4 Mysteries about Jordan B. Peterson
Meet the National Bestselling Author of “12 Rules for Life” — Meet Him Through Wildly Contrasting Chakra Databanks
Fascinating Jordan Peterson is a self-help author. Deservedly popular, yet he mystifies me, in 4 ways. So let’s explore some of the mystery-relevant chakra databanks in his aura.
Who Is this Psychologist, Author, and Influencer?
Recently I’ve been reading his majorly bestselling “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos.” Soon I’ll tell you why I find his ideas fascinating yet such a mixture of… High Truth Value and Low Truth Value. Helping us with discernment, those of us into “Reading Life Deeper” have an advantage. Today, I’m going to use aura reading to help us solve a few mysteries.
What Exactly Is Fascinating? Where’s the Mystery?
Dr. Peterson’s self-help book with the “12 Rules for Life” puzzles me no end. Lately I’ve been listening to narration of the audiobook edition of this national bestseller. Initially I’ve agreed with each of his 12 Rules. But then, hearing him elaborate upon each main point? Mostly I disagreed.
Chapter after chapter the same back-and-forth: Yes, then no: Akin to a whiplash experience, actually. In the words of some concepts that we’ve been exploring lately:
- First Dr. Jordan talks High Truth Value, then following up with Low Truth Value.
- Sometimes he’s proclaiming a Big Truth. But then, sooner or later, he backs it up with… what I’d call… a Very Small Truth.
- Such a puzzlement!
Incidentally, Here’s Dr. Peterson’s Summary of the 12 Rules in This Book
If you’re curious, these 12 rules could be fun to read about. So, go ahead. If you like: Take a look for yourself.
Don’t all 12 of these rules seem refreshingly practical? Wise, too. And yet, I’ve had such a mixed reaction.
Thank Heaven for Good Skills of Energetic Literacy
Otherwise I’d feel perplexed by Fascinating Jordan B. Peterson. However, thanks to Stage 3 Energetic Literacy, hello! I have a reliable way to sort out… What, what, what? What on earth is going on with him? And you Blog-Buddies get to join me for this ride.
Such a unique individual, this influencer! Together, let’s learn about him through today’s aura reading. One chakra databank at a time. This time, I’m not even going to use any of our established arrays of chakra databanks.
BTW what if you’re not yet familiar with energetic literacy, today’s quality aura reading? At the link just supplied, you’ll gain a good solid background. Especially if you click on some of the links within that blogpost. Have fun!
Just in Case Any of You Are Eager to Get to the Aura Reading Right Away
Simply skip down to this heading: “Root Chakra Databank for Connection to Objective Reality”
Perhaps, though, some of you would like to enrich your experience. For you, here’s some inside info from this Enlightenment Teacher. Why did I design today’s set of chakra databanks as I did?
Indeed, today’s array is designed just for aura detective work of a certain kind. Seeking perspective on the four major contradictions I’ve found in his 12 Rules.
Contradiction 1: Excellent, Practical Advice, Yet Also a Love for Chaos
In COMMENTS below, I’ll cite a few examples of Dr. Peterson’s practical wisdom. Maybe you’ll agree that his work deserves to be popular.
Meanwhile, here I’ll serve as an aura detective: Aiming to understand better where he’s coming from, subconsciously and energetically. Specifically, I’ll research his:
- Root Chakra Databank for Connection to Objective Reality
- Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Sense of Self
Contradiction 2: Emphasis on Listening to Others
Psychologist Peterson knows a great deal about listening. Particularly when describing his Rule #12. And yet something about his explanation didn’t resonate with me. More like, it clashed like crazy. To help solve that mystery, I’ll research his:
- Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Intellectual Growth
- Right Ear Chakra Databank for Listening to People at Work. (Such as his clients for psychological work.)
Contradiction 3. Telling the Truth
Perhaps you’re expecting me to be thrilled when Dr. Peterson makes a case for telling people the truth. Didn’t I cocreate a dedicated array of Integrity Chakra Databanks? Besides, personally, don’t I believe strongly in telling people the truth? Like, totally.
However, the twisty-turny ways in which Jordan illustrates his Rule #8? Warning bells went off for me. Like, “Something’s off. Even though it doesn’t seem like problems with integrity.”
