3 Big Ideas for Empath Empowerment®
Use Your Full Potential as an Empath!
Use Your Full Empath Potential? This article aims to help you gain clarity about this: What’s true about empaths. Versus what’s false.
Learn today, from America’s most experienced Empath Coach. Because many of “the basics” that “everyone knows”… are either confused. Or confusing. Or downright false.
What is my standing to teach you? Check out the link just provided. Then join me, America’s Most Experienced Empath Coach. Discover some fresh ideas to help you succeed on your empath journey. Plus, some laughs.
Why Laughs?
You see, before we get to those three big ideas, we’re going to do some seriously ridiculous googling. Blog-Buddies, I’m going to google — then bring truth to bear — on what? Four cliches that are popular now: Directly or indirectly, all are related to being an empath.
Since all these cliches are kind of ridiculous, I’ll call them “Goofy Cliches.”
Right Away, Let’s Get This Straight
Improving your life as an empath depends on understanding certain basics. Since 1 in 20 people living today are empaths, millions of smart people can benefit from learning empath ideas with a high truth value.
Starting here….
What Is an Empath?
An empath is a human being with at least one lifelong gift for directly experiencing
What it is like to be another person.
Goofy Cliche #1. Empaths and Anxiety
Seriously? Just now, on my Google, 1,060,000 results.
Chances are, those who throw out the word “empath” and then connect that with “anxiety”? Those “empaths” may not really be empaths. As for “anxiety”? Take a look at this blogpost, “Maybe You’re Not as Anxious as You Thought.”
What’s More Helpful?
Question when you encounter people who mush together “empath” with unrelated ideas. For example, Sam or Gladys might talk about a neon yellow sandwich made from peanut butter and pickles. But does that mashup idea exist in reality?
On the other hand, here’s something with High Truth Value:
What Does It Mean, Full Potential for Empaths?
Unskilled empaths are less successful in life than non-empaths.
But Skilled Empaths are more successful in life than non-empaths.
For many, many reasons, it’s important for born empaths to become Skilled Empaths. These next videos give some pretty surprising perspective about Empath Empowerment®. (Which is the system that introduced the term “Skilled Empaths.”)
Goofy Cliche #2. Set Boundaries
Sadly, just now, on my Google, nearly 2 BILLION hits. (1,990,000,000 results)
What’s More Helpful?
Fact is, many an empath “expert” tells empaths to set boundaries. Well, this Empath Coach is say, hello! So-called “boundaries for empaths” won’t make you an Empowered Empath. No matter how much time you waste trying.
Furthermore, whether you’re an empath or not, here’s an easy way to do yourself a favor. Avoid doing any Boundary Work on yourself. Just like that, you’ll improve your quality of life. (Details about that at the link just provided.)
What Does It Mean, Using Your Full Potential NOW?
Empath or not, you’re living in the Age of Awakening.
- Throughout most of human history, people lived during “The Age of Faith.”
- But after the Shift on Dec. 21, 2012, humanity moved into The Age of Awakening.
Witness the most practical book yet, for empaths (and others) who are living now. For self-actualizing people who yearn to use their full potential: Grow faster by purposely Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening.
Although this how-to book won’t teach you empath skills, what you learn here can be such a positive game changer. Helping you to make sense out of what’s happening all around you.
Goofy Cliche #3. Age of Awakening
Mixed blessingly, partly true and mostly extremely confused! Just now, on my Google, about 129 MILLION results.
What’s More Helpful?
Weirdly, and not so great: Clearly, I believe that I’m using that term correctly. However, check out the many messed-up, vague, and fanciful things you’ll find when googling “Age of Awakening.” Take a look for yourselves, Readers.
But pretty cheering: As I recall, I originated this term. You see, in 2013, I was writing The New Strong. All about subtle changes to consciousness that we can make. So that we can all thrive now, rather than struggling unnecessarily.
Frustratingly, at the time, I couldn’t find any good popular language. What to call this second era in human history? Everything I did find was loaded with weirdness. Like “Age of Aquarius.” Are all of us now to be carrying pitchers of water, like “The Water Carrier”? Scanning the skies for that one true constellation?
Besides, isn’t it pretty bit arrogant to choose the name of a constellation seen only in the Western Hemisphere? Every human on earth, bar none: Each and every one of us is living in the age that began after the Shift on Dec. 21, 2012.
