5 Tips for Sessions of Energy Healing
How to Use that Life-Changing Time Productively
5 Tips for Energy Healing for YOU. Granted, my perspective comes from Energy Spirituality® ENERGY HEALING. Yet these tips can help you whichever modality you choose. As a smart consumer, why show up passively, expecting to be fixed?
To some degree you can team up with your energy healer. That includes thinking a bit before your appointment. How can you get the most out of every session, every time?
5 Tips for Energy Healing. Down-to-earth ideas. Life is too short for theorizing. By now I’ve facilitated 39,000 sessions by phone or Skype. On every continent without polar ice.
Admittedly, my perspective comes from facilitating Energy Spirituality® ENERGY HEALING. Yet these tips can help you whichever modality you choose.
Overall, This Will Be Our Theme:
As a smart consumer, why show up passively, expecting to be fixed?
To some degree, every single session, you can team up with your energy healer. That includes thinking a little bit in advance of each appointment.
How can you get the most out of every session, every time? I’ve written this article to help if ANY of the following are relevant to your particular situation:
- You’re a newbie. So far you’ve never had any session of Real-Deal Energy Spirituality.
- At any time since 1986, you’ve had some personal sessions with me. Now, wrapping up 2024, you wonder what how this field continues to evolve. How can you gain the most NOW?
- Although you’re a current client, you’ve been a bit fuzzy about how you can get started. True, Energy Spirituality® offers other specialties. Now might be a great time to choose the energy healing kind of session.
- In that case, wouldn’t it be helpful to gain more clarity about what to bring to a session for energy healing?
- Also, I bring you this blogpost to help develop a realistic sense of what to expect. (More on that later.)
You see, Readers, this article aims to offer you practical savvy. Of course, that help includes an invitation to you right now: COMMENT at the version of this article at my personal blog.
Whenever a question crosses your mind, that’s gold. No need to finish the article before you leap down to a comment box. Then come back up and resume reading.
Did you know? Those who comment most tend to receive the most.
Just So You Know . . .
Many blogs and other social media contain a ton of cringey comments, but hooray! You won’t find a single one of those here, since this indie author’s blog is monitored.
Plus, after I publish your comment, what happens then? This founder of Energy Spirituality® will respond personally.This blog is meant to be educational.
So feel free to share any questions of general interest, any reaction, even any But-But-But. Use basic good manners, of course. Then, ta da! I’m here to be of service to you.
For example, you might wish to ask this: Why did I mention Real-Deal Energy Spirituality? (That was in Point 1 above. And my answer might surprise you.)
Okay, let’s get started.
WHY Book an Energy Healing Session in the First Place?
Several answers were discussed in a recentish post: “Avoid 7 Common Growth Stiflers. Energy HEALING.” Definitely recommended reading!
Here, let’s simply assume that you’re open to having a personal session. If you want the best results, all those 55 minutes are precious. How can you hit the ground running?
5 Tips for Energy Healing Sessions #1
Near the Start of Each Session, I’ll Ask You This Question
“What is your first idea for this session?”
Be prepared. This will be an important question for you to answer. Why expect somebody like me to be a mind reader?
Admittedly, the way that I set up sessions may differ from some other energy healers. (For instance, I never call myself an energy healer.) Right from the start of your appointment, a little preparation can make a positive difference for your results.
Have You Ever Considered What You’re Expecting?
In my experience, many newbies have a very clear idea of what to expect. Sadly, this expectation might not serve you very well. Oops!
Stale or unrealistic expectations are more common than you might suppose. Aiming to improve that — is the single biggest reason I’ve prepared this article for all of you.
For example, if you make an appointment with an Energy Spirituality practitioner, hello. Don’t expect your session to involve any of the following:
- Psychotherapy or pop psychology
- Life Coaching
- New Age Energy Healing, like Reiki or Eden Energy Medicine, Crystal Healing, etc.
- Psychic Healing, like Bioenergetics or channelled healings
- Attunements and Initiations, including those offered online for free
In case you’re curious about what makes energy healing sessions different from these so-popular alternatives, check out the links just provided. Then go ahead and COMMENT at this link.
If you like, include the url for an approach that you figure is what will really happen during your session. That url can help me to provide a fuller response.
Expect to Bring YOUR Ideas. Where Would You Like Human Improvement?
The rest of this article will going into specifics. Aiming to make it easy for you to bring some productive ideas to a session. Since you are the expert on your relationships and work life and sense of self. Mobilize your own experience of your own life. Hey, I’ll explain.
For sure, early in each session, I will ask you this. “What’s your first idea for this particular session?”
Look, it’s wise to prepare just enough. Just a little. The following tips will clarify.
5 Tips for Energy Healing Sessions #2
What If You Want to Keep It Simple?
