborhood (or even country) to explore the triple-powered insight of combining all three of these systems.

Do they complement each other? Of course!

During personal sessions, I will sometimes supplement the aura reading insights with insights more. More insights from Face Reading and even, on occasion, Body Language. Because those personal sessions are uniquely about the folks selected by my client, this synergy of Deeper Perception is ever-fresh. That is, being discovered anew… every single session with this Energy Spirituality synergy helping you, the client.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #41.

Causational BELIEF Transformation

7 hits on May 12, 2022.

Causational BELIEF Transformation is a powerful skill for Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING. Despite hardly being a popular idea yet. Although, as CONNIE wrote in Comments #131–134, it could well be a more effective alternative to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Among the Latest Discoveries of Energy Spirituality, this is one of the most commonly used. And most powerful for helping clients with emotional growth and spiritual awakening.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #42.

Causational AGREEMENT Transformation

5 hits on May 12, 2022.

Causational AGREEMENT Transformation is another energy healing skill, brought into the world through Energy Spirituality.

In the anatomy of our subconscious minds, according to my findings, our causational agreements are next-to-the deepest.

Beneath your personal collection of Causational Agreements is your Storehouse of Impressions, or chitta. The latter is a record of all we witness as an eternal, unique soul. And it can’t be changed, other than continually being added to.

By contrast, the former CAN be changed. Results for Energy Spirituality clients have been significant, both life affirming, and life altering.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #43.

Cocreate with God

4,280 hits on May 12, 2022.

At our latest link to Google (likewise, when surveying Collective Consciousness), you’ll find a great many Age of Faith ideas about what it means to Cocreate with God. Fortunately or not, they’re now obsolete.

Since we’re living in the Age of Awakening, please know this. You can learn today’s skills for Cocreating with God. And do that as God’s grownup. (Rather than God’s trusting, beseeching, worshipful, sweet child.)

Cocreating with the Divine is how I prepare every Energy Spiritality book, workshop, personal session, blogpost, blog comment.

Moreover, you’ll find many resources at this website for learning how YOU can develop sweet-and-effortless skills for personally cocreating with God. That YouTube link just provided can give you a preview.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #44.

“12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment”

800 hits on May 12, 2022.

12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment® is a uniquely effective way to cut cords of attachment. That link just supplied will take you to a “Discernment Jamboree” that gives a ton of examples about that “uniquely effective” part.

Meanwhile, if you clicked on the Google link just provided, surprising? 871 results for a trademarked system? And you just know that, as the founder of Energy Spirituality, I do more than publish articles about that 1 out of 10 trademarks.

Sigh! Start looking at Page 2 and continuing, at that Google search. It’s a sad parade of trademark infringers.

No, I don’t have the time or money or bandwith to bring legal consequences to all the people who do this. I’ll have to leave it to karma to give these infringers what they deserve.

Just one example of somebody who is creating some pretty icky karma in this way? From one trademark infringer: “

“Cutting/Releasing Sexual Cords | EARTH COUNCIL.” Proclaiming: “Are you already a healer? Would you like to become one? Learn the 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment®. It could be the most important healing ….”

Blog-Buddies, you can be quite sure that any trademark infringer doesn’t know how to do what’s being advertised. Claiming to teach another person’s legitimately trademarked system? Talk about cheap imitations, ugh!

Energy Spirituality Glossary #45.

Aura Reading Through All Your Senses

7,090 hits on May 12, 2022.

Funny, in a way, that I forgot to mention the system of Aura Reading Through All Your Senses®. This has led to so many other innovations for reading auras!

That link just supplied will take you to my how-to book called “Aura Reading Through All Your Senses.” Even when I published the first edition of this international bestseller, back in 1996, many innovations were contained within this system.

Probably the easiest way to get a sense of this is to read the “Table of Techniques” within this how-to book. How many folks who claim to read auras… can do these 100 practical applications?

Energy Spirituality Glossary #46.

Soul Energy Awakening Hypnosis

1,830 hits on May 12, 2022.

Soul Energy Awakening Hypnosis® is a unique form of past-life regression.