So I cocreated this name: “The Age of Awakening.” At least, that’s how I remember it. How I found nothing on Google then for “Age of Awakening.” Back then I didn’t keep track of innovations unless I was filing an actual trademark for a unique system in this field. By contrast, these days, I remember to list Energy Spirituality® innovations. Makes it easier to track them, plus it’s just plain fun.
Next, What Is Empath Empowerment®, The Real Deal?
Simply put, this is a trademarked system with unique effectiveness for helping empaths. Exactly this system, nothing else, is what I’ll teach you, ever.
Why the trademark? Because this is the only system to strengthen empaths that, to my knowledge, makes use of your consciousness, your awareness. Others? Not so much.
So don’t be confused when you bump into people who claim to teach “Empath Empowerment.” Out of 9,000 books for empaths now sold at Amazon.com, only one of those authors has the legal right to use a trademark. Hello, she’s writing today’s blogpost for you!
Goofy-and-Shocking Cliche #4. Empath’s Empowerment
Before you read what follows, note that this search term is not Empath Empowerment let alone Empath Empowerment®. No, Empaths’s etc. is a term coined by Judith Orloff.
What’s More Helpful to Know?
Basically, she appropriated my trademarked term… Despite being a psychiatrist. A bestselling author of New Age books. A university professor.
Surely Orloff knows full well what a trademark means. Yet she has chosen this “clever” way to infringe upon my trademark. In order to gain traction, she has used her large advertising budget and clout to push-push-push this cheap imitation into mainstream use. As if she were the founder of Empath Empowerment, or taught anything remotely like it. (She isn’t and she doesn’t.)
Shamefully, just now, on my Google, Orloff’s cheap imitation is approaching 2 MILLION hits. (1,850,000 results)
The nerve! Anyway, now let’s explore some valid, big ideas to help with using your full potential as an empath…
Using Your Full Empath Potential. Big Idea #1.
WHEN Are You Living, Again? Oh, Right: You’re Living in the Age of Awakening
For that reason, empaths living now require skills that work now. During the Age of Awakening.
Otherwise you’re not taking advantage of how consciousness works now. But how can you gain reliable info on all of this? Choose from these resources, written by an empath expert who also has well developed skills for energetic literacy.
- Empaths can benefit from reading The New Strong.
- Empaths can benefit from taking our online series of workshops on The New Strong. Mind-blowing!
- Also, empaths can benefit from a certain how-to book for Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening
- And what if you prefer personal mentoring to help you to thrive as an empath? That is, thrive now, in the Age of Awakening. Then let the YouTube video at this last link… provide your introduction.
- Maybe you’d like to benefit from your own personal session(s) of Empath Coaching. Definitely, that can be arranged.
Empaths, whichever way you prefer… Let me help you, one Aha! at a time.
Goofy Cliche #5. Energy Vampires
Irrelevantly, just now, on my Google, the made-up idea of “Energy Vampires” scores close to 10 MILLION hits. (Specifically, 9,770,000 results.)
Why irrelevantly? So much hooey has gone mainstream about empaths being hurt by energy vampires and psychic vampires and narcissists. In a way, this isn’t surprising since a big influencer who aims to teach empaths is, guess who? Doc. Judith Orloff.
What’s More Helpful?
At her website, Orloff describes various types of energy vampires. All part of her earlier work as an empath influencer. For instance, from one of her books, “Energy vampires range from the intentionally malicious ones to those who are oblivious to their effect. Some are overbearing and obnoxious; others are friendly and charming.”
Incidentally, would you like me to explain my view on this? Why is there no such thing as a psychic vampire? Or an energy vampire? Just COMMENT at the version of this article at my personal blog. Ask and I’ll answer.
Using Your Full Empath Potential. Big Idea #2.
To Protect Yourself, Learn the Basics about Consciousness Lifestyles
What are “Consciousness Lifestyles”?
Sadly, at this time, Google messes upon this search. Although my Google reports 1,710 results hits for that term in quotes, only the first 3 hits are accurate.
Take a look. Pretty funny. For instance, the first result after the three articles that are really about “Consciousness Lifestyles”? It starts like this:
The RTS Interviews Volume 5: Collective Consciousness… This Volume discusses marriage and love. Prior to regeneration we enter into marriage with our natural mind.