See what I mean by a mystery? To help solve it, I’ll research the author’s:
- Throat Chakra Databank for Communication at Work
- Throat Chakra Databank for Communication as a Writer
Contradiction 4: The Big One, Religion
First of all,I am so drawn to the passionate, unconventional style of this author. Even without references to religion, Dr. Jordan B. offers readers an enticing mix.
- Right from the start, he cites scientific research.
- Also, as a college teacher and clinical psycholgist, of course he has plenty to share about psychology.
- Why bother then, to bring in religion and spirituality? That’s bold.
Regarding that third type of information…
YES, Thought this Reader. Then, NO. Noooooooooo.
Occasionally, the psychologist refers to Eastern religions. Only, imo, he does this in a very superficial way, like name dropping at a party. Mostly his allegiance is to the Bible. At least once, he quoted the New Testament, chapter and verse.
For instance, in Chapter 2, Jordan poses the question: Why would a patient not take his medicine regularly? Yet he takes excellent care of his dog. How to explain the contradiction?
In response, the psychologist spends a really, really long time with his interpretation of what happened in the garden of Eden. Like, to me at least, a really, really long time. Then backing up his theory with an obscure idea from Dr. Alfred Adler. (This Austrian psychotherapist was a colleague of Sigmund Freud.)
At the start of that chapter, I was nodding my head “Yes.” Eventually I was looking down at the floor, puzzled. Trying not to scowl. In effect, saying, “Huh?”
To help solve that mystery of Jordan’s experience of religion, I’ll research his:
- Third Eye Chakra Databank for Spiritual Growth
- Third Eye Chakra Databank for Connection to Spiritual Source.
So that’s why we have the array that I’ll research for you (and me) today.
Which Photo Will I Use?
My Basis for Today’s Research with Good Skills of Energetic Literacy?
Here is one of the best photos of Peterson that I could find. Good, clear, straight-on camera angle, yay!
Take a look, Blog-Buddies. In particular, note the jacket he’s wearing in this photo.
- On the right half of his jacket, the fabric is red.
- While the fabric on the left half is blue.
- Golly, who wears a jacket like that?
Actually, seeing those two colors is tricky on the picture is tricky. As usual, with articles like this one, for easy researching, I copied my Discovery Person’s photo onto a reference document. Since the picture was so dark, I tinkered with it a bit. Simply brightened it up. (Just as many of you Blog-Buddies know how to do.)
And then I saw it clear as day, one more hidden mystery about Jordan B.
Maybe this dialectic signifies one of Peterson’s main messages in his book:
Although order is lovely, it can be dull. Although chaos is unpleasant, it can bring progress.
Now, here we go. Bring on this aura reading to help us better understand the work of Jordan B. Peterson.
Fascinating Jordan Peterson — Aura Reading Part 1
Root Chakra Databank for Connection to Objective Reality
97 feet. (Somewhat over-functioning.)
Subconsciously and energetically, all that counts for Dr. Jordan is objective reality. Otherwise? People are fussing a great deal. He’s passionate in his belief that people need to stop fussing and start caring that 2 + 2 = 4.
Granted, in his book, the author talks a great deal about how hard he listens to his patients. But that’s conscious, not subconscious.
Chakra databanks reveal how a person is doing subconsciously and energetically. At the time of the photo.
Fascinating Jordan Peterson — Aura Reading Part 2
Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Sense of Self
1 inch. (Almost completely shut down.)
Dr. Peterson equates his intellect with his self.
In a way, understandable. The man impressed me as intellectually brilliant. Still, many of the clients I’ve helped to move into Spiritual Enlightenment are likely as brilliant as he. Plus, they’re in Enlightenment. He’s nowhere close.
Fascinating Jordan B. Peterson — Aura Reading Part 3
Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Intellectual Growth
3 inches. (Extremely close to shutdown.)
No doubt it wasn’t always this way. However, at the time of this photograph, Jordan believes he has it all.
Whatever goes on in this chakra databank (and others), when he’s listening to other people? That would take another aura reading — and another research photo or screenshot — to research.
Nonetheless, one thing is clear. Dr. Peterson has “perfected” a way of squinting really hard, mentally. Concentrating really-really hard. Maybe equivalent to Rodin’s famous sculptor, “The Thinker.” Yes, we can call this, “Mental Squinting in the Age of Awakening.”