Like all the other trademarked systems of Energy Spirituality, I could make this one alone… my full-time job.

This video introduction will tell you more about this innovative use of hypnosis. If you have any questions, Blog-Buddies, ask below.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #47.

Spiritually Sparkling Energy Healing

23,900 hits on May 12, 2022.

Spiritually Sparkling® Energy Healing is a method for doing many types of energy healing. And doing it by cocreating with the Divine.

This method includes the important discovery above, #37, Use Your Power of Command. Building upon that, one can do highly effective energy healing by cocreating with the Divine. Then you use skills for self-healing — or helping clients, if you’re an authorized Energy Spirituality Apprentice or Practitioner.

Extremely important? Most forms of energy healing that are done today involve discarnate spirits. Not that the well-meaning healers know that this is happening. Yet it is.

Once good skills of energetic literacy become a requirement for doing any professional work in energy healing, we humans can clean things up! Before then, it’s good to know that the Spiritually Sparkling skills used in Energy Spirituality deliver effective help. And without icky, astral, side effects.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #48.

Vibrational Re-Positioning®

6,410 hits on May 19, 2022.

Vibrational Re-Positioning is such a honey. Bringing sweet results for aura research and also for Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING. (For juicy details, at this link, scroll down to the colorful box.)

Energy Spirituality Glossary #49.

Technique Time

649,000 hits on May 12, 2022.

For those of you who are interested in personal growth and spiritual awakening — hey, that’s just about all of you, right?

“Technique Time” is a vital consideration, then. Now that we’re living in the Age of Awakening, it’s clear: Strive for 20 Daily Minutes of Technique Time, Tops. That’s your ideal balance for fastest evolution… and a far better life.

And no, other spiritual teachers don’t seem to have caught onto this yet. May this change, and soon. Although “Technique Time” is a term of art within Energy Spirituality, it would be great if other teachers of personal development would recommend 20 minutes of Technique Time as a maximum.

Energy Spirituality Glossary #50.

Official Technique Time

3 hits on May 12, 2022.

Official Technique Time means that you purposely set out to do a practice for personal growth and/or spiritual evolution.

Timing this time matters because there’s such an impact on your consciousness lifestyle. For strong-and-steady progress as a self-actualizing person, what’s smart to do? Strive for 20 Daily Minutes of OFFICIAL Technique Time, Tops. That’s your ideal balance for fastest evolution… and a far better life.

In Conclusion

You know, this idea might be worth mentioning.

The “latest discoveries” in this survey might be considered historic innovations, or contributions to the history of ideas.

Somebody has to do these things, you know. If it isn’t me, it would be some other human being. (And for all I know, many others have created comparable “latest discoveries” to those listed here. Or some folks even got there before me.

Meanwhile, I’ve done a lot of work to bring Energy Spirituality into the world, actively cocreating since 1985. Maybe innovation is one way that all this sweat-and-joy shows. Besides, on both sides of my family there have been innovators.

Fact is, most writers, bloggers, and teachers come up with “latest discoveries” that are really variations on something that has already been created. Not nearly the same degree of innovation! Forexample, one of my books currently in print is “Magnetize Money with Energetic Literacy.” This includes a distinctive Energy Spirituality Goal Setting Program. However, this wasn’t an innovation, merely innovative within an established category of self-help systems.

On the Other Hand

On the other hand, this book does contain some first-ever innovations in print, in English. Published in 2010, three years before the Shift, it includes references to:

  • Auric Modeling (Concept #5 above)
  • Early discussion of Consciousness Lifestyles (Concept #9 above)
  • Arrays of Chakra Databanks. Introducing the first array of chakra databanks ever in print, the Magnetize Money Chakra Databanks. (Concept #33 above)

So make of this what you will. And thanks for reading.

Rose Rosetree invites you to her main blog, here, to read about more innovations. Come add your ideas and reactions at our lively comments section. Also, if you’ve enjoyed this article, please consider FOLLOWING me here on Medium. I’d appreciate it.”



Rose Rosetree
Rose Rosetree

Written by Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at rose-rosetree.com. She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.

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