3 Rules for a Powerful Presence

Rose Rosetree
5 min readOct 28, 2021

You CAN Do This

Mostly a Powerful Presence Requires Being Present. Let’s ring out some truth about how to do that.

Have you met someone who confused having a strong personal presence with… a beautiful energy?

Could that person, once upon a time, have been YOU?

By the end of this article you’ll know better.

Now let’s get to it:

What Is Presence?

Folks fascinated by mind-body-spirit often think of presence as developing powerhouse vibes. Causing you to make heads turn. Or, at least, turning the heads of those who are “truly spiritual.”

Honestly, who wouldn’t prefer to be spiritually impressive? But there are also gentler motivations to seek a strong presence; maybe something as simple as wanting other people to notice you more and like you better.

The good news is, every one of us can develop a magnificently memorable presence. Not that I’m promising you worldwide domination, national fame, or a million Instagram followers.

Think: friends. A stronger presence can help you to develop quality friendships. Helping you to surround yourself with people who value you and appreciate your distinctive personal presence.

So, how can you get that? Three ridiculously simple rules.

Presence Requires Being Present.

Rule #1. DON’T Try to “Be Present”

Honestly, have you ever been told to boost your presence by using a technique like “Being Present”? Maybe that sounds appealing. But ugh! That kind of effort is night-and-day different from simply being present; like self-consciously watching your best camera angles in front of a mirror, compared to simply having a physical body that people can see.

Quite naturally, all human beings have an appearance. At any given time we look a certain way. Altogether different is posing in front of a looking glass, self-consciously preening: “Ooh, how can I look really, really good?”

How, exactly, are some folks encouraged to be more present? Approaches include “Slow down,” and “Live from the heart” and Mindfulness Meditation.

Surprise! I’ve used advanced techniques of Energetic Literacy to research what techniques like these do to an aura. Simply put? Nothing good.

Would you like to learn more about how “trying to be present” can temporarily mess up an aura? Check out Consciousness Positioning® Consults here at the Energy Spirituality Blog. You’ll gain surprising perspective on how techniques that involve energy can sometimes backfire.

But no worries, your practical takeaway here can be simple. Don’t try to amp up your energetic presence by manipulating awareness. Even if your intent is beautiful, most likely, the aura-level consequences won’t be.

Presence Requires Being Present. Rule #2.

DO Learn How to Be Strongly Present SPONTANEOUSLY

Hey, there’s no need to do fancy dancing with your awareness — whether straining or striving, purposely detaching from life and witnessing yourself, or otherwise trying to “be present.” Ridiculous really! Since you naturally have a magnificent presence energetically, highly individual and immensely attractive.

There’s even a term for that. Have you ever heard of auric modeling? Essentially here’s what it means: Subconsciously your aura shows to everybody in the room with you; plus while you’re talking to someone on your mobile or using other devices to talk. Also, your auric modeling shows in photos.

“Auric modeling” means that, aura-wise, you’re like a model walking down a runway, and everybody can see you.

So how come so few people talk about auric modeling? Because all that juicy info only shows subconsciously… at least until you gain reliable skills for energetic literacy… but once you’ve learned the energy equivalent of word literacy, ta da! You can read auras at will, consciously and clearly, exploring your favorite chakra databanks that reveal secrets about a person’s energetic presence, such as the Root Chakra Databank for Presence in the Room!

Meanwhile, whether or not you have learned to read chakra databanks, your energetic presence does make a statement — loud and clear — through your auric modeling. And that’s why it’s smart to make use of books, classes, and services that help your aura to function well.

Presence Requires Being Present. Rule #3.

DON’T Substitute Energy Awareness for Noticing Reality

Look, let’s acknowledge one great presence-helper that you’ve already got going for you. Ever notice? You’re energy sensitive.

Congratulations! Being able to notice energies is great fun, and it can prove useful too. No argument there from your Energetic Literacy columnist! But did you ever notice how some folks are letting their energy awareness get way out of hand?

Almost like, for some, energy talk has become a “cooler” way of talking about objective reality. For instance, once I was in session with Gladys, a new client for a session of Energy Spirituality Energy Healing. Early on, I asked her to rock back and forth on her chair, then stop. Then I asked her to notice how her butt felt and describe that in a few words. What did I expect Gladys to tell me? Something about temperature or muscle tone, like muscular, tired, sore, cool, warm, flabby, perky.

Instead, What did Gladys Report?

In a voice that sounded unmistakably spacey, Gladys said, “I couldn’t really feel my butt but I did notice a beautiful blue light. :-)”

Was this superior to what ordinary mortals notice about their bodies? Hardly. And when it comes to presence, hello! People with a strong human presence don’t spend all day checking out anyone’s energies. For specific, practical tips, flowing from extensive research on this topic, consider taking a look at this self-improvement book: The New Strong.

Meanwhile, simply use your common sense. When you’re present to energies, rather than human life, how down-to-earth will your voice sound? How persuasively will you express your human point of view? Sadly, noticing energies can really diminish a person’s human presence — yes, human presence, as noticed by other humans.

Bottom line: Either one can either float around in consciousness, like a helium balloon, or else one can live like a human — not both.

Clearly, that doesn’t mean “Never notice energies.” Rather, give yourself some time every day for personal growth. And if you’d like to notice energies then, or meditate, or read auras to learn specifics about somebody’s energy presence, then go for it!

Just remember, for the sake of having a strong presence… it’s wise to keep that energy awareness time in balance. I’d recommend a daily total of 20 Minutes of Technique Time, Tops.

In Conclusion

They say, “Charity begins at home.”

So does having a strong personal presence.

It may take some humility to admit that you’re human, not just an energy.

But that happens to be true. And it’s the basis for letting the world be impressed by the strong personal presence that you have NATURALLY. Simply being human.

Enlightenment Teacher Rose Rosetree says, “Thanks for reading.”



Rose Rosetree
Rose Rosetree

Written by Rose Rosetree

Rose has written a national bestseller in Germany. See all her books at rose-rosetree.com. She’s the founder of Energy Spirituality™ for spiritual awakening.

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