By now, Jordan Peterson can do this mental squint quite comfortably for hours at a time.
Only problem? This has more in common with benchpressing 200 pounds than with entertaining even one new idea.
Fascinating Jordan B. Peterson — Aura Reading Part 4
Throat Chakra Databank for Communication at Work
Fills the room, plus two inches. (Over-functioning.)
Quite some talent, the Canadian psychologist has, as shown in this chakra databank!
- Basically, he’s got intellectual razzle,
- And intellectual dazzle.
- Altogether, exceptional charisma.
Fascinating Jordan B. Peterson — Aura Reading Part 5
Throat Chakra Databank for Communication as a Writer
3 inches. (Close to shutdown.)
Seems like writing is not the easiest thing for this charismatic speaker, college professor, etc. Instead, communicating as a writer is arduous for him, a chore.
Gaaaa, if any of you Blog-Buddies can relate to that, you really might want to consider this alternative.
Fascinating Jordan B. Peterson — Aura Reading Part 6
Right Ear Chakra Databank for Listening to People at Work
Which people? Such as his clients for psychotherapy sessions. Often in “12 Rules,” the Dr. Peterson gives examples of his listening to people at work. Like the woman who told him: “I’ve been raped. I guess. Um, I’ve been raped five times.”
Out to the moon. (Trillions of miles.)
Significantly over-functioning
Hearing the psychologist describe what’s involved in listening properly? This is one of the times when, reading this book, I felt warning bells go off. Now that I’m reading this chakra databasnk, I can understand why.
Rationally, the task he’s described is impossible. But, sigh! This chakra databank reflects a shift to Dr. Jordan’s usually very intellectual way of relating to people. And his extremely cerebral way of controlling himself.
Somehow he has stumbled upon a way of spacing out as he listens. The usual controlling ways and analytical analysis… on hiatus. Instead, he positions his consciousness at a MEDIUM Astral Vibrational Frequency.
Granted, that’s a big statement. In order to find out what I’m referring to, please: Read “Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening.” Specifically, read all the chapters in Part II about positioning consciousness at a MEDIUM Astral Vibrational Frequency.
Fascinating Jordan B. Peterson — Aura Reading Part 7
Third Eye Chakra Databank for Spiritual Growth
2 inches. (Extremely close to shut down.)
Rigid belief that doesn’t allow for spiritual growth.
Rose Comments
Might this bold thinker entertain ideas about religion and spirituality? Might he be well read? Sure and sure.
Yet the quality of this chakra databank reminds me of a famous hymn by Martin Luther: “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.”
Very likely, Jordan thinks of these ideas like an intellectual exercise. Not something that touches him personally, not in the least.
Fascinating Jordan B. Peterson — Aura Reading Part 8
Third Eye Chakra Databank for Connection to Spiritual Source
1/2 inch. Nearly completely shut down.
Perfection! The quality of this chakra databank at the time of this photo, suggests perfection. Not IS perfection.
One’s connection to God need not be considered a done deal, a perfect done deal.
Only, at the time of this photo, Jordan’s connection to Spiritual Source is kind of like that. A done deal.
Like many a true believer of any theology, in this regard he is hardly alone.
In Conclusion
How to sum up this aura reading of Jordan B. Peterson? In terms of his consciousness lifestyle, I do assess this brilliant man as living in Spiritual Shutdown.
What’s unusual is what I found in that chakra databank for listening to his psychotherapy clients. Very likely he does with them… the same earnest process he described so thorougly in Chapter 9: A well intended process of extreme openness which would, for most people, be impossible.
Yet a process that can, for some people — including, I think, Dr. Peterson — lead to positioning consciousness at an Astral Vibrational Frequency.
Given how very shut down this good man appears to be in most chakra databanks, phew! I can see why he would love this way of listening to clients and students.
True Confession from Rose, Weird But True
I like this Jordan B. Peterson very much. I like his passion. How he puts himself right out there, in his book… and probably everywhere, with everybody he meets.
On reflection, he is the first person I’ve ever liked who is living in the consciousness lifestyle of Spiritual Shutdown.
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