Before you read what comes later in this article . . . . This SIMPLE idea may be your favorite tip of all.
Because I can give you a couple of ideas to choose from. Literally, two ideas. For some of you, these could be all that you need for starting your session.
Choose either one of these two ideas. Then you’re set. Ideas that are good for your energy healing session with any Energy Spirituality® practitioner:
- Strengthen my sense of self.
- OR Enjoy my life more.
Nonetheless, Readers, you still might wish to read the rest of what follows. Trust me. Crafting your own ideas for a session is a useful skill. This can prove indispensible for your present and future, as somebody who aims for personal growth.
Hey, what if you change your mind after we agree on your choice during the session: Can you start giving me ideas you like more?
Nope! Choose and commit.
If you don’t understand why this policy works to your benefit, COMMENT at my blog and ask. (My answer might surprise you.)
5 Tips for Energy Healing Sessions #3
How to Prepare a Personal List of Ideas for Your Session
First, choose one official place to record these ideas on an regular basis. Where are you going to maintain an ongoing List of Ideas for My Personal Growth?
- If you’re comfortable with word processing, create a document called — for instance — My List of Ideas for My Personal Growth.
- Otherwise dedicate a pad of paper to this ongoing project.
- Avoid texting yourself. Or writing down your ideas on random scraps of paper. Or — ugh! — storing ideas in your head.
If you can’t imagine why those ideas like texting yourself for this purpose would be counter-productive, guess what? Hey, you can COMMENT here and ask. Go for it!
Next, Take a Few Minutes Daily to Update Your List
This can be such an easy way to live green and growing. Your everyday life is full of clues for growth areas. Not that they’re usually announced as such. Instead they’re announced through frustration, etc.
As an Energy Spirituality client, you might find it helpful to stop by your list document daily. Quickly add one or more fresh ideas — growth ideas that are relevant to your life that day. Edit, because it’s your growth. So that list matters, right?
Sample Ideas to Bring to Your Personal Session
The following can help you to come up with ideas that will work really well for a personal session.
- You’re interested in improving your relationship with a particular person. Such as Sam, my roommate. Or Gladys, my supervisor at work.
- You’d like to know more about yourself. (Maybe prepare by choosing ONE of our arrays for aura research. Find them at the link just provided. In session, name your chosen array of chakra databanks.)
- Supposed that you recognize a time waster in life. Some bad habit that you do a lot. Or a problem that you keep wishing would go away. Write down what that is, and don’t be shy. Your sessions are confidential.
- What if, for a while now you’ve been working on your issues? Maybe you’ve been told that “Everyone can fix their issues.” Somehow, though, you haven’t made much progress on your problem. Please, bring that problem to your session. Is it something like using porn? Or being a little too fond of CBD products? Ask. “Professional help” can be help from Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING.
- Maybe a really annoying conversation happened at today work. Write a sentence or two to summarize. You’ll remember the rest. Note: One-on-one conversations are recommended to bring to a session. Do not ask about a conversation with a group of three or more people.
Speaking of not recommmended, which kinds of ideas are NOT recommended for you to write on your list? Maybe you already have a pretty good sense of which ideas would not work for a productive session of Energy Spirituality. COMMENT at my personal blog and share some — the funnier the better. Though you might ask about some serious ideas as well . . . .
5 Tips for Energy Healing #4
Before Your Appointment, Do This
Choose your three favorite ideas from your List of Ideas for My Personal Growth. Put them in priority order.
Edit those ideas a bit. Remember, this will be a session of Energy Healing. So name a problem without preparing to tell me your history with that problem, or your theories about that problem.
- DO say something like: “I put off paying my bills.”
- DON’T say something like: “Find the reason why I put off paying my bills. I’m pretty sure it’s because of a trauma that happened when I was five years old. Please cut my cord of attachment to that trauma.”
How Do You Get from a List of Ideas to a Helpful Personal Session?
If possible, keep it handy, your current List of Ideas for My Personal Growth. During the session, I’ll ask for your first idea. Tell me the sentence or two. Just that much.
Maybe you have some thoughts about this way of helping you to have a productive energy healing session. By all means, COMMENT at the version of this article at my personal blog. Maybe I can bring some clarity.
For instance, you might want to ask something like this: “Everybody knows the most important thing in a session is to be heard. You should let me talk for 10 minutes or longer about my problem, and my theories about it. How else can I feel heard?”
Please do. Hint: Energy healing is NOT psychotherapy.
Why Bring Three Ideas, Not Just One?
Because some ideas might not make for a productive session of Energy Spirituality. Trust my experience. If I recommend that you move on to your next idea, don’t waste session time by trying to debate this. Although I keep learning and growing as an Energy Spiritual Practitioner, I likely have relevant experience. So trust me when I think an idea will work, or won’t, for your session today.