Despite being an emerging term that few people know about yet, consciousness lifestyles are really important. Now that we’re living in the Age of Awakening, these everyday ways of using consciousness really do matter.
People’s Habits for Positioning their Consciousness in Everyday Life? This Is Important!
To be clear, “empath” is not a consciousness lifestyle. However, the choices we make in life can impact which consciousness lifestyle we develop. For instance, for the last few years I’ve done an annual survey about percentages of people with different consciousness lifestyle. Such as “Consciousness Lifestyles 2023.”
Not a single other empath expert is talking about this yet. That’s a shame. Especially because… And here’s where we get to the part that’s incredibly shocking…
Without Public Recognition, What Has Become Common among Today’s Empath Experts?
A great deal of “Empath Instruction Has Turned into Coaching People to Live in Spiritual Addiction”!
- Purposely? No. But in effect? Yes.
- Weird but all too true. Much of today’s empath teaching is dangerous for empaths.
- That’s right: Not only ineffective at producing Skilled Empaths. But dangerous due to the impact on consciousness lifestyles.
- Following the advice of folks like Orloff, empaths don’t become stronger.
- Instead, by doing what they’re taught, empaths will likely move into Spiritual Addiction.
- Why do I think so? Due to a ton of research on consciousness lifestyles.
- Furthermore, I’ve analyzed some of the teachings of empath “experts”. Helped by my experience as a Consciousness Engineer.
If only empath experts were required to have good skills of energetic literacy, that could be a start at discernment.
Goofy Cliche #6. Make Yourself an Empath
Ignorantly, imo! Just now, on my Google, this impossible idea scores well over 8 MILLION hits. (About 8,140,000 results)
- Really, lifelong sensitivity is an important concept for anybody interested in who’s a Highly Sensitive Person.
- Or who’s a Highly-Highly Sensitive Person, an empath.
- Or who’s a Highly-Highly INsensitive Person, etc.
In order to understand the concept of lifelong sensitivity, here’s an idea. Click on the next two links to learn about the Energy Spirituality SENSITIVITY SCALE. Scores on this scale are numerical. Ranging from 20, for being an Empath (for life!!!). All the way down to 1, for being a Highly-Highly Insensitive Person.
Using Your Full Empath Potential. Big Idea #3.
Empaths, Avoid New Age Leftovers
New Age Leftovers — that’s a term I coined in Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening.
Basically, this means still doing the fads that arose during the New Age Years, before the Shift. Of course, not knowing that these practices are fads. Gamely trying to succeed at these outdated practices. (Learn more about the outdatedness by reading… Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening.)
In that context, do you happen to carry around a pink Princess telephone? (That’s a landline brought to market in 1959.) How does that work for you?
As an empath, you’re very good at doing things that involve energy. But that doesn’t mean these practices are helpful for you. Nonetheless, many empath “experts,” to this day, are proposing these New Age Leftovers as if they were helpful for empaths.
Summing up
So here you are, Readers. You’ve learned about 3 Big Ideas for Empaths. Also, you’ve explored 6 Goofy Cliches that can impact your thinking about Empath Empowerment, and more.
And Following up
That is, how can you best follow up on this article if you’re not yet a Skilled Empath? Get yourself quality Empath Skills really easily. In 12 minutes a day.
- Buy yourself a copy of Empath Empowerment in 30 Days.
- Paperback recommended. Incidentally, did you know this? Scientific research shows that people learn better from physical books.
- Read 1 short chapter each day. (2 minutes)
- Do some easy homework. None of which counts as Technique Time, incidentally. (Up to 10 min. max)
- In a month, you’ll become a Skilled Empath.
Best of all, in the final chapter, you’ll preview learning how to do Skilled Empath Merge. Also known as, The biggest fun you can have with your clothes on.
Regarding Empath Kryptonite…
Thanks for reading, everyone. By now you’ve learned a lot.
So much important knowledge for empaths! And there’s more. Look for a Part 2 article on this topic — likely to be published a week from today. Specifically, look for the term Empath Kryptonite.
As America’s most experienced Empath Coach, I’m here to personally respond to your questions, stories, Aha!s. Also free of charge. Simply because helping empaths is something I can do, and also want to do.
Bye for now.
And feel free to hop over to my personal blog where an article similar to this one… includes the interactive fun of Comment Conversations. Currently, at “Deeper Perception Made Practical,” we have more than 122,000 comments. Come join us!