Why Not Only Bring Your Favorite Idea?
Please benefit from what I’ve learned from facilitating thousands of personal sessions with previous clients.
- Sometimes an idea will work great.
- With some other ideas, I might tweak it in order to cocreate a productive intention for your session.
- And sometimes I will ask you to go on to the next idea on your list, because that first idea won’t work out. Might I suggest? You’d be wise to benefit from my expertise in this regard.
Once again, feel free to COMMENT at my personal blog with any objections you might wish to raise. What if you don’t like this way of doing things? Note: Your success stories are welcome too, of course.
5 Tips for Energy Healing Sessions #5
How, Exactly, Can Photos Help You with Your Session?
Depending upon what’s interesting to you, your List of Ideas for My Personal Growth might include topics like this:
- Get along better with my spouse or partner.
- Solve problems that I’m having at work.
- Gain perspective — or receive energy healing — around a recent incident.
- Appreciate how I’m growing as an EXvangelical, and where I still have room for further growth.
- Am I on the right path for me?
In COMMENTS below, ask about what you have in mind. Depending on your comment, I can go into some detail about why each of these five ideas might work better if you prepare for your session by supplying a photograph or screenshot. (Not a picture of you but a photo of another person who might be involved in your chosen topic.)
Unless you’ve been having multiple sessions of Energy Spirituality in the past few years, guess what? You probably don’t know all the potential uses of photographs now. This field keeps growing. You’ll see.
To Be Clear, Not All Photos Are Suitable for Your Session
Every photo is an aura photo. That’s one of our mottoes in Energy Spirituality.
However, did you know this? Even if a Practitioner has awesome aura reading skills, that won’t overcome limitations when the person’s shoulders and torso are turned toward the side.
You’ve seen it, yes? The coy little fad these days, for people to stand looking toward a different direction. Then twist their faces around, as if to tell the photographer:
“Oh, you’re here? Oh, this is a photo op? I’m soooooooooo surprised!”
Especially ludicrous and fake — these are pix where the person and background are not casual at all. Instead the wardrobe and hairstyle have been carefully prepared for a LinkedIn photo, or other publicity picture.
Depending on how twisted the posed person’s body is, I may not be able to research more than the Third Eye Chakra Databanks. Or perhaps that person’s Throat Chakra Databanks. Usually that limitation is soooooooo unnecessary. So keep reading, please.
Here’s Your Word to the Wise, Regarding Photographs
If you plan on sending a photo for your appointment with me, do yourself this favor.
Read this description of what works best for our purposes when sending a photo for your session. Read the entire web page. Everything written there is for your benefit.
Noteworthy: An adult photo of the person in question will suffice. The image need not be current.
Again, if you have questions about any of this, just ask.
In Conclusion
The power and usefulness of Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING has been evolving year after year. And decade after decade.
Might I suggest? Make use of the opportunity in this blogpost to level up your knowledge. Some folks got an impression when, as children, they read about the healing miracles of Jesus: That somehow, the standard for Jesus should apply to everyone who has lived since then.
Who will be the one to benefit from more realistic standards? Somebody you know quite personally!
What else can help you to take away maximum from today’s blogpost? Ha! Here come some final questions. Cheeky ones. You might wish to answer in comment boxes below. Alternatively, ask these same questions to this blogger, expressing yourself where I can respond to you, at my personal blog. (If you have the time to maintain a very lively personal blog and also respond to comments on Medium — hey, your days may contain more hours than mine.
Together, let’s bring more truth into this world. More Age of Awakening truth into this world.
Cheeky Question 1. Does an empath need special consideration during a personal session of Energy Spirituality? For instance, do you think empaths are so vulnerable and fragile that I must be extra careful during sessions?
Cheeky Question 2. If I tell a fib during my session, Rose, will you be able to tell from my aura?
Cheeky Question 3. I read somewhere at this website to not drink alcohol for 48 hours before a personal session with you.
And not to smoke weed for at least five days before a session.
But what if I think some mellowing agents will loosen me up? Like, they can help me to have a better session? You know, like how social drinking is supposed help people relax.
Cheeky Question 4. Rose, what if you don’t think you can help a particular client? Do you just slog through the session with low expectations, so you can collect your fee?
Cheeky Question 5. Quite a few energy healers claim to have studied with you, and to offer Energy Spirituality sessions. How can I tell which ones are best? Maybe the ones who charge more than you? (Some do.)
Thanks, everyone for reading today’s blogpost. I look forward to our Comment Conversations together at my main blog.
The Founder of Energy Spirituality® adds this: “If you’ve enjoyed this article, please share it. And consider FOLLOWING me here on Medium. I’d appreciate it.”
Finally, you’re warmly invited to come join us at the version of this article at my personal blog, where interactive comments can enrich your